Feb 13, 2008



Baagii said...

From Rags to Riches
Алдар нэрд хүрсэн нь
Liza Smythe is a successful British singer.
Лиза Смитэ бол маш амжилттай яваа Английн дуучин юм.

Her smiling face appears on the covers of international magazines,and every year she travels to many different parts of the world to perform concerts for millions of fans.
Түүний инээмсэглэсэн дүр төрх олон улсын сэтгүүлийн хавтсыг чимдэг? Жил бүр дэлхийн өнцөг булан бүрт байгаа мянга мянган шүтэн бишрэгчиддээ тоглолтоо сонирхуулах гэж аялаж явдаг нэгэн.

However, life used to be very different for this bright young star from Liverfool.
Хэдий тийм боловч , Ливэрпүүлийн залуу тод одын өнгрүүлсэн амьдрал нь янз бүр байсан.

‘’Eight years ago,’’ says Liza, “I lived in a small terraced house with my parents and three brothers.
Лиза ярихдаа 8 жилийн өмнө би 3 ах дүүэцэг эхтэйгээ дэнж дээрх жижиг байшинд амьдардаг байсан.

It was very cramped!
Энэ бол маш давчуу

We didn’thave a lot of money, so I used to work as a cleaner at the local hospital to make ends meet.
Бидэнд их мөнгө байгаагүй ба яаж ийгээд хүргэхийн тулд би орон нутгийн эмнэлэгт цэвэрлэгчээр ажилладаг байсан.

I used to buy my clothes from second-hand shops.
Би хувцасаа хуучин хувцасны дэлгүүрээс худалдаж авдаг байсан.

I was quite plump back then, because I liked eating chips and chocolate.
Би тэгхэд нилээд махлаг байсан яагаад гэвэл би шоколад чипс идэх дуртай байсан.

In free time I used to sing in the college choir or go for walks on the beach.
Чөлөөт цагаараа би коллежын найрал дуунд дуулж бас далайн эргээр алхдаг байсан.

I didn’t use to go to clubs because they were very expensive.
Маш өндөр үнэтэй байдаг учраас би клубт явж чаддаггүй байсан.

I used to listen to the radio a lot, though.
Үүнийг зөвхөн радиогоор ë сонсдог байлаа.

I learnt all the words to every pop song and people hired me to sing at parties.
Би поп дууны үгийг цээжилдэг байсан ба хүмүүс намайг үдэшлэгэн дээр хөлсөлж дуулуулдаг байсан.

My friends liked my voise a lot, so they persuaded me to send a cassette to a record company.
Найзууд минь миний дуулхад дуртай байсан ба тэд намайг бичлэгийн студэд кассетаа явуулахыг ятгадаг байсан.

That’s how it all started from me. Three weeks later, I received a phone call from the company and my life changed completely.”
3 долоо хоногын дараа би компаны утаснаас дуудлага авсан дараа нь миний амьдрал бүрнээрээ өөрчлөгдсөн.

Today, Liza lives in a large house whith a big garden just outside London with her husband and young daughter.
өнөөдөр Лиза өөрийн нөхөр жижигхэн охинтойгоо хамт Лондонгоос гадагш цэцрлэгт хүрээлэнтэй том байшинд амьдардаг болсон.

She is much slimmer now, and looks very elengant in her chic designer clothes.
Тэрээр одоо их гуалиг болсон ба загварын гоё хувцас маш гоё харагддаг болсон.

She is constantly on a diet and goes to the gym every day to keep her body in shape.
Тэр хоолний дэглэмийг тогтмол бариж өдөр бүр гимнастикаар хичээллэж өөрийн биеийн галбираа үргэлж барьдаг.

In her free time she enjoys going to the theatre or to parties.
Чөлөөт цагаараа тэр театер болон үдэшлэгт явахдаа сэтгэл ханамжтай байдаг.

Liza’s lifestyle has changed a lot since those days in Liverfool.
Ливерпоол дэхь энэ өдрүүдээс хойш Лизагийн амьдралын хэв маяг өөрчлөгдсөн.

“I think I’m very lucky to lead the life I do today.
өнөөдрийн амьдралдаа би маш их баяртай байдаг.

It’s not easy, though, because I don’t have the privacy that I used to have.
Энэ тийм хялбар байгаагүй яагаад гэвэл одоох шиг хөрөнгө надад байгаагүй.

Still, I have a lovely family and a very promising career.
Тэгхэд надаа хайрт гэр бүл минь найдвар төрүүлсэн амжилт ахиц байсан.

What else could I ask for?” she says.
Үүнээс өөр юу хүсэх билээ дээ? гэж тэр хэллээ.

Unknown said...


The Mongols gained fame in the 13th century when under Chinggis KHAN they conquered a huge Eurasian empire. After his death the empire was divided into several powerful Mongol states, but these broke apart in the 14th century.
Mongolia located in Northern Asia total area of 1,564,116 sq. km. The land slopes from the high Altai Mountains of the west and the north to plains and depressions in the east and the south. The country has an average elevation of 1,580 meters.
Mongolia is very beautiful country around the world. Mongolia has beautiful nature with forest and mountains, rivers and springs also Mongolia has wide blue sky. There are many rise and big in blue sky night. There are four seasons in Mongolia fall, winter, spring and summer the winter is cold and summer is very not. But it spring is windy. Average temperatures over most of the country are below freezing from November through March and the temperatures rise up in April.
The main festival in Mongolia is Naadam, which has been celebrated for centuries, consists of three Mongolian traditional sports—archery, horse-racing and wrestling. The festival is held on July 11-13 in the honor of the foundation of the Great Mongol State. These three sports, traditionally recognized as the three primary masculine activities, are the most widely watched and practiced throughout the country. Horse riding is especially central to Mongolian culture. The long-distance races that are showcased during Naadam festivals are one aspect of this, as is the popularity of trick riding.
Tsagaan Sar (Mongolian: White Moon), Mongolian New Year, is one of the biggest celebrations. The New Year usually falls into January or February. Family members and friends visit each other and exchange greetings and presents.
Mongolia has a very old musical tradition. Key traditional elements are khoomii, or throat singing, the Morin Khuur (horse head fiddle) and other string instruments and long folk songs. Mongolia’s total population as of July 2007 is estimated at 2.9 million people. Most people of Mongolia are medium height dark skinned with brown eyes and hair.
Nearly half of the people live in the capital city, Ulaanbaatar, and in other provincial centers. The city, situated at an altitude of 1,351 meters above sea level, stretches from east to west across the Tuul River valley. It has a population of around 800 000 and a surface area of 135,800 hectares. The city has the only international airport in the country and the Trans-Siberian railway crosses Mongolia from north to south, stopping in Ulaanbaatar, connecting Moscow and Beijing. Nomadic lifestyle still predominates in the country. There are 2 the largest shopping center in Ulaanbaatar Department store and Sky shopping center. Department store was established in 1924 and it has been service many kinds of goods to clients since 1921. It has 4 floors every day, 1000 people visit in Department store. It is located in center of city. There are about 500 workers in Department store are souvenir department, beauty products cashmere house, and electronic departments and Mongolia has many museums, every year many foreign visitors come in Mongolia to see Mongolian traditional culture, unspoiled nature.
The official language of Mongolia is Khalkha Mongolia, which uses the Cyrillic alphabet. Mongolian is one of the Mongolic languages. Mongolic is included in the Altaic languages, which also includes Turkic and Tungusic languages. The Russian language is the most frequently spoken foreign language in Mongolia, followed by English, though English has been replacing Russian as the second language.
We have many camel, horses, cows, and cattle’s such as sheep and goats. Herders make ready products, such as dried cure from milk. The men usually work in the herd stock, and women milk the cow and sheep.

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