Hello, I’m going to write about junk food today. And you should pay attention to my writing.
There are many kinds of food in the world. We must concentrate on our eating habit. I think junk foods are delicious and sometimes it’s useful to us. We can save time.
But there must be bad things. Because fast food, cake, chocolate, coffee etc are included in junk foods. So it hasn’t any good vitamins. So I should “ ñàíàë áîëãîõ” healthy food. Mongolian soup is a very healthy and suitable.
Do you know how to prepare? You should prepare meat, onion, vegetable and salt, water etc. Then you should mix and boil all of them. Now you’ve healthy and delicious soup. If you don’t like it maybe you should do it again.
From Rags to Riches
Ноорхой ядуугаас баян болсон нь
Liza Smythe is successful British singer.
Лиза Смитын амжилт бол Ангилын дуучин.
Her smiling face appears on the covers of international magazines and every year she travels to many different parts of the world to perform concerts for millions of fans.
Түүний инээмсэглэсэн нүүр царай олон улс үндэстний сэтгүүлд гарсан ба жил бүр тэр гадаадад явж дэлхийн олон муж нутагт урлагийн тоглолт хийж үй түмэн шүтэн бишрэгчтэй болсон.
However life used to be very different for this bright young star from Liverpool.
Хэдий тийм боловч туулсан ядуу амьдрал нь энэ гялалзсан залуу одын амьдралаас их ялгаатай.
‘Eight years ago’ says Liza ‘I lived in a small terraced house with my parents and tree brothers.
Найман жилийн өмнөхөө Лиза ярьсан нь:”Би жижигхэн байшинд ээж аав мөн гурван ахтайгаа хамт амьдардаг.
It was very cramped
Тэр маш давчуу байсан
We didn’t have a lot of money so I used to work as a cleaner at the local hospital to make ends meet.
Бидэнд мөнгө байхгүй тэгээд надад ажил хийх хэрэгтэй болж орон нутгийн зочид буудалд цэвэрлэгч хийх болсон.
I used to buy my clothes from second-hand shops.
Өөртөө хэрэгтэй хувцасыг өөрийн оролцоотойгоор худалдац авах болсон.
I was quite plump back then because I liked eating chips and chocolate.
Би багадаа овоо мяраалаг байсан учир нь би чипс мөн школад идэх дуртай.
In my free time I used to sing in the college choir or go for walks on the beach.
Би чөлөөт цагаараа найрал дууны коллежид явах далайн эргээр алхаж өнгөрүүлдэг.
I didn’t use to go to clubs because they were very expensive.
Би клуб уруу явдаггүй байсан учир нь тэдгээр нь маш их үнэтэй.
I used to listen to the radio a lot though.
Хэдийгээр тийм боловч би хүлээн авагч сонсдог байсан.
I learnt all the words to every pop song and people hired me to sing at parties.
Би маш их поп дууны үгийг цээжилсэн мөн хүмүүс найрлахдаа намйаг хөлсөлж дуулуулдаг байсан.
My friends liked my voice a lot so they persuaded me to send a cassette to a record company.
Миний найзууд миний дуунд их дуртай тэгээд тэд хуурцганд бичиж бичлэгийн компанид илгээсэн юм.
That’s how it all started for me.
Тэд бүгдээрээ ингэж л намайг эхлүүлсэн юм .
Three weeks later I received a phone call from the company and my life changed completely.
Гурван долоо хоногийн дараа компаниас утасдаж намайг хүлээн авсан бас миний амьдрал дуусгавар болж өөрчилөлт орсон.
Today Liza lives in a large house with big garden just outside London with her husband and young daughter.
Өнөөдөр Лиза Лондонд том байшинтай гаднаа том цэцэрлэгт хүрээлэнтэй өөрийн нөхөр болон жаахан охинтойгоо хамт амьдарч байна.
She is much slimmer now and looks very elegant in her chic designer clothes.
Тэр бол одоо нэлээд нарийхан гоолиг мөн царайлаг дэгжин тэр дэгдээхэй шиг загвартай хувцасладаг,
She is constantly on a diet and goes to the gym everyday to keep her body in shape.
Тэр үргэлж өдөр тутмын нарийн дэглэмтэй хоололдог мөн гимнастик хийдэг өдөр бүр бие галбираа тэтгэж байдаг.
In her free time she enjoys going to the theatre or to parties.
Тэр чөлөөт цагтаа театр явж үдэшлэгт очиж баясдаг.
Liza’s lifestyle has changed a lot since those days in Liverpool.
Лизагийн ноорхой амьдарлын өдрүүдээс хойших хэв маяг
I think I’m very lucky to lead the life I do today
Миний бодлоор би маш их азтай өнөөдөр миний амьдрал дээшилсэн
It’s not easy though because I don’t have the privacy that I used to have
Энэ амар биш учир нь би амар амгалан зүгээр суудаггүй байсан
Still I have a lovely family and very promising career
Миний гэр бүл мөн ажил маш тайван нам гүм
What else could I ask for?”
Sye says.
Надаас өөр асуух зүйл байна уу?” гэж тэр хэлэв.
Hello, people of Mongolia!
Whatever country we come from, whatever history and traditional our culture is, whatever colour our skin is, we all have one thing in common: We are all people of the world.
Mongolia is a beautiful country with a rich culture just center of Asia. People call it “The Mongolian of great khaan Chinggis” for a good reason. It,s continental climate, white snow highland and ancient sight make it a perfect holiday destination. What makes it really special, though, is its people.
Mongolian people are good-looking. They are medium hight with delicate features. They have got black long hair, dark eyes and light yellowish complexion. The Mongolians are friendly people who are well known for being generous and kind. “We happy people who have strong wills and are especially proud of our history” says Zulaa from Ulaanbaatar.
Most people in Mongolia live in city and country. A typical Mongolian country consists of national ger, a school and Buddhist temple. Most of the people in the country are farmers, officer and herdsmen. The men usually work in the other housework and the women housework and hand make.
Ulaanbaatar the capital of Mongolia, is lived late two millions people, with plenty of smaller shops.
Antique lavers can find fantastic furniture in the small antique shops on Enkhtaivan’s street, and collectors can find rare books on the bookstalls Chinggis’s street. There are also some cleanliness. Gobi cashmere and Darkhan nekhii offers a great variety of high quality skirts, jackets, deel and designer clothes. The SKY is a group of little streets with some of the trendiest boutiques. There you can buy fashionable clothes, shoes and jewellery For shoppers with cash money accounts, there is a wide range of jewellery and designer fashion houses along the mongon zavya such as Gobi cashmere and Darkhan nekhii.
Shops in Ulaanbaatar are usually open from eight or ten in the morning about seven in the evening, from Monday to Sunday. The big sales come after Tsagaan sar and before the autumn collections.
Don’t miss the chance to go shopping in Ulaanbaatar. There is always something to suit everyone’s pocket and taste.
Family life is very important in Mongolian, and families often eat together. Mongolian food is very delicious. Mongolians like eating barbeque and steamed dumplings. “We eat steamed dumplings with our meals and use lot of strong meat in our cooking” explains Zulaa.
Mongolian people love to enjoy themselves. Popular free-time activities in dude Mongolia wrestling and camel festivals. Mongolians also celebrate many festivals throughout the year “My favourite holiday is Naadam July” says Zulaa Ulaanbaatar.
Ulaanbaatar is a wonderful country. It’s fascinating singhts rich cultural history and warmhearted people make it unique
What do the cooken dinner?
Hello, I’m going to write about junk food today. And you should pay attention on my writing.
There are many kinds of food in the world. We must coelenterate on our eating habit. I think junk foods are delicious and sometimes it’s useful to us. We can save time. But there must be bad things. Because in junk foods there: fast foods, cake, chocolate, coffee etc. So it hasn’t any good vitamin. So I should “ ñàíàë áîëãîõ” healthy food. In Mongolia soup is a very healthy and suitable.
Do you know how to prepare? You should prepare meat, onion, vegetable and salt, water etc. Then you should min ale of them. Now you’ve healthy and delicious soup. If you don’t line it maybe you should do it again.
Grammar: Used to
Used to if зөвхөн өнгөрсөн цагт тодорхой хугацаанд хийж байгаа одоо больсон, орхисон үйлийг хэлж өгүүлэхэд хэрэглэнэ. Энэ үйл үг хагас баймж үйл үг юм.
Жишээ нь: I used to play tennis a lot, but I’m now too lazy.
( Би их теннис тоглодог байсан, одоо харин бүр больсон.)
I used to live with my parents. Now I live in my own apartment.
Ann used to be afraid of dogs, but now she likes dogs.
Don used to smoke, but he doesn’t anymore. Used to expresses a past situation or habit that no longer exists at present.
FROM: used to + the simple from of a verb
Did you use to live in Paris? QUESTION FROM: did + subject + use to
I didn’t use to drink coffee at breakfast.
I never used to drink coffee at breakfast, but now I always have coffee in the morning. NIGATIVE FROM: didn’t use to\ never used to
Used to нь Өнгөрсөн байдал, зан төлвийг илэрхийлэхэд хэрэглэгддэг ч Past Simple tense –ээс ялгаатай.
• We use used to or the past simple to describe past habits and states which don’t happen \ exist any more.
Used to эсвэл Past simple нь өнгөрсөн зан зуршил нөхцөл байдлыг өгүүлдэг. өөр ямар ч гарцгүй.
EXAMPLE:I worked\ used to work as a cleaner (past habit)
Би цэвэрлэгчээр ажилладаг байсан. (өнгөрсөн зуршил)
I didn’t have\ didn’t use to have long hair (state)
Би урт үсгүй байсан.(төлөв)
• We use the past simple for an action which happened at a specific time in the past
Өнгөрсөн цаг нь өнгөрсөн үйл хэрэг нөхцөл байдлыг онцлон заадаг.
EXAMPLE: We went to the beach last Saturday.
Бид өнгөрсөн хагас сайнд нуурын эрэг уруу явсан.
Not: We used to go the beach last Saturday.
Мөн өнгөрсөн үед байсан боловч одоо байхгүй болсон нөхцөл байдлбн тухай хэлэхэд хэрэглэж болно.
Жишээ нь: We used to live in small village but now we live in America.
(Бид жижигхэн тосгонд амьдарч байсан боловч, одоо Америкад амьдарч байна.)
Used to нь To be used to –ээс огт өөр юм. Эннэ нь дасах, хэвших, идээших, сурах гэсэн утгыг илэрхийлнэ.
• To be used to –ийн араас үйл үг ямагт –ing төгсгөлтэй байна.
• Used to –д одоо цагийн утга байхгүй, үргэлж өнгөрсөн цагт буюу өнгөрсөн цагийн утгыг илэрхийлдэг.
• I used to ба Im used to хэлхэцийг хольж хутгахгүй байх нь чухал.
- I used to live alone.(Би ганцаараа амьдарч байсан гэхдээ одоо бол ганцаараа биш)
- I’m used to live alone.(Би ганцаарааа амьдардаг буюу сурсан дассан үйл гэсэн үг.)
-He used to smoke- He doesn’t smoke
past 2 years ago now
He used to smoke 40 cigarettes a day.
1. When I was a child, I was shy. Now I’m not shy.
- I used to be shy, but now I’m not.
2. Now you live in city. Where did you live before you came here?
- Where did you use to live.
3. I used to ride my bicycle to work, but now I take the bus.
4. What time did you use to go to bed when you were a child?
5. I didn’t use to stay up past midnight, but now I often go to bed very late because I have to study.
Bill Gates
Everyone has heard of Bill Gates, one of the richest and most successful people in the world.
Дэлхийн хамгийн баян, амжилтай хүний нэг болон Билл Гэйтсийн тухай хүн бүр сонссон.
Microsoft, the business he started whit a friend in 1975, has become the world’s largest computer software company, and Gates was the world’s youngest billionaire at the age of 31.
1975 онд найзтайгаа хамт эхлүүлсэн бизнес болон дэлхийн компьютерын программ хангамжийн микрософт компани нь хамгийн том нь болсон бөгөөд, 31 настай Гэйтс дэлхийн хамгийн залуу тэрбумтан болсон.
His full name is William Henry Gates 3, and he was born on 28th October, 1955, in Seattle, USA.
Түүний бүтэн нэр нь Билл Гэйтс Хэйнри 3, бөгөөд тэрээр АНУ-йн Сэйтлд 1955оны 10 сарын28 нд төржээ.
At school. Bill soon showed that he was very intelligent, and especially good at Maths and Science.
Сургуульд байхдаа Билл ухаантай сурагч байсан ба ялангуяа Математикын шинжлэх ухаанд сайн байжээ.
His parents decided to send him to Lakeside,the private school where he first began to use computers.
Түүний эцэг эх нь түүнийг Лэйк сайд хувийн сургууль руу хийжүүлэхээр шийдэж тэнд тэрээр анх удаа компьютзрыг хэрэглэжээ.
13-year-old Bill Gates and his schoolfriend Paul Allen were soon spending all their writing programs and learning about computers instead of doing their schoolwork.
13 настай Билл Гэйтис болон түүний сургуулийн анд Паул Аллен нар гэрийн даалгавраа хийхийн оронд программ бичиж, компьютер сурч цагийг өнгөрөөдөг байв.
After finishing school in 1973, Bill went to Harvard, America’s most famous university.
1973 онд сургуулиа төгссөний дараа Билл Америкын хамгийн алдартай сургууль Харвардад орсон.
The next year, he and Paull Allen wrote an operating program for the Altair one of the world’s first microcomputers.
Дараа жил нь Паул Аллен тэр хоёр дэлхийн анхны бичил компьютерын нэг болон Алтайрид зориулсан шинжилгээний программ бичжээ.
The two friends started Microsoft in 1975, and Gates left Harvard.
2 найз 1975 онд Микрософтыг эхлүүлж Билл Харвардаас гарсан.
Before long , Microsoft was a major business success.
Урт Микрософт амжилттай үндсэн бизнес болов.
Since then, the company has continued to grow, producing most of the world’s leading PC software.
Дараа нь компани өргөжиж дэлхийн тэргүүний РС программ хангамжийн ихэнхийг үйлдэх болов.
One reason for hus success is that Gates has always been very ambitious and hardworking.
Гэйтсийн амжилтанд хүрэх нэг шалтгаан нь тэр үргэлж эриэлзэлтэй ажилсаг байдагт нь холбоотой.
This has not left him much time for a normal personal life but in 1994 he married Melinda French , a Nicrosoft employee and in 1995 he wrote a best-selling book, The Road Ahead.
Хувийн амьдралдаа их цаг зарцуулдаггүй байсан ч 1994 онд Микрософтын ажилтан Мэлинда Фрэнчтэй гэрлэж 1995 онд борлуулалт сайтай ном болон “Амжилтанд хүрэх зам” номоо бичжээ.
Bill has mixed feelings about spending so much time running Microsoft.
Билл микрософтын үйл ажиллагааг явуулахын тулд маш их цаг зарцуулж байв.
“There are a lot of experiences I haven’t had, but I do like my job,”he says.
“Надад тийм ч их туршилага байгааүй би ажилдаа дуртай” гэж тэрээр хэлдэг.
When he does find time to relax, he likes puzzles, golf and rfading about science.
Тэрэнд амрах цаг гарахад тэр голф тоглож шинжлэх ухаанй талаар унших дуртай .
For such a rich person, his life is simple, and he spends little on himself and his family.
Хэдий баян хүн ч түүний амьдрал нь энгийн ба тэр өөртөө болон гэр бүлдээ бага мөнгө зарцуулдаг.
When it comes to helping others though, Gates is very generous.
Харин бусдад туслахдаа Билл маш өглөгч байгаа.
He has already given huge amounts of money to charity, and says that he plans to give away almost all of his wealth when he retires.
Тэр тусламжид маш их хэмжээний мөнгийг аль хэдийн өгсөн ба тэтгэвэрт гарахдаа бүх хөрөнгөө үлдээнэ ч гэж ярьдаг.
Street Kids
Street kids can be found everywhere in Ulaanbaatar. These children are forgotten and thrown out by their parents or have no homes or parents. Some of them ran away from alcoholic fathers or parents. Many of the kids prefer the freedom of the streets rather than starving or the torment and pressure in their families. These homeless children live in the city’s underground heating pipes; the only places where they can live in winter.
The government of Mongolia and several foreign aid organizations take care of these children by involving them in education and health programs. There are organizations like Save the Children, the National Center of Children, the Christina Noble Foundation, World Vision and the Lotus Children’s Center. These children need people to love, to protect them. Like their peers they have rights to live in families, to study at school and to get medical attention.
We hope that one day the street children will be guaranteed their most basic human right-to grow up safely and happily.
Water, water Everywhere ...
Imagine a world with no drinking water, and no water to wash or cook with. It’s hard to imagine this, because we use water every day without even thinking about it. Yet there are terrible water shortages all over the world. In parts of Africa and China, for example, many people don’t even have clean water to drink. In fact, over half of the people in the world have to live with water shortages every day. We all need water –not just for our homes and factories, but to survive. Fortunately, there are things that we can all do to save water.
The solution begins at home. We can the water from our baths and use it for the garden, instead of wasting hundreds of liters of clean water on our lawns and plants. This would help to save many liters of water everyday, especially in the summer.
Governments can help by passing laws to stop factories from wasting and polluting water. If factories recycled water and stopped pouring chemicals into our lakes and rivers, there would be a lot more clean water around.
Governments could also stop water companies from wasting millions of liters of water because of leaking pipes. Many cities have successfully saved water by repairing pipes.
All in all, there are many things we can do to save our planet’s disappearing water supplies. The time has come to start understanding the value of water, before a world without clean water becomes a terrible reality.
1b 11c 21c 31a
2c 12a 22a 32a
3a 13b 23a 33a
4b 14a 24c 34c
5b 15a 25c 35c
6a 16a 26a 36c
7b 17b 27b 37b
8c 18c 28a 38c
9b 19a 29b
10b 20a 30c
exercise 2 Choose the correct word to fill in the sentence.
1.make 2.produse 3.smoke 4.fumes 5.easily
6.hardly 7.cold 8.freezing 9.repaired 10.save
exercise 2 How quickly can you match the words and the descriptions?
1.k 2.l 3.b 4.m 5.a 6.j 7.n
8.c 9.h 10.d 11.g 12.e 13.f 14.i
exercise 3. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.
1.Diana said to Mark Paul was wearing black sunglasses.
2.Bill said he would buy a newspaper.
3.Clieve said George had eaten all the chocolates.
4.Tom asked Sam waht his favorite color was.
5.Amma asked Claire if you liked strawberries.
exercise 4
1.deny 2.laugh 3.love 4.win 5.freeze
6.accept 7.borrow 8.spend 9.buy 10.start
1.Is there a supermarket near here?
2.How do I get to the museum?
3.What time?
4.How lucky!
5.What a pity!
Read the following text and choose the correct answer..
1b 2a 3b 4c 5c
6a 7b 8d 9b 10a
Species at Risk: The Golden Eagle
Golden eagles are large powerful birds. They weigh from four to ten kilograms and have a wide wing span. They have excellent soaring ability and are sometimes called “Lion of the sky”.
Golden eagle are skilled hunters. Their sense of sight is excellent and helps them to easily spot small prey (mice, rabbits, birds, snakes) on the ground far below. When an eagle spots prey it quickly swoops down and grabs it in its strong, sharp claws.
The great golden eagle can be found in many parts of the world. They live in mountain and forest regions. Unfortunately the habitat of the golden eagle is being damaged by mining and forestry. It is important that humans protect the habitat of the golden eagle so it may survive into the future.
The Internet: FAQS
(Frequently asked questions)
Интернэт:(байнга тохиолддог асуултуудын хариулт)
The internet is without doubt one of the most important inventions in history.
Интернэт бол эргэлзээгүй дэлхийн түүхэн дэх хамгийн чухал нээлтүүдийн нэг юм.
It was started in 1968 by the US government, but at first it was used mainly by scientists.
Үүнийг америкийн засгийн газар 1968 онд эхлүүлсэн боловч эхэндээ зөвхөн эрдэмтэд л ашигладаг байсан.
Since 1990, when the World Wide Web was created, it has changed the world, and its uses are growing every day.
1990 оноос хойш Дэлхийн Өргөн Сүлжээ тархсан ба энэ нь дэлхийг өөрчилж хэрэглээ нь өдөр ирэх тусам нэмэгдэж байна.
What exactly is the internet?
Интернэт гэж яг юу вэ?
The Internet is the network (several networks, in fact) of millions of computers around the world, connected by phone lines, satellite or cable, so that all the computers on the net can exchange information with each other.
Интернэт нь дэлхийн эргэн тойронд байгаа олон сая компьютерүүдийн утасны шугам, сансрын кабелиар холбогдсон сүлжээ(хэд хэдэн сүлжээ) бөгөөд компьютерүүд өөр хоорондоо мэдээлэл солилцдог.
That’s the same thing as the Web, isn’t it?
Энэ сүлжээтэй адилхан зүйл гэж үү?
Not quite.
яг ч тийм биш.
The internet links computers, and the World Wide Web is a system which links the information stored inside these computers.
Интернэт нь компьютерийг холбодог, Дэлхийн Өргөн Сүлжээ нь тэдгээр компьютерүүдийн дотороо хадгалсан мэдээллийг холбодог систем юм.
What is the web site?
Веб сайт гэж юу вэ?
A company or organization stores its information in electronic documents one of the Internet computers, somewhere in the world.
Компани эсвэл байгуулага мэдээллээ цахилгаан бичиг баримтаар дэлхийн хаа нэгтээ аль нэг интернэттэй компьютерт байрлуулдаг.
This computer space-the companies web site- has an address, in the same way that everyone telephone has a number.
Компьютерт байрласан Компаний веб сайтад хаяг холбогдох утасны дугаар нь байдаг.
To visit a web site, you simply enter the address.
Веб сайтруу орохдоо хаягаа оруулна.
Your computer is connected to the web site, a document is downloaded, and a page appears on your computer screen.
Компьютер веб сайтад холбогдоход баримтууд хуудас байдлаар дэлгэцэн дээр харагддаг.
How do I surf the net?
Сүлжээнд яаж холбогдох вэ?
When you visit a web site looking for information, some words on the page may be underlined, showing that there is more information about the subject in another document.
Таныг мэдээлэл хайхаар веб сайтад ороход хуудасан дээр зарим онцолсон үг байх ба, энэ үг цаанаа өөр зүйлийн тухай илүү их мэдээллийг агуулсан байдаг.
If you click on one of these words, the web automatically connects your computer to a new document or web site, even if this is stored thousands of kilometers away.
Хэрвээ та энэ үгэн дээр клик хийвэл энэ олон мянган километрийн цаана байрласан ч сүлжээ автоматаар таны компьютерийг шинэ баримттай холбоно.
You are surfing the net!
Та сүлжээнд холбогдлоо.
What can I use the Internet for?
Интернэтийг юунд ашиглаж болох вэ?
The main use of the Internet is to find information-for your schoolwork or job, or just to find out more about your hobbies, sports or current events.
Интернэтийг гол нь хичээл, ажил, өөрийн сонирхолын талаар болон, сүүлийн үеийн мэдээлэл хайхад ашигладаг.
You can also use the Internet to read newspapers and magazines, play games, plan your holiday or buy things from your favorite shop.
Та интернэтийг ашигласнаар та сонин сэтгүүл унших, тоглоом тоглох, амралтаа төлөвлөх эсвэл хүссэн зүйлээ авч чадна.
E-mail makes it possible to electronic messages anywhere in the world in seconds, and you can use the internet to ‘chat’ with people and make new friends.
И-мэйлээр дэлхийн хаана ч байсан секудын дотор электрон шуудан явуулах боломжтой ба интернэтээр хүмүүстэй чаталж шинэ найзтай болж болно.
What do I need in order to use the internet?
Интернэт хэрэглэхийн тулд юу хийх хэрэгтэй вэ?
If you don’t already use the internet, all you need to get started is a computer, a modern and phone line.
Хэрвээ та өмнө нь интернэт хэрэглэж байгаагүй бол эхлээд компьютероо сүүлийн үеийн утасны шугамтай холбох хэрэгтэй.
Using the internet is getting cheaper and easier all the time. Интернэтийн хэрэглээ нь аль ч цагт хэрэглэхэд хялбархан,хямдхан болсон.
Are you ready to surf the net?
Та интернэтэд холбогдоход бэлэн үү?
There is a whole exciting Internet world out there waiting for you! Интернэтийн гайхамшигтай ертөнц таныг хүлээж байна.
The Pros and Cons of using the Internet
Прос ба Консын Интрнэтийн хэрэглээ
Advertisements for the Internet promise you a world of information, entertainment, on-line shopping and e-mail services.
Интернэтийн зар сурталчилгаа нь мэдээлэл, үзвэр үйлчилгээ, онлайн дэлгүүрийн үйлчилгээ, имэйл үйлчилгээг олж авахад чухал үүргийг гүйцэтгэдэг.
However the real world of the Internet may not be as perfect as the advertisements suggest.
Хэдий тийм боловч интернэтйин бодит ертөнц нь зар сурталчилгаа шиг төгс байдаггүй.
Using the Internet offers many advantages.
Интернэтийн үйлчилгээ нь олон давуу талтай.
For example, all of the latest information is available to you, in your home, at any hour of the day or night.
Жишээ нь, та бүх сүүлийн үеийн мэдээлэлийг өдөр шөнийн аль ч цагт гэрээсээ авах боломжтой.
It is much faster and easier to surf the net in search of information from all over the world than to travel to libraries in dozens of countries.
Интернэтэд орсноор маш хялбархан түргэн шуурхай дэлхийн олон орны мэдээллээр аялах боломжтой.
Firstly on-line shopping makes it possible to search through catalogues to find exactly what you want at the best price, saving both time and money.
Нэгдүгээрт, онлайн дэлгүүрийн үйлчилгээгээр та каталогоос хүссэн зүйлээ тохирсон үнээр нь авч цаг мөнгөө хэмнэх болно.
By joining a newsgroup or chat group, you can share your hobbies and special interests, and perhaps make friends all over the world.
Мэдээлэл чатын хэсэгт та бусадтай өөрийн сонирхол хоббигоо хуваалцан дэлхий дахинд олон найзтай болж болно.
Finally e-mail is popular because it is faster than sending a letter and cheaper than a telephone conversation.
Эцэст нь имэйл нь захиа явуулахаас хурдан ба утасны ярианаас хямдхан байдаг.
On the other hand, the Internet has several disadvantages.
Нөгөөтэйгүүр интернэтэд зарим нэгэн сул тал бий.
Also, with so much information available, finding what you want can take you hours.
Мөн хүссэн үедээ хангалттай мэдээллийг авах боломжтой.
Multimedia web pages with photographs, music and video are attractive, but they make downloading show and boring.
Мултимедиа веб хуудас нь зураг хөгжим зэргийг багтаасан байдаг ч үүнд холбогдоход удаан уйтгартай байдаг.
What is more, there is too much advertising instead of real information.
Үүнээс гадна тэнд бодитой мэдээллийн оронд зар сурталчилгаа их байдаг.
As for Internet friendships, sitting at home in front of a computer making ‘chat friends’ is not the same actually meeting people.
Гэртээ компьютерийн ард суугаад чаатны найзтай болох нь яг хүнтэй уулзахтай адилхан биш байдаг.
In conclusion, the Internet obviously has both good and bad points.
Дүгнэж хэлэхэд, интернэт муу ч сайн ч талтай.
Fortunately, the system is improving all the time, and any problems which still exist can be solved.
Хэдий тийм боловч энэ систем нь улам сайжирч асуудал нь багасч байгаа.
Whether we like it or not, the Internet is here to stay, so we have to make the best possible use of it.
Интернэт бидэнд таалагдсан ч, таалагдаагүй ч энэ бидний хамгийн чухал хэрэглээ байсаар байх болно.
Mini test #6
1-b 11-b 21-a 31-a 41-a
2-b 12-a 22-b 32-a 42-c
3-a 13-a 23-a 33-b 43-b
4-c 14-b 24-b 34-c 44-b
5-a 15-b 25-a 35-b 45-a
6-c 16-c 26-b 36-b 46-a
7-b 17-a 27-c 37-c 47-b
8-a 18-a 28-b 38-a 48-a
9-c 19-b 29-c 39-a 49-c
10-a 20-a 30-b 40-b
1.She told Jerry to pass her a bowl.
2.She told Susie to get her some eggs from the fridge.
3.Our mother told us not to forget to wash your hands.
4.Mrs. Cross told her dog sitter not to give him any sweets.
5.Mrs. Cross told her dog sitter to feed him twice a day.
1.aren’t you
2.does she
3.did you
4.hasn’t she
5.won’t you
6.have you
7.isn’t she
8.can’t I
9.hadn’t they
10.didn’t he
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