Mongolia is a beautiful country which is located on north of China and south of Russia at the hearth of central Asia. Mongolia, the homeland of one of the oldest empire states of the world is evolving into a prominent destination for the world’s “digging” and “dealing” communities.
Mongolians really love the outdoors. Most of them tend to be medium, with black hair and brown eyes and usually yellow skin. The Mongolians are friendly people who are well known for being generous and kind.
Most foreigners realize that Mongolia is a country of steppe. And so, Mongolians live in the boundary of khangai and steppe landscape. Mongolians who are in the countryside live in gers. Most of them are farmers and herdsmen. Men usually work out line feeding sheep and riding horse. Women do all the housework and milk cows.
There are a lot of shops but most of them are situated in third and forth district in UB. There fore the biggest shop of Mongolia is the State Department Store and the black market is Narantuul. The State Department Store is managed by Nomin corporation. And it was founded 1961.
Family is very important things for them and they often eat together. Mongolians like eating meat and steamed dumplings and fried pies. Mongolian national food is meat of the five kinds of domestic animals.
Mongolian people love enjoying themselves. On their free time they do activities including playimg billards and riding horse. Mongolians also celebrate many festivals throughout the year. Mongolia’s national holidays are Tsagaan sar and The three manly games. For mongolians the national holiday naadam is a celebration of cultural sports, celebrated over three days beginning on July 11. During the three days competitions for the three manly games, horseracing, wrestling and archery are held.
Mongolia is a wonderful country. It’s fascinating sights rich cultural history and warm-hearted people make it unique.
From Rags to Riches
Ядуу байгаад баяжих
Liza Smythe is a successful Britsh singer. Лиза Смит бол Английн амжилттай дуучин. Her stunning face appears up the covers of international magazines and every year she travels to many different parts of the world to perform concerts for millions of fans. Түүний гайхамшигтай дүр төрх нь олон улсын сэтгүүлийн хавтсан дээр гардаг ба жил бүр тэрээр дэлхийн өөр хэсгээр аялаж олон сая фенүүддээ концертоо тоголдог.
However, life used to be very different for this bright young star from Liverpool. Хэдийгээр Лиферпүүлийн залуу одын амьдрал өөр байдаг байлаа. “Eight years ago,” says Liza, “I lived in a small terraced house with my parents and three brothers. “Найман жилийн өмнө” Лиза хэлэхдээ “Би аав ээж болон гурван ахнартайгаа жижигхэн түрээсийн байранд амьдардаг байсан. It was very cramped! Тэр нь маш давчуу! We didn’t have a lot of money, so I used to work as a cleaner at the local hospital to make ends meet. Бидэнд тийм ч их мөнгө байгаагүй болохоор амьдралаа залгуулахын тулд орон нутгийн эмнэлэгтээ цэвэрлэгчээр ажилладаг байсан. I used to buy my clothes from second-hand shops. Би хувцсаа комиссын барааны дэлгүүрээс авдаг байсан. I was quite plump back then, because I liked eating chips and chocolate. Би нэлээн махлаг байсан яагаад гэвэл би чипс школод идэх дуртай байсан. In my free time I used to sing in the college choir or go for walks on the beach. Би чөлөөт цагаараа сургуулийнхаа найрал дуунд дуулж мөн далайн эргээр алхдаг байлаа. I didn’t use to go to clubs because they were very expensive. Би клубруу явдаггүй байсан учир нь тэдгээр нь их үнэтэй. I used to listen to the radio a lot, though. Харин тэхийнхээ оронд би радио их сонсдог байсан. I learnt all the words to every pop song and people hired me to sing at parties. Би бүх хит дуунуудын үгийг цээжилдэг байсан бөгөөд хүмүүс намайг үдэшлэгт хөлсөлж дуулуулдаг байсан. My friends liked my voice a lot, so they persuaded me to send a cassette to a record company. Миний найз нар миний хоолойнд дуртай байсан болохоор намайг дуу бичилгийн компанд касет явуул гэж ятгадаг. That’s how it all started for me.Тэгээд энэ бүхэн эхэлсэн юм. Three weeks later, I received a phone call from the company and my life changed completely.” Гурван долоо хоногийн дараа би тэр компанаас дуудлага хүлээн авч миний амьдрал бүхэлдээ өөрчлөгдсөн юм.
Today, Liza lives in a large house with a big garden just outside London with her husband and young daughter. Одоо Лиза Лондонд нөхөр болон охинтойгоо гадаанаа том цэцэрлэгтэй байшинд амьдарч байна. She is much slimmer now, and looks very elegant in her chic designer clothes. Тэрээр одоо маш туранхай, дэгжин дизайнерийн хувцастай маш ихэмсэг харагддаг. She is constantly on a diet and goes to the gym very day to keep her body in shape. Өөрийнхөө биеийн галбирыг хадгалахын тулд тогтмол хоолны дэглэм барьж мөн өдөр бүр зааланд дасгал хийдэг. In her free time she enjoys going to the theatre or to parties. Чөлөөт цагаараа тэрээр театр болон клубруу явах дуртай.
Liza’s lifestyle has changed a lot since those days in Liverpool. Ливерпүүлийн тэрхүү өдрүүдээс хойш Лизагийн амьдрал өөрчлөгдсөн. “I think I’m very lucky to lead the life I do today. “Би өнөөдрийн энэхүү сайхан амьдралд хүрсэндээ их азтай гэж боддог. It’s not easy, though, because I don’t have the privacy that I used to have. Still, Гэхдээ энэ нь одоог хүртэл тийм амархан байгаагүй учир нь би өмнөх шигээ таваараа байгаагүй. I have a lovely family and a very promising career. Одоо надад миний хайртай гэр бүл болон маш найдвартай ирээдүйтэй ажил байгаа. What else could I ask for?” she says. Өөр би юуг хүсэх юм бэ?” гэж тэр хэлэв.
Mongolia is a beautiful country which logates on north of China and south of Russia at the hearth of centrel Asia. Mongolia the homeland of one of the oldest empire states of the world is evolving into a prominent destination for the world’s “digging” and “dealing” communities.
Mongolians really love the outdoors. Most of them tend to be medium, with black hair and brown eyes and usually yellow skin. The Mongolians are friendly people who are well known for being generous and kind.
Most foreigners realize that Mongolia is a country of steppe. And so, Mongolians live in the boundary of khangai and steppe landscape. Mongolians who are in countryside live in gers. Most of them are farmers and herdsmen. Men usually work out line feeding sheep and riding horse. Women do all the housework and milk cows.
In Mongolian there are a lot of shops but most of them are situated in third and forth dishiet. There fore the biggest shop of Mongolia is the State Department store and the black market is Narantuul. The State Department Store was monopoled by Nomin corporation. And it was founded 1961.
Family is very important things for their and often eat together. Mongolian’s like eating meat and stanned dumplin and fired pies. Mongolian national food is five kinds of domestic animals meat.
Mongolian people love enjoying themselves. On their free time they do activities including play billard and riding horse. Mongolians also celebrate many festivals through out the year. Mongolia’s national holidays are Tsagaan sar and The three manly games. For mongolian’s the national holiday naadam is a celebration of cultural sports, celebrated over three days beginning on July 11. During the three days competitions for the three manly games, horseracing, wrestling and archery are held.
Mongolia is a wonderful country. It’s fascinating sights rich cultural history and warm-hearted people make it unique.
Have to (тэгэх ёстой )
Have to is impersonal. We use have to for facts. Not for our personal feelings. You have to do something because or rule or the situation.
have to нь эзэн биегүй юм. Бид have to г хэрэглэхдээ. Хувийн зүйл дээр хэрэглэхгүй зайлшгүй биелүүлэх ёстой дүрэм журам дээр хэргэлнэ. have to ийн хойно орсон үйл үг анхны хэлбэрээрээ байна. Жнь:
- You can’t turn right here. You have to turn left. (because of the traffic system) Чи баруун эргэж болохгүй. Чи зүүн эргэх ёстой. Яагаад гэвэл энэ замын систем.
- My eyesight isn’t very good. I have to wear glasses for reading. Миний нүдний хараа тийм сайн биш. Тиймээс би сонин уншихдаа нүдний шил зүүх ёстой.
- George can’t come out with us this evening. He has to work.
Жорж өнөө орой ирж чадахгүй. Тэр ажилтай.
- I have to get up early tomorrow. I’m going away and my train leaves at 7:30. Би маргааш өглөө эрт босох ёстой. Миний галт тэрэг 7:30д хөдөлнө.
Have to can be used in all forms. For example:
Have to г олон юман дээр хэргэлнэ. Жишээ нь:
I had to go to hospital. (past)
I might have to go to hospital. (infinitive)
Have you ever had to go to hospital. (present perfect)
Note that we use do/ does/ did with have to in present and past questions and negative sentences:
What do I have to do to get a driving licence? (not ‘have I to do’)
Why did you have to go to hospital? (not ‘had you to go’)
Tom doesn’t have to work on Saturdays. (not ‘hasn’t to work’)
Need to (тэгэх хэрэгтэй)
I need to do something= it is necessary for me to do it.
Энэ нь ер нь чи тэгэх хэрэгтэй ингэх хэрэгтэй гэсэн утга санааг илэрхийлнэ.
- I need to take more exercise. Би дасгалаа хийж дадах хэрэгтэйв
- He needs to work harder if he wants to make progress. Тэр хэцүү ажилаа хийх хэрэгтэй, тэр амжилтанд хүрхийг хүсэж байгаа.
- It’s difficult proplem. It needs thinking about very carefully. Энэ маш хэцүү асуудал. Үүний талаар болгоомжтой бодох хэрэгтэй
- The batteries in the radio need changing. Радионы батериаг солих хэрэгтэй.
Bill Gates
Билл Гэтис
Everyone has heard of Bill Gates one of the richest and most successful
people in the world.
Хүн болгон Билл Геитсийн тухай сонссон бөгөөд тэрээр дэлхийн хамгийн алдартай баян хүмүүсийн нэг билээ.
Microsoft the business he started with a friend in 1975,has become the
world’s largest computer software company,and Gates was the world’s
youngest billionaire at the age of 31.
1975 онд найзуудтайгаа микрософтийн ажилаа эхэлж дэлхийн хамгийн том компьютерийн программ хангамжийн компани болсон бөгөөд Гэтис нь 31н настайдаа дэлхийн хамгийн залуу тэрбумтан болсон.
His full name is William Henry Gates3,and he was born on 28th October
1955 in Seattle,USA.
Түүний бүтэн нэрийг Виллиам Хэнри Гэтис3 гэдэг ба тэр 1955 оны
10-р сарын 28-нд Америкийн Сеатлид төрсөн.
At school ,Bill soon showed that he was very intelligent ,and especially
good at Maths and Science.
Суралцахын хажуугаар Билл компьютерийн өндөр чадвартай байсан бөгөөд ялангуяа математик болон шинжлэх ухаанд онцгой сайн байсан.
His parents decided to send him to Lakeside,the private school where
he first began to use computers.
Түүний эцэг эх нь эрс шийдэмгий хүмүүс байсан бөгөөд түүнийг
нуурын эрэг дээрх хувийн сууц руугаа явуулсан ба тэр тэнд анх
компьютер ашиглаж сурсан.
13-years-old Bill Gates and his schoolfriend Paul Allen were soon
spending all their time writing programs and learning about computers
instead of doing the schoolwork!
13 настай байхдаа Билл Гэтис сургуулийн найз Паул Аллэнтай
өөрсдөө зардалаа гаргаад сургуулийн ажилын оронд компьютерийн
тухай мэдлэгээрээ бүх төрлийн программийн тухай бичсэн.
After finishing school in 1973 Bill went to Harvard ,America’s most
famous university.
1973 онд сургуулиа төгссөний дараа Билл Америкийн хамгийн
алдартай их сургууль Харвард руу явсан.
The next year,he and Paul Allen wrote on operating program for the
Altair ,one of the world’s first microcomputers.
Дараа жил нь тэр найз Паул Аллэнтайгаа Алтэйр гэдэг утас залгах
программ бичсэн ба энэ нь дэлхийн хамгийн анхны жижиг
компьютер болсон.
The two friends started Microsoft in 1975,and Gates left Harvard.
1975 онд 2 найзтайгаа жижиг компьютерийн ажилаа эхэлсэн
ба Гэтис Харвард руу явсан.
Before long ,Microsoft was a major business success.
Урт удаан хугацааний өмнө жижиг компьютерийн үндсэн ажил нь
амжилттай болсон.
Since then,the company has continued to grow ,produsing most of
the world’s leading PC software.
Тэр үеэс хойш компани нь үргэлж өсөн нэмэгдсэн бөгөөд дэлхийн
хамгийн гол тэргүүлэх персонал программ хангамжийг үйлдвэрлэсэн.
One reason for this success in that Gates has always been very ambitious
and hardworking.
Гэтисийн амжилттай байсан шалтгаан нь тэр маш их эрмэлзэлтэй
ба нөр их хөдөлмөрлөдөг байсан.
This has not left him much time for a normal personal life,but in 1994
he married Melinda French a Microsoft employee and in 1995 he wrote
a best-selling book the Road Ahead.
Тэрний хувийн амьдрал нь урт удаан хугацааний турш хэвийн
байсан ба 1994 онд микрософтийн албан хаагч Франц бүсгүй
Мэриндатай гэрлэж 1995 онд “Манлайлах зам”номоо бичсэн.
Bill has mixed feelings about spending so much time running Microsoft.
Билл микрософтийнг хөгжүүлэхийн тулд сэтгэл зүйн хувьд янз
бүрийн байдлыг даван туулж байсан.
“There are a lot of experiences I haven’t had but I do like my job”,he says.
“Надад тийм ч их дадлага туршлага байгаагүй ба гэвч би мэргэжилдээ дуртай” гэж тэр хэлсэн.
When he does find time to relax he likes puzzles golf and reading about
Тэр оньсого таавар, гольф ба шинжлэх ухааны тухай уншиж түүнийгээ олж нээхэд цагаа зарцуулдаг байсан.
For much a rich person ,he life is simple and he spends little on himself
and his family.
Тиймэрхүү баян хүмүүс,түүний амьдрал нь энгийн ба маш бага зардлыг өөртөө болон гэр бүлийнхэндээ зарцуулдаг байсан.
When it comes to helping others ,though ,Gates is very generous.
Тэр тусламж ирсэн хүн болгонд тусалдаг ба Гэтис нь маш өгөөмөр
He has already given huge amounts of money to charity and says that he
plans to give away almost all of his wealth when he retires.
Тэр хүмүүнлагийн байгууллагад хандивладаг ба тэр хэлэхдээ
“Миний төлөвлөгөө би тэтгэвэрт гарах хүртлээ хөрөнгөөсөө өгсөөр л
байх болно”.
Follow the simple directions on our regular cake mix pkg, then these scrumptions variations.
Peanut beteer cake
Omsit chopped nuts and add 3tlsp chunk-shyle peanut batter before baking.
Double fudge cake
Add ½ cup semi-sweet mint chocolate pieces to batter for cake like .
Coconut cake
Use 1 cup coconut in stead of nuts.
Chocolate peppermint cake
As soon as cake are removed from oven place about 16 chocolate pepper mint patties on top. Beturn to oven for a few minutes to soften cotties. Fored over top with spatula as they melt.
Cherry cake
Add ¼ cup chopped maraschino cherries, well drained, to batter.
Unit-11; Page-77
1. Roberta- Italy
If I were leader of my country, I would ban cars because they cause too much air pollution. I hate it when I’m riding my bike in the street and I can hardly breathe because of the traffic fumes. It makes me feel really ill. Air pollution cause acid rain, too, which kills trees and plants. I would also improve public transport. People wouldn’t need to use their cars so much then. I think people should walk more often, or use a bicycle, like me! If they did, our cities would be healthier places to live in.
2. James- Kenya
If I were the leader of my country, I wouldn’t allow hunters to kill endangered species. Did you know that animals such as tigers and rhinos have been hunted so much that there will soon be none left? I think we need to teach hunters that it’s wrong to kill these animals. I would also create special parks where these animals could live safely.
3. Maria- Brazil
If I were the leader of my country, I would stop logging companies from destroying the rainforest. It’s terrible the way that animals and rare plants die when the trees disappear. Don’t these companies know that they’re not just destroying the trees and the wildlife? They could destroy us all! Trees produce oxygen, which is one of our most basic needs. One answer to the problem is to make the logging companies plant new trees. If they did that, it could save the rainforest and give all of us cleaner air to breathe.
The Internet: FAQs
(Freguently Asked Questions)
Тогтмол асуудаг асуултууд
The Internet is without doubt one of the most important inventions in history.
Интернэт нь ямар ч эргэлзээгүйгээр түүхэн дэх хамгийн чухал нээлтийн нэг юм.
It was started in 1968 by the US government, but at first it was used mainly by scientists.
1968 онд Амеркийн засгийн газар үүнийг эхлүүлсэн боловч анхандаа зөвхөн эрдэмтэд л үүнийг голдуу ашигладаг байв.
Since 1990, when the World Wide Web was created, it has changed the world, and its uses are growing every day.
Дэлхий даяар тархсан сүлжээ 1990 ноос эхлэн бий болоход энэ нь дэлхийг өөрчилсөн бөгөөд үүний хэрэглээ өдөр бүр өссөөр байна.
1 What exactly is the internet?
Интернэт нь яг юу юм бэ?
The internet is a network (several networks, in fact) of millons of computers around the world, connected by phone lines, satellite or cable, so that all the computers on the net can exchange information with each other.
Утас, хиймэл дагуул мөн кабилаар холбогдсон дэлхий дээрх сая сая компьютерийн сүлжээг интернет гэх бөгөөд эдгээр компьютерууд нь сүлжээгээр бие биетэйгээ мэдээллээ солилцож чаддаг.
2 That is the same thing as the Web, isn’t it?
Энэ нь сүлжээтэй адил зүйл үү?
Not quite. The internet links computers, and the World Wide Web is a system which links the information stored inside these computers.
Яг тийм биш. Интернэт нь компьютерүүдийг холбодог бол харин эдгээр компьютерүүд дотор хадгалагдсан мэдээллийг холбодог системийг дэлхий даяар тархсан сүлжээ гэнэ.
3 What is web site, and how do I visit one?
Вэбд яаж ордог вэ?
A company or organization stores its information in electronic documents on one of the Internet computers, somewhere in the world.
Дэлхийн аль нэгэн газар эдгээр интернэтийн компьютеруудын нэгэнд нь компани эсвэл байгуулга өөрсдийн мэдээллийг цахим баримт бичигт хадгална.
This computer space – the company’s web site – has an address, in the same way that every telephone has a number.
Энэхүү компьютерийн орон зай – компаний вэб сайт хаягтай байг, адил замаар бүх утаснууд дугаартай байна.
To visit a web site, you simply enter the address.
Вэб сайтруу орохын тулд чи зөвхөн би хаягаар нь ороход л болно.
Your computer is connected to the web site, a document is downloaded, and a page appears on your computer screen.
Чиний компьютер чинь вэб сайттай холбогдсон, баримт бичигийг татаж мөн тухайн хуудас таны компьютерийн дэлгэцнээ гарч ирдэг.
4 How do I “surf the net”?
Би хэрхэн интернетэд орох уу?
When you visit a web site looking for information, some words on the page may be underlined, showing that there is more information about the subject in another document.
Чи хайж байгаа мэдээллийнхээ вэб хуудасруу ороход магадгүй зарим үгнүүд нь доороо зураастай байна. Энэ нь өөр баримт бичигт тухайн сэдэвийн талаар илүү их мэдээлэл байгаа гэснийг харуулдаг.
5 What can I use the Internet for?
Би интернэтийг юунд ашиглаж болох вэ?
The main use of the Internet is to find information, for your schoolwork or job, or just find out more about your hobbies, sports or current events.
Интернэтийн гол хэрэглээ бол өөрийн сургууийн ажил эсвэл ажлын талаар мэдээлэл олж авах эсвэл зүгээр л өөрийн спорт, сонирхдог зүйл эсвэл тухайн тэмдэглэлт өдрийн талаар илүү ихийг мэдэх байг.
You can also use the Internet to read newspapers and magazines, play games, plan your holiday or buy things from your favourite shop.
Чи интернэт ашиглан сонин, сэтгүүл мөн тоглоом тогох, амралтаа төлөвлөх эсвэл дуртай дэлгүүрээс юм худалдаж авч болно.
E- mail makes it possible to send electronic messages anywhere in the world in seconds, and you can use the Internet to ‘chat’ with people and make new friends.
Цахим шуудан нь секундын дотор дэлхийн ямар ч гадаргуу электрон захиа илгээх боломжийг олгодог мөн чи интернэтээр шинэ найзуудтай болж хүмүүстэй буу халахад хэрэглэж болох юм.
6 What do I need in order to use the Internet?
Интернэт ашиглахын тулд надад юу шаардлагатай вэ?
If you don’t already use the internet, all you need to get started is a computer, a modem and a phone line.
Хэрвээ чи өмнө нь интернэт ашиглаж байгаагүй бол юуны түрүүнд чамд компьютер, модем бас утасны шугам шаардлагатай.
Using the Internet is getting cheaper and easier all the time.
Интернэт хэрэглэх тутам хямд бас амархан болж байг.
Are you ready to surf the net? There is a whole exciting Internet world out there waiting for you!
Та интернэт ороход бэлэн үү? Чамайг интернэтийн гайхалтай ертөнц хүлээж байна!
1b 11c 21c 31a
2c 12a 22a 32a
3a 13b 23a 33a
4b 14a 24c 34c
5b 15a 25c 35c
6a 16a 26a 36c
7b 17b 27b 37b
8c 18c 28a 38c
9b 19a 29b
10b 20a 30c
ex2: Choose the correct word to fill in the sentence.
1.make 2.produse 3.smoke 4.fumes 5.easily
6.hardly 7.cold 8.freezing 9.repaired 10.save
ex2 How quickly can you match the words and the descriptions?
1.k 2.l 3.b 4.m 5.a 6.j 7.n
8.c 9.h 10.d 11.g 12.e 13.f 14.i
ex3:. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.
1.Diana said to Mark Paul was wearing black sunglasses.
2.Bill said he would buy a newspaper.
3.Clieve said George had eaten all the chocolates.
4.Tom asked Sam waht his favorite color was.
5.Amma asked Claire if you liked strawberries.
1.deny 2.laugh 3.love 4.win 5.freeze
6.accept 7.borrow 8.spend 9.buy 10.start
1.Is there a supermarket near here?
2.How do I get to the museum?
3.What time?
4.How lucky!
5.What a pity!
Read the following text and choose the correct answer..
1b 2a 3b 4c 5c
6a 7b 8d 9b 10a
Test 6
1-b 11-b 21-a 31-a 41-a
2-b 12-a 22-b 32-a 42-c
3-a 13-a 23-a 33-b 43-b
4-c 14-b 24-b 34-c 44-b
5-a 15-b 25-a 35-b 45-a
6-c 16-c 26-b 36-b 46-a
7-b 17-a 27-c 37-c 47-b
8-a 18-a 28-b 38-a 48-a
9-c 19-b 29-c 39-a 49-c
10-a 20-a 30-b 40-b
1.She told Jerry to pass her a bowl.
2.She told Susie to get her some eggs from the fridge.
3.Our mother told us not to forget to wash your hands.
4.Mrs. Cross told her dog sitter not to give him any sweets.
5.Mrs. Cross told her dog sitter to feed him twice a day.
1.aren’t you
2.does she
3.did you
4.hasn’t she
5.won’t you
6.have you
7.isn’t she
8.can’t I
9.hadn’t they
10.didn’t he
The Pros and Cons of using the Internet
Интернэтийн хэрэглээний сул ба давуу талууд
Advertisements for the Internet promise you a world of information, entertainment, on-line shopping and e-mail services.
Зар сурталчилгаа нь мэдээлэл, үзвэр үйлчилгээ, онлайн дэлгүүрийн үйлчилгээ, имэйл үйлчилгээг олж авахад интернет туслана гэж амлаж байна.
However the real world of the Internet may not be as perfect as the advertisements suggest.
Хэдий тийм боловч интернэтийн орчлон дэлхий нь зар сурталчилгаа шиг төгс байдаггүй.
Using the Internet offers many advantages.
Интернэтийн хэрэглээ нь олон давуу талтай.
For example, all of the latest information is available to you, in your home, at any hour of the day or night.
Жишээлбэл, та орчин үеийн мэдээллийг өдөр шөнийн аль ч цагт гэрээсээ авах боломжтой.
It is much faster and easier to surf the net in search of information from all over the world than to travel to libraries in dozens of countries.
Энэ нь интернэтэд орсноор маш амархан мөн шуурхай дэлхийн олон орны мэдээллийг харуулдаг юм.
Firstly, on-line shopping makes it possible to search through catalogues to find exactly what you want at the best price, saving both time and money.
1-т, он-лине дэлгүүрийн үйлчилгээгээр та каталогоос хүссэн зүйлээ боломжит үнээр нь авч цаг мөн мөнгөө хэмнэнэ.
By joining a newsgroup or chat group, you can share your hobbies and special interests, and perhaps make friends all over the world.
Мэдээлэл эсвэл чатын хэсэгт та бусадтай өөрийн санал бодлоо хуваалцан дэлхийд олон найзтай болох боломжтой.
Finally e-mail is popular because it is faster than sending a letter and cheaper than a telephone conversation.
Эцэст нь эмэйл нь захидал илгээхээс хурдан ба утасаар залгаж ярьснаас хямд байдаг.
On the other hand, the Internet has several disadvantages.
Өөрөөр хэлбэл, интернэтэд зарим нэг сул тал бий.
Also, with so much information available, finding what you want can take you hours.
Бас хүссэн цагтаа их мэдээллийг хайж олох давуу талтай.
Multimedia web pages with photographs, music and video are attractive, but they make downloading show and boring.
Мултимедиа веб хуудас нь зураг мөн хөгжим, видио -г багтаасан байдаг. Гэвч түүнийг татаж авахад удаан уйтгартай байдаг.
What is more, there is too much advertising instead of real information.
Бас үүнээс гадна тэнд мэдээллийн оронд зар сурталчилгаа их байдаг.
As for Internet friendships, sitting at home in front of a computer making ‘chat friends’ is not the same actually meeting people.
Гэртээ компьютерийн ард суугаад чалчих найзтай болох нь яг хүнтэй уулзахтай яг ч адилхан биш байдаг.
In conclusion, the Internet obviously has both good and bad points.
Дүгнэж хэлэхэд, интернэт нь муу ч талтай сайн ч талтай юм.
Fortunately, the system is improving all the time, and any problems which still exist can be solved.
Хэдий тийм боловч энэ систем нь цаг үргэлж сайжирч, мөн томоохон асуудал болоод байна.
Whether we like it or not, the Internet is here to stay, so we have to make the best possible use of it.
Интернэтэд суух бидэнд гоё ч, муухай ч энэ нь бидний хамгийн чухал хэрэглээ болж байна.
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