Around the 12 centuries, there were various tribes lived in Mongolia. In 1206 after Temuujin established the first united Mongolian state, he was given the title “Chinggis Khaan”. Chinggis Khaan is a legendary king who had conquered “the half of the world”.He stretcted his land from Baigal Lake in north, to the Great Wall of China in the south, and from Mount Hyangan in the east, to the Altai Mountains in the west. Mongolians built many cities in 13th century and one of them is Kharkhorum which was the capital city of Mongolian Empire.
The Manchu period
The Hamnigan, who established the Manchu dynasty gained power in the 12th century and conquered Mongolia in 1775 after their conquering China and Inner Mongolia. Thus Mongolia become colony of Manchu and lost its independence for 200 years. Buddhism was the main religion in this period. Many sutras (Tibetian book) were translated into Mongolian and hundreds of monasteries and temples were built.
Mongolia in 20th century
As a result of the Mongolia People’s revolution in 1921, Mongolia was released from Manchu colonization. It was dark years under the oppression of Manchu that had made Mongolia left behind world development. Socialism:The great civilization started with support of Soviet Union. Therefore the great building work had started. Secondary schools, heavy industries, power plants, telephone stations and telegraph lines had been built. A number of people increased who settled in main cities such as Ulaanbaatar, Darkhan, Erdenet and Dornod. Russia’s influence was strong through these years.
Modern Mongolia
In 1990s, Mongolia choosed the road of democracy, and set the goal of building “democratic humane socialism” based on a multi party democracy. In January 1992, a new constitution was established. The first President of was elected by public election in 1993, which was very new to the people that they actually had the opportunity to choose their own leader. The Mongolia first president was P. Ochirbat.
The territory of Mongolia is located in the heart of Asia and shares border with Russia and China. Average altitude is 1580meters above the sea level,one of the highest countries in the world.Mongolia occupies 1564100square kilometers with diverse landscape. South part of the country is mostly Govi dessert but north part is covered by forest which is part of Siberia. Higth mountains occupies western part of Mongolia and east part is just open steppe land which makes a perfect condition for raising livestocks. Mongolia is a descended land from the ocean with very dry four seasonal climate. The temperature
drops to-30C in winter, and in summer+38C high dergrees.
Mongolian culture has changed a lot more in late of 19th century. However, they haven’t completely lost our unique nomandic culture. Outside the main cities, Mongolians continue to live the traditional nomadic way of life.Raising their livestocks, living in a traditional home called called ‘Ger’, that is made of wood and white felt. Moving from place to place depending on which season they live in. Livestocks herding is the main source of nomadic lifestyle. Horses, cattle, sheep, goats and camels are praised as “five treasures”. There are thousands of songs, proverbs, tales and dances have been created for praising the “live treasures”.Ger is a large tent with round share that can be moved easily, the door always faces with There are many traditional, religious and superstitious rules and customs associated with the Gers. The traditional dress called deel is commonly worn. In winter they wear fur deel and big leather boots with felt socks inside.
Hot milk tea is popular in Mongolia. Mongolians are big tea drinkers. Also there is traditional drink “Airag” us made from fermented mare’s milk.
Buddhist Lamaism (Tibetian Buddhist) is the main religion. According to historic sources Shamanism was the state religion until the introduction of Buddhism in the 16th century.
The present population of Mongolia is 2,504,000with an annual growth rate is about 2,8 percent.8,5 percent of Mongolia is Khalkha Mongol and 70,5 percent of whole population is under age of 35.
Mongolia people are good-looking. They are short with delicate features.they hav got black hair, brown eyes and yellow skin. Most people in Mongolia live in countryside.
Over two and a half million people live in very wide area about a million and five hundred sq km, which is the population density just 1.6person per sq km, the population density in Gobi province is only 0.3person per sq km.
Mongolian is the official language and Cyrillic alphabet is widely used script in Mongolia.As a foreign language Russian and English are more common spoken than other growing languages such as Japanese Chinese, Korean etc.
Mongolia has 4 years of elementary school, 4 years of lower secondary school. Every child has to complete the first two. According to statistical news thereare 686 primary and secondary schools in Mongolia. After graduation of secondary schools, students have to choose either to study in Vocational Training instituties, or to get a degree for higher education.There are many universities, instituties and colleges that provide Bachelor’s, Master’s degree in various fields.Also the number or students who
are studying in abroad has significantly increased in the last decade.
Mongolia is a parliamentary country. The State Great Hural is the highest governmental organization. The State Great Hural consists of 76 members. The members of The State Great Hural are elected once in four years. Mongolian predominant party had been the Mongolian people’s Revolutionary Party (MPRP) until 2004.The main opposition party is the Democratic Party (DP), which had been elected in1996. N.Bagabandi is the President-the Heat of the State, who was elected twice 1997.
Eriin gurvan naadam
Mongolian also celebrate many festivalbs throughout the year.My favourite holiday is Eriin gurvan naadam, in July. It runs for tree days annually July 11-13 and highlights the greatest athletes In horse racing, archery and wresting.Up to 512 wretlers compete in Naadam festival. There are no weigt divisions. This can lead to some very interesting matches. Also there is no time timits. Wrestlers wear small vests called zodog over their shoulders and snug shorts called shuudag. The heavy, traditional Mongolian boots are gutuls.Men shoot from 75meters and women shoot from 60meters in Archery contest. Each time when they shoot you will hear a recitative cry called an Uukhai calling on the archers who hit the target well.The best archer gets the title “Ulsiin Mergen “.
The race is conducted on the open grasslands with no a set track or a course. Children from the ages of 5to13 are chosen to ride racing horses.And before the race the riders sing a song called “Giingoo”. After the horseracing, a praise-singer extols the winning rider and the horse.
Mongolian is a wonderful country. Its flascinating sights, rich cultural history and warm-hearted people make it unique.
Word order of the Adjetive
Хэд хэдэн тэмдэг нэр дараалан хэрэглэгдэх тохиолдолд тодорхой дарааллыг баримтлана. Тэмдэг нэр нь өнгө-colour, õýìæýý-size, õýëáýð ä¿ðñ-shape,ìàòåðèàë-material, ÷àíàð-quality, ÿñ ¿íäýñ-nationality, íàñ-age çýðãèéã èëýðõèéëíý.Ýäãýýð òýìäýã íýð ºìíº õîéíîî îðîõ äàðààëëûã àâ÷ ¿çâýë:
1.colour-brown ,black,white, green
2.size-long,big short, small,
4.material-nylon, wooden iron.
3. shape- square,
Òýìäýã íýð íü ºã¿¿ëáýð îðîõäîî 3ààñ äýýø òýìäýã íýð äàðààëàí îðñîí íü òóí õîâîð áàéäàãü èõýâ÷ëýí 2-3òýìäýã íýð íýã äîð õýðýãëýãäýíý.Òýìäýã íýðòýé õîðøèæ õýðýãëýääýã õýñýã ¿éë ¿ã áàéäàã.
¯¿íä: be, become, get, feel, smell, sound, taste, seem=look
Æèøýý: I am tired. Áè ÿäàð÷ áàéíà.
The soup smells good. غë ñàéõàí ¿íýðòýæ áàéíà.
I’m getting hungry. Áè ºëñºæ áàéíà
Khamag Mongol Empire
Around the 12 centuries, there were various tribes lived in Mongolia. In 1206 after Temuujin established the first united Mongolian state, he was given the title “Chinggis Khaan”. Chinggis Khaan is a legendary king who had conquered “the half of the world”.He stretcted his land from Baigal Lake in north, to the Great Wall of China in the south, and from Mount Hyangan in the east, to the Altai Mountains in the west. Mongolians built many cities in 13th century and one of them is Kharkhorum which was the capital city of Mongolian Empire.
The Manchu period
The Hamnigan, who established the Manchu dynasty gained power in the 12th century and conquered Mongolia in 1775 after their conquering China and Inner Mongolia. Thus Mongolia become colony of Manchu and lost its independence for 200 years. Buddhism was the main religion in this period. Many sutras (Tibetian book) were translated into Mongolian and hundreds of monasteries and temples were built.
Mongolia in 20th century
As a result of the Mongolia People’s revolution in 1921, Mongolia was released from Manchu colonization. It was dark years under the oppression of Manchu that had made Mongolia left behind world development. Socialism:The great civilization started with support of Soviet Union. Therefore the great building work had started. Secondary schools, heavy industries, power plants, telephone stations and telegraph lines had been built. A number of people increased who settled in main cities such as Ulaanbaatar, Darkhan, Erdenet and Dornod. Russia’s influence was strong through these years.
Modern Mongolia
In 1990s, Mongolia choosed the road of democracy, and set the goal of building “democratic humane socialism” based on a multi party democracy. In January 1992, a new constitution was established. The first President of was elected by public election in 1993, which was very new to the people that they actually had the opportunity to choose their own leader. The Mongolia first president was P. Ochirbat.
The territory of Mongolia is located in the heart of Asia and shares border with Russia and China. Average altitude is 1580meters above the sea level,one of the highest countries in the world.Mongolia occupies 1564100square kilometers with diverse landscape. South part of the country is mostly Govi dessert but north part is covered by forest which is part of Siberia. Higth mountains occupies western part of Mongolia and east part is just open steppe land which makes a perfect condition for raising livestocks. Mongolia is a descended land from the ocean with very dry four seasonal climate. The temperature
drops to-30C in winter, and in summer+38C high dergrees.
Mongolian culture has changed a lot more in late of 19th century. However, they haven’t completely lost our unique nomandic culture. Outside the main cities, Mongolians continue to live the traditional nomadic way of life.Raising their livestocks, living in a traditional home called called ‘Ger’, that is made of wood and white felt. Moving from place to place depending on which season they live in. Livestocks herding is the main source of nomadic lifestyle. Horses, cattle, sheep, goats and camels are praised as “five treasures”. There are thousands of songs, proverbs, tales and dances have been created for praising the “live treasures”.Ger is a large tent with round share that can be moved easily, the door always faces with There are many traditional, religious and superstitious rules and customs associated with the Gers. The traditional dress called deel is commonly worn. In winter they wear fur deel and big leather boots with felt socks inside.
Hot milk tea is popular in Mongolia. Mongolians are big tea drinkers. Also there is traditional drink “Airag” us made from fermented mare’s milk.
Buddhist Lamaism (Tibetian Buddhist) is the main religion. According to historic sources Shamanism was the state religion until the introduction of Buddhism in the 16th century.
The present population of Mongolia is 2,504,000with an annual growth rate is about 2,8 percent.8,5 percent of Mongolia is Khalkha Mongol and 70,5 percent of whole population is under age of 35.
Mongolia people are good-looking. They are short with delicate features.they hav got black hair, brown eyes and yellow skin. Most people in Mongolia live in countryside.
Over two and a half million people live in very wide area about a million and five hundred sq km, which is the population density just 1.6person per sq km, the population density in Gobi province is only 0.3person per sq km.
Mongolian is the official language and Cyrillic alphabet is widely used script in Mongolia.As a foreign language Russian and English are more common spoken than other growing languages such as Japanese Chinese, Korean etc.
Mongolia has 4 years of elementary school, 4 years of lower secondary school. Every child has to complete the first two. According to statistical news thereare 686 primary and secondary schools in Mongolia. After graduation of secondary schools, students have to choose either to study in Vocational Training instituties, or to get a degree for higher education.There are many universities, instituties and colleges that provide Bachelor’s, Master’s degree in various fields.Also the number or students who
are studying in abroad has significantly increased in the last decad.
Mongolia is a parliamentary country. The State Great Hural is the highest governmental organization. The State Great Hural consists of 76 members. The members of The State Great Hural are elected once in four years. Mongolian predominant party had been the Mongolian people’s Revolutionary Party (MPRP) until 2004.The main opposition party is the Democratic Party (DP), which had been elected in1996. N.Bagabandi is the President-the Heat of the State, who was elected twice 1997.
Eriin gurvan naadam
Mongolian also celebrate many festivalbs throughout the year.My favourite holiday is Eriin gurvan naadam, in July. It runs for tree days annually July 11-13 and highlights the greatest athletes In horse racing, archery and wresting.Up to 512 wretlers compete in Naadam festival. There are no weigt divisions. This can lead to some very interesting matches. Also there is no time timits. Wrestlers wear small vests called zodog over their shoulders and snug shorts called shuudag. The heavy, traditional Mongolian boots are gutuls.Men shoot from 75meters and women shoot from 60meters in Archery contest. Each time when they shoot you will hear a recitative cry called an Uukhai calling on the archers who hit the target well.The best archer gets the title “Ulsiin Mergen “.
The race is conducted on the open grasslands with no a set track or a course. Children from the ages of 5to13 are chosen to ride racing horses.And before the race the riders sing a song called “Giingoo”. After the horseracing, a praise-singer extols the winning rider and the horse.
Mongolian is a wonderful country. Its flascinating sights, rich cultural history and warm-hearted people make it unique.
Bill Gates
Everyone has heard of Bill Gates, one of the richest and most successtul people in the world.
Áèëë Ãåòèñèéã õ¿í á¿ð ñîíññîí, äýëõèéí õàìãèéí èõ àìæèëòòàé àçòàé áàÿí õ¿íèé íýã.
Microsoft, the business he started with a friend in 1975, has become the
world’s largest computer software company, and Gates was the world’s youngest billionaire at the age of 31.
1975îíä íàéçóóäòàéãàà ìèêðîñîôòèéí àæèëàà ýõëýñýí áà äýëõèéí õàìãèéí òîì êîìïúþòåðûí ïðàãðàìì õàíãàìæèéí êîìïàíèòàé áîëñîí áà Ãåòèñ 31íàñàíäàà äýëõèéí õàìãèéí çàëóó òýð áóìòàí áîëñîí.
His full name is William Henry Gates lll, and he was born on 28th October, 1955, in Seattle, USA.
Ò¿¿íèé á¿òýí íýðèéã Âèëëèàì Õåíðè Ãåòèñ 3 áà òýð 1955îíû 10ñàðûí 28íä Àìåðèêèéí Ñåàòëèä òºðñºí.
At school, Bill soon showed that he was very intelligent, and especially good at Maths and Science.
Ñóðàëöàõûí õýðýýð Âèëë êîìúþòåðèéí ºíäºð ÷àäàìæòàéãàà õàðóóëñàí áà ÿëàíãóÿà ìàòåìàòèê áîëîí øèíæëýõ óõààíä îíöãîé ÷àäâàðòàé áàéñàí.
His parents decided to send him to Lakeside, the private school where he first began to use computers.
Ò¿¿íèé ýöýã ýõ íü ýðñ øèéäýìãèé õ¿ì¿¿ñ áàéñàí áºãººä ò¿¿íèéã íóóðûí ýðýã äýýðõ õóâèéí ñóóö ðóó ÿâóóëñàí áà òýð ñóðãóóëüäàà àíõ êîìïúþòåð àøèãëàæ ýõýëñýí.
13-year-old Bill Gates and his schoolfriend Paul Allen were soon spending all their time writing programs and learning about computers instead of doing their schoolwork!
13 íàñòàé áàéõäàà Âèëë Ãåòèñ ñóðãóóëèéí àíä Ïàóë Àëëýíòàé ººðñ人 çàðäëàà ãàðãààä ñóðãóóëèéí àæëûí ºðººíä êîìïúþòåðèéí òóõàé ìýäëýãýýðýý á¿õ òºðëèéí ïðîãðàìì áè÷ñýí
After finishing school in 1973, Bill went to Harvard, America’s most famous university.
1973 îíä ñóðãóóëèà òºãñºíèé äàðàà Âèëë ÀÍÓ-ãèéí õàìãèéí àëäàðòàé èõ ñóðãóóëü Õàðâîðä ðóó ÿâñàí.
The next year, he and Paul Allenn wrote an operating program for the Altair, one of the world’s first microcomputers.
Äàðàà æèë íü òýð íàéç Ïàóë Àëëåí Ýëòýéð ãýäýã óòàñ çàëãàõ ïðîãðàìì áè÷ñýí áà òýð íü äýëõèéí õàìãèéí àíõíû ìèêðî êîìïúþòåð áîëñîí.
The two friends started Microsoft in 1975, and Gates left Harvard .
1975 îíä 2 íàéçòàéãàà Ìèêðîñîïòûã ýõýëñýí áà Ãåòèñ Õàðâàðäàä ¿ëäñýí.
Before long, Microsoft was major business success.
Óðò óäààí õóãàöààíû ºìíº Ìèêðîñîïò êîìïúþòåðèéí ¿íäñýí àæèë àìæèëòòàé áàéâ
Since then,the company has continued to grow, producing most of the world’s leading PC software.
Òýð ¿åýñ õîéø òýð êîìïàíè íü ¿ðãýëæ ºñºí íýìýãäýæ áàéñàí áºãººä äýëõèéí õàìãèéí ãîë òýðã¿¿ëýõ ÏÑ ïðîãðàìì õàíãàìæèéã ¿éëäâýðëýñýí
One reason for his success is that Gates has always been very ambitious and hardworking.
Ãåòèñ àìæèëòòàé áàéñàí øàëòãààí íü òýð äàíäàà ìàø èõ ýðìýëçýëòýé áà òýð èõ õºäºëìºðëºäºã áàéñàí.
This has not left him much time for a normal personal life, but in 1994 he married Melinda French, a Microsoft employee, and in1995 he wrote a best-selling book, The Road Ahead.
Ò¿¿íèé õóâèéí àìüäðàë íü óðò óäààí õóãàöààíû òóðø õýâèéí áàéñàí áà 1994 îíä æèæèã êîìïàíèé àëáà õààã÷ Ìèëèíäà Ôðåí÷òýé ãýðëýñýíýý 1995 îíû Ðîàä Àõýàä íîìîíäîî áè÷ñýí.
Bill has mixed feelings about spending so much time running Microsoft.
Ìèêðîñîïòûã àæèëëóóëñíààð ìàø èõ öàã àëäàæ áàéãààäàà Âèëë ýðãýëçýæ áàéñàí.
“There are a lot of experienes I haven’t had,but I do like my job,”he says.
“Íàäàä äàäëàãà áàéõã¿é áàéñàí áîëîâ÷ áè àæèëäàà äóðòàé áàéñàí” ãýæ òýð õýëñýí. When he does find time to relax , he likes puzzles, golf and reading about science.
Òýðýíä ñóë öàã îëäâîë òýð ãîëô,øèíæëýõ óõààíû íîì óíøèõ,îíüñãîíä äóðòàé For such a rich person, his life is simple, and he spends little on himself and is family.
Òýð ìàø èõ áàÿí õ¿í áîëîâ÷ õóâèéí àìüäðàë íü ýíãèéí áà òýð ãýð á¿ëäýý áàãà öàã çàðöóóëäàã áàéñàí
When it comes to helping others, though, Gates is very generous.
Òýðíýýñ èõ õ¿í òóñëàìæ ãóéäàã áàéñàí òèéì áîëîâ÷ òýð èõ ºãººìºð õ¿í
He has already given huge amounts of money to charity, and says that he plans to give away almost all of his wealth when he retires.
Òýð õ¿ì¿¿ëýãèéí áàéãóóëëàãàä ìºí㺠õàíäèâëàäàã áà òýð õýëýõäýý Ìèíèé òºëºâëºãºº áîë áè òýòãýâýðò ãàðàõ õ¿ðòëýý õºðºí㺺ñºº ºãñººð ë áàéõ áîëíî.
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