People in different countries eat various food. For example, the Asians often eat rice and a lot of vegetables. The Indians and Indonesians often use spices in their cooking. The Spaniards, Italians, Portuguese, Greeks and Arabs usually use olive oil for cooking. The Northern Europeans and North Americans often use butter instead of oil. The Latin Americans always eat corn. The Chinese almost never eat raw vegetables. The Japanese sometimes eat raw fish.
First, put some flour into the bowl. Second, melt some butter and add it to the water. After that, add a pinch of salt and the prepared water to the flour. Now mix everything well to make a good dough. Then stretch the dough and cut it into small pieces. Roll each piece evenly. Meanwhile, pour some oil into the frying pan and heat it.
Next, put the rolled piece of dough in the frying pan and fry it for 2 minutes. Then turn it over and fry until it is brown. Finally lift the pancake from the frying pan. Enjoy!
• If you are going to use a filling ,have it prepared.
• Beat the eggs in a bowl until they are lightly blended.
• Then add a pinch of salt and pepper or a dash of Tabasco to the egg mixture.
• Now heat a pan until it is hot, and then add the butter.
• When the butter foams and sizzles, quickly pour in the beaten eggs.
• As soon as the egg mixture starts to cook, gently shake the pan back and forth. Use a fork to pull back a little of the edge of the egg.
• Continue to shake and pull back the edges with a fork for about 15 seconds, and then add the filling to the center of the omelet.
• Now use a spatula to roll a third of the omelet over itself and then out of the pan onto a warm plate.
• As it falls onto the plate, let it make a second fold.
Mongolia is a beautiful country with a rich culture, just center of Asia . Ulaanbaatar is city of Mongolia . Mongolia has rich forests . They make up about ten percent of it’s area . Two-thirds of the trees are coniferous . Forests are very important to Mongolia . the is habitat of 140 mammals. 400 birds, 20 reptiles and 80 fish species . The most common animal of the Mongolian steppes is the marmot . Mongolia is rich in medical herds and berries . Different kinds of berries such as blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, blackcurrents and many others are rich in vitamins .
The weather is cold and perfect for skiing . Mongolia is four season of years . The four mountains around the city are covered in forests . The famous Sukhbaatar square stunning .
Most people in Mongolia live in countryside . A typical countryside consists of ger . Ger is national flat of Mongolia . Most of the people in the countryside are herdsmen . A small the tsaatan or reindeer- breeders, live in the taiga.. They are the only forest nomads today who raise reindeer and hunt . There are 180 tsaatans now . Mongolia raise livestock the sheep horse camel goat cow .
They people era good-looking . They have got black hair, dark eyes and light brown skin . The Mongolia are friendly people who are well known for being generous and kind .
The food is delicious . Mongolia like eating meat and fried pies, steamed dumplings and tsagaan idee
. Mongolian national celebrated many naadam and tsagaan sar . Every year many foreigners come to Mongolia . They want to travel around the country . They like visiting places like Khar Khorin, Khovsgol, the Gobi, Terelj, and Hovd aimag .
From Rags to Riches
ßäóóãààñ áàÿí ðóó
Liza Smythe is a successful British singer. Ëèçà Ñìèò áîë àçòàéãààð àìæèëòàíä õ¿ðñýí Àíãëèéí äóó÷èí þì. Her smiling face appears on the covers of international magazines, and every year she travels to many different parts of the world to perform concert for millions of fans. Ò¿¿íèé èíýýìñýãëýñýí öàðàé îëîí óëñûí ñîíèí ñýòã¿¿ëèéí í¿¿ð öàðàé áîëæ ºãäºã áºãººä äýëõèéí îëîí îðíîîð àÿëàí ñàÿ ñàÿ ôýí¿¿ääýý êîíöåðòîî òîãëîäîã.
However, life used to be very different for this bright young star from Liverpool.. Õýäèéãýýð òèéì áîëîâ÷ Ëèâýðôóëûí ãýðýëò îäûí ìààíü àìüäðàë îãò ººð áàéæýý. “Eight years ago”, says Liza, “I lived in a small terraved house with my parents and three brothers. Ëèöà õýëýõäýý; ‘ Íàéìàí æèëèéí ºìíºõ áè ýöýã ýõ áîëîí ãóðâàí àõòàéãàà æèæèãõýí ò¿ðýýñèéí áàéøèíä àìüäàðäàã áàéñàí. It was very cramped! We didn’t have a lot of money, so I used to work as a cleaner at the local hospital to make ends meet. Ýíý èõ ìàø äàâ÷óó áàéäàã áàéñàí. Áèä ìºí㺠ìóóòàé áàéñàí ó÷ðààñ áè õîòûí íýãýí ýìíýëýãò öýâýðëýã÷ýýð àæèëëàäàã áàéñàí. I used to buy my clothes from señond-hand shops. Áè õóâöàñàà àâàõäàà õóó÷èí õóâöàñ çàðäàã äýëã¿¿ðýýñ àâäàã áàéñàí. I was quite plump back then, because I liked eating chips and chocolate. Áè òàðãàí ìÿðààòàé áàéñàí ó÷èð íü øîêîëàä. ÷èïñ èäýõ äóðòàé áàéñàí. In my free time I used to sing in the college choir or go for walks on the beach. ׺뺺ò öàãààðàà áè êîëëåæûíõîî íàéðàë äóóã äóóëæ ýñâýë äàëàéí ýðãýýð àëõàõ äóðòàé áàéñàí. I didn’t use to go to clubs because they were very expensive. Áè êëóá ðóó ÿâæ ÷àääàãã¿é áàéñàí ÿàãààä ãýâýë èõ ¿íýòýé. I used to listen to the radio a lot, though. Áè ðàäèî èõýâ÷ëýí ñîíñäîã áàéñàí. I learnt all the words to every pop song and people hired me to sing at parties. Á¿õ ïîï äóóíóóäûí ¿ãèéã ñóðñàí ìºí õ¿ì¿¿ñ íàìàéã ¿äýøëýãò õºëñººð äóóëóóëäàã áàéñàí. My friends liked my voice a lot, so they persuaded me to send a cassette to a record company. Íàéçóóä ìààíü ìèíèé äóóíä èõ äóðòàé, òýä íàìàéã áè÷ëýãèéí êîìïàíè ðóó ººðèéí äóóòàé êàññåòûã èëãýýõèéã çºâëºñºí. That’s how it all started for me. ¯¿íýýñ ë ìèíèé õóâüä á¿õ ç¿éë ýõëýñýí. Three weeks later, I received a phone call from the company and my life changed completely.” Ãóðâàí äîëîî õîíîãèéí äàðàà äóó áè÷ëýãèéí êîìïàíèàñ óòàñäàæ èíãýñíýýð ìèíèé àìüäðàë ººð÷ëºãäñºí.
Today, Liza lives in a large house with a big garden just outside London with her husband and daughter. Îäîî, Ëèöà ëîíäîãîîñ õîëã¿é íºõºð áîëîí îõèíòîéãîî òîì öýöýðëýãòýé òîì áàéøèíä àìüäàð÷ áàéíà. She is much slimmer now, and looks very elegant in her chic designer clothes. Òýð îäîî ìàø ãóàëèã áîëñîí áºãººä ãî¸ õàðàãääàã. She is constantly on a diet and goes to the gym every day to keep her body in shape. Òýð áèåèéí æèíãýý áàðèõûí òóëä äàñãàë õèéí òîãòìîë õîîëëîäîã. In her free time she enjoys going to the theatre or to parties. Òýð ÷ºëººò öàãààðàà ¿äýøëýã áàñ òåàòðò î÷èõ äóð òàé.
Liza’s lifestyle has changed a lot since those days in Liverpool . Ëèöàãèéí àìüäðàëûí õýâ ìàÿã Ëèâýðôóë äýõü ºäð¿¿äýýñ ýðñ ººð÷ëºãäñºí. “I think I’m very lucky to lead the life I do today. Ìèíèé áîäëîîð áè ººðèé㺺 èõ àçòàé ãýæ áîääîã ºíººäºð áè ººðèéíõºº àìüäðàëûã áèé áîëãîñîí. It’s not easy, though, because I don’t have the privacy that I used to have. Still, I have a lovely family and a very promising career. Õýäèéãýýð ýíý òèéì àìàð áèø áàéñàí ÷ áè ãàíöààðääàãã¿é. Íàäàä õàéðòàé ãýðá¿ë ìºí èòãýëòýé õ¿ì¿¿ñ áàéíà. What else could I ask for?” she says. ªºð íàäàä þó õýðýãòýé þì áý? Ãýæ õýëæýý.
Ì.Íàðàíãàðàâ TC07D734
Дайвар үг/adv/нь өгүүлбэрт үйл үгтэйгээ холбогдон тухайн үйл үгийг тодотгон үйлийн шинж чанар, байр, байдал, хугацаа давтамж зэргийг заадаг.
The adverb is notional part of speech which expresses property, place, manner, time, degree and frequency of an action.
Adj нь нэр үгийн өмнө орж тодотгодог бол Adv нь өгүүлбэрт голдуу үйл үгийн ард орж байц гишүүний үүргээр орох ба үйл үгийг тодотгодог.
Англи хэлэнд энгийн болон үүсмэл дайвар үгс байдаг.
Үүсмэл дайвар үгс нь голдуу тэмдэг нэр үгэнд+ly төгсгөл залгаж үүсгэдэг.
Adjective/тэмдэг нэр/
Long He is very fast runner.
She has a long dress.
Bad Tom is a carefull.
He is a bad.
Good She is a good teacher.
Adverb/дайвар үг/
Энгийн He is running fast.
He slept long.
Үүсмэл He drivers carefully.
He reads badly.
Дүрмийн гажилт Saraa speaks English well.
Үйл хавсрал нь үйл үгээс гадна бусад үгсийн аймагтай холбогддог.
Хавсрал нэртэй: very big-маш том
Өөр нэг үйл хавсралтай: quite well-овоо сайн
Нэр үгтэй: the then president-тэр үеийн ерөнхийлөгч
Үйл хавсрал нь өгүүлбэрт ихэвчлэн байц гишүүний үүргийг гүйцэтгэх ба мөн тусагдахуун болон тодотголын үүргээр хэрэглэгддэг.
Please, speak a little loudly.-Жаахан чангахан /байц/ярихгүй юү.
The then government didn’t do anything about it.-Тэр үеийн /тодотгол/ засгийн газар энэ талаар юу ч хийгээгүй билээ.
People in different countries eat various food. For example, the Asians often eat rice and a lot of vegetables. The Indians and Indonesians often use spices in their cooking. The Spaniards, Italians, Portuguese, Greeks and Arabs usually use olive oil for cooking. The Northern Europeans and North Americans often use butter instead of oil. The Latin Americans always eat corn. The Chinese almost never eat raw vegetables. The Japanese sometimes eat raw fish.
First, put some flour into the bowl. Second, melt some butter and add it to the water. After that, add a pinch of salt and the prepared water to the flour. Now mix everything well to make a good dough. Then stretch the dough and cut it into small pieces. Roll each piece evenly. Meanwhile, pour some oil into the frying pan and heat it.
Next, put the rolled piece of dough in the frying pan and fry it for 2 minutes. Then turn it over and fry until it is brown. Finally lift the pancake from the frying pan. Enjoy!
• If you are going to use a filling ,have it prepared.
• Beat the eggs in a bowl until they are lightly blended.
• Then add a pinch of salt and pepper or a dash of Tabasco to the egg mixture.
• Now heat a pan until it is hot, and then add the butter.
• When the butter foams and sizzles, quickly pour in the beaten eggs.
• As soon as the egg mixture starts to cook, gently shake the pan back and forth. Use a fork to pull back a little of the edge of the egg.
• Continue to shake and pull back the edges with a fork for about 15 seconds, and then add the filling to the center of the omelet.
• Now use a spatula to roll a third of the omelet over itself and then out of the pan onto a warm plate.
• As it falls onto the plate, let it make a second fold.
Every year millions of tons of sulphur pour into the air from tactory chimneys all over the world. The sulphur mixes with oxygen in the air and becomes sulphuric acid. Then it falls with the rain as acid rain.
Acid rain poisons lakes and kills trees, and eats into materials like stone. Already fish have died all over Europe, and the forests of Germany are full of dead trees.
In the modern world acid rain is completely unnecessary. Smoke can be cleaned before it leaves the chimneys, and cars can be better designed so they cause less pollution.
But many governments don’t want to do these things because they are too expensive. If we continue producing acid rain, the rivers and lakes of the world will die. But if we control acid rain, we can save our environment for our children and grandchildren.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing regarding your advertisement in The Broadmoor Weekly on 20th April. I am very interested in visiting Sri Lanka and would be grateful if you could answer a few questions.
Your advertisement states that the price includes a return flight from Heathrow. Will the flight leave in the morning, afternoon or evening? The advertisement also mentions that the price includes ten nights in five-star accommodation. Will I have my own room, or will have to share? In addition, regardng the meals that the price includes, will vegetarian dishes be available? Finally, what sights will be visit on the daily sightseeing tours? Will there be time to go shopping? Also, will the guide speak Englsh?
Thank you for your help. I look forward to hearing from you.
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