This is a working place of my TC07 students.
Хөгжмийг М.Булган Шүлгийг О.Балдангомбо
Номын цагаан мөрнөөс урган гэрэлтсэн
Номч мэргэдийн сургаалиар цалгин бялхсан
Эрдэнийн гэрэлт шилтгээн миний сургууль
Эцгийн голомт шиг саруул өргөө
Үе үеийн алдартны алтан босго
Үүд нь өлзийтэй холбооны сургууль, холбооны сургууль
Эрдэм номын далайгаас сувд хэлхсэн
Эрдэмтэн багшийнхаа хичээлд шимтсэн
Ирээдүйн замыг заасан миний сургууль
Эргэн уулзахын ерөөлтэй саруул өргөө
Үе үеийн алдартны алтан босго
Үүд нь өлзийтэй холбооны сургууль, холбооны сургууль
Орох хонхны жингэнээ чихэнд хоногшсон
Оюутан насны дурсамж сэтгэлд тодорсон
Мөрөөдлийн мөнхийн дуудлага миний сургууль
Мэргэд чуулсан гэгээн саруул өргөө
Үе үеийн алдартны алтан босго
Үүд нь өлзийтэй холбооны сургууль, холбооны сургууль
From Rags to Richel
Амжилтанд яаж хүрэх вэ?
Liza Smythe is a successful British singer. Лиза Смит бол азтай Англи дуучин юм. Her smiling face appears on the covers of international magazines, and every year she travels to many different parts of the world to perform concert for millions of fans. Тэр дэлхийн олон газар орноор жил болгон урлагийн аялан тоглолт хийж сая сая фенүүдийнхээ сэтгэлийг татаж олон улсын сэтгүүлүүд дээр түүний инээмсэглэж байгаа төрх гарах болсон.
However,life used to very different for this bright young star from Liverpool. Хэдий тийм боловч, “Ливерпоолийн гялалзсан залуу одын амьдрал нь ихээхэн өөр байжээ. ‘Eight years ago”. Says Liza, “I lived in a small terraced house with my parents and three brothers. “8-н жилийн өмнө “гэж хэлээд, “Би жижигхэн байшинд дэнж дээр эцэг эх болон гурван ахтайгаа хамт амьдардаг байсан. It was very cramped! Бидэнд зай муутай байсан! We didn’t have a lot of money, so I used to work as a cleaner at the local hospital to make ends meet. Бидэнд мөнгө байхгүй тул эмнэлэгт цэвэрлэгч хийдэг байсан. I used to buy my clothes from second-hand shops. Би хуучин хувцасны дэлгүүрээс хувцасаа худалдаж авдаг байсан. I was quite plump back then, because liked eating chips and chocolate. Би тэр үед мяраалаг байсан, учир нь би чипс,шоколад идэх дуртай байсан. In my free time I used to sing in the college choir or go for walks on the beach. Чөлөөт цагаараа би коллежийн найрал дуунд дуулах эсвэл далайн эргээр зугаалдаг байсан. I didn’t use to go to clubs because they were very expensive. Би клубт явдаггүй байсан яагаад гэвэл тэд маш үнэтэй байдаг. I used to listen to the radio a lot, though. I learnt all the words to every pop song and people hired me to sing at parties.Би радиог их анхааран сонсдог байсан, би дэлхиин бүх л поп дуу бүрийн бүх үгийг цээжлээд хэсэг хүмүүст хөлсөөр дуулдаг байсан. My friends liked my voice a lot, so they persuaded me to send a cassette to a record company. Найзуудад маань миний дууг хуурцаганд бичүүлж дуу бичлэгийн компани руу явуулсан.That’s how it all started for me. Ингээд л миний бүх юм эхлэсэн.Three weeks later, I received a phone call from the company and my life changed completely.” Гурван долоо хоногийн дараа компаниас надруу утасдаад миний амьдралыг бүхэлд нь өөрчилсөн.
Today, Liza lives in a large house with a big garden just outside London with her husband and young daughter. Өнөөдөр Лиза Лондонд гаднаа маш том цэцэрлэгтэй том байшинд нөхөр охиныхоо хамт амьдарч байна. She is a much slimmer now, and looks very elegant in her chic designer clothes. Тэр одоо маш туранхай ба, түүнийг харахад маш, тансаг чамин хийцтэй алдартай зохион бүтээгчидийн хувцасыг өмссөн байдаг. She is constantly on a diet and goes to the gym everyday to keep her body in shape. Лиза биеийн хэлбэрээ хадгалахын тулд өдөр бүр спорт заал явж өдөр тутмын хоолондоо байнга анхаарал тавьдаг. In her free time she enjoys going to the theatre or to parties. Тэр чөлөөт цагаа театр эсвэл үдэшлэгт явж зугаатай өнгөрөөдөг.
Liza’s lifestyle has changed a lot since those days in Liverpool . Лизагийн амьдралын хэв маяг Ливерпоолд байсан тэдгээр өдрөөс маш их өөрчлөгдсөн.”I think I’m very lucky to lead the life I do today. Миний бодлоор би маш азтай би өнөөдөр амьдралаа өөрөө удирдаж байна. It’s not easy, though, because I don’t have the privacy that I used to have. Энэ бүхэн амар хялбар байгаагүй яагаад гэвэл би тайван сууж чаддаггүй байсан. Still, I have a lovely family and a very promising career. Би сайхан гэр бүл, ирээдүйтэй надад ажил мэргэжилтэй . What else could I ask for?” she says. Өөр асуух зүйл байна уу? гэж тэр хэлсэн.
Ulanbator the capital of Mongolia. Mongolia is the centre of asia a with a beautiful country. Mongolian has twenty one provinces. These provinces are further divided into a total of two hundred nine eight rural districts. Example: Ubs, Hovsgol, Altai, Erdenet, Darhan.
People mongolian are usually short. They are good looking and are medium height . The have got black eyes and dark hair, and light brown skin. The mongolian are generous and kind. Mongolian people are very friendly.
Mongolians live in national ger and house. Most of the people the officer and herdsmen and vegetable grower. Also the officer doctor, teacher, lawyer, enjineer (mechanical, mining, nuclear, electrical, automotive ), social work … Family life is very important in Mongolia.
The weather is cold and warm. Mongolian season with autumn, summer, winter, spring and perfect for skiing. Mongolian summer is a very interesting and a beautiful.
Mongolian food is very delicious. Mongolian’s like eating fried pies, soup and salat , tsuivan ,dumpling’s tea. Especially barbeque and buuz. I just love eating buuz and fried pies, also Mongolian national diary product’s.
Mongolian people love to enjoy themselves. They celebrate many festivals though out the year. My favourite holiday is “Naadam” in July and “Tsagaan sar” in February. Popular free-time activities include Mongolia wrestling , archery, horse race. Also spectacular view of the beautiful nature and Hovsgol beach. In these queit you can bus and car past mountains Ulaan-tsutgalans waterfalls and wonderfull spacions place. Mongolian are state central museum and museum of geology and mineral resources of Mongolia , of Jukov museum and museum of natural history.
Ulanbator is located in Mongolia. Ulanbator is center of the city. In the Ulanbator centre UB hotel and polyclinic, UB bank, and many can see a lot of interesting things
Mongolia is plenty of large department stores as well as thousand of delightful smaller shops. Shops in Ulanbator usually open from ten or eight in the morning till about seven in the evening from Monday to Saturday. In the centre of the city there are State Department Store and Sunny, World Plaza, Three Fire shopping center and District store, Flower Centre. Flower Centre is trade souvenir and antique. Also Mongolian national brand is Gobi and Cashmere house . Cashmere and Gobi company sell cashmere products. They buy fashionable clothes and leather jackets also designer clothes. Also a wide range of souviner shops and jeweller’s along the woolen skirts, and antique for shoppers.
Mongolian celebrate many holiday such as International Women Day, Naadam , Tsagaan sar.Especially Naadam is very favourite holiday for them.It is symbol of spring.They visit to all old relatives .Old people give to youngers different presents.
I enjoy this very much.And we proud of our national culture and custom.
Mongolian is a wonderful city. Mongolian’s my motherland.
What nice! How nice!
Маш ихээр гайхах , цочирдох , сэтгэлээр унах , сандрах тохиолдолд уулга алдах , дуу алдах тохиолдол байдаг. Эдгээр нь гол төлөв богино хэмжээний байх бөгөөд гүйцэд өгүүлбэр байх албагүй.
Exclamations- уулга алдах , дуу алдахуй
Уулга алдалт, дуу алдалт нь доорх хэлбэртэй байж болно.
“How+adjective”! or “what+a(n)+noun!”
What a ,nice day !- Ямар сайхан өдөр вэ!
What an exciting trip!- Ямар сэтгэл хөдөлмөөр аялал вэ
What colourful pictures!- Ямар өнгөлөг зураг вэ!
What awful weather!- Ямар муухай цаг агаар вэ
Уулга алдалт , гайхшрал , халаглалын бас нэг хэлбэр бол сонсогч этгээд дөнгөж сонссоноо давтаж хэлэх хэлбэр илэрдэг . Ингэхдээ сонссон зүйлдээ маш их гайхсан , итгэж ядаж байгаа санааг илэрхийлдэг.
John’s passed the exam with an A grade.
Жонн шалгалтаа эй үнэлгээтэй өгсөн.
John’s passed the exam.
Жонн шалгалтаа онц өгсөөн.
Sally’s engaged.-Сэлли хүнтэй үерхэж байгаа.
She’s engaged!-Сэлли хүнтэй үерхэж байгаа гэв үү!
How nice!-Ямар сайхан юм бэ!
Exersise 1
Дараах уулга алдах, дуу алдах өгүүлбэрийг орчуул.
1.What nice mistake I have done!
2.How nice it is!
3.What a day!
4.How toll you’re grown!
6.What a fast motorcycle!
7.What a nice chest!
8.What a nice girl!
9.What lonely children!
10.How well she plays!
Exersise 2 Дараах өгүүлбэрүүдийг орчуул.
1.Хөөх чи чинь ямар том болоо вэ?
2.Өнөөдөр чинь яачихсан өдөр вэ?
3. Тэр ямар сайхан дуулдаг юм бэ!
4.Би ямар тэнэг юм хэлчихэв ээ!
5.Новш гэж ямар гээчийн балай бодлого вэ!
6.Тэр одоо сайд болчихлоо гэж үү!
7.Ямар хөөрхөн гөлөг вэ!
8.Тэр хоолыг ямар сайхан хийдэг гээч!
9. Ямар уйтгартай юм вэ!
10.Ямар гоё бөгж вэ!
Bill Gates
Everyone has heard of Bill Gates , one of the richest and most successful people in the world.
-Дэлхийн хамгийн баян , амжилтанд хүрсэн хүний нэг болно.
Microsoft , the business he started with a friend in 1975 , has become the world’s largest computer software company , and Gates was the world’s youngest billionaire at the age of 31.
-Билл Гэйтсийн тухай хүн бүр сайн мэднэ, 1975 онд найзтайгаа хамт эхлүүлсэн бизнес болон дэлхийн компьютерийн софтвер _ын микрософт компанийн хамгийн том нь болсон бөгөөд , 31 настай --Гэйтс дэлхийн хамгийн залуу тэр бумтан болсон .
His full name is Wiliam Henry Gates III , and he was born on 28th October, 1955 , in Seattle , USA.
-Түүний бүтэн нэр нь Вилиам Хэнри Гэйтс 3 бөгөөд тэрээр АНУ-ын Сиэтид 1955-10-28 нд төржээ.
At school, Bill soon showed that he was very intelligent , and especially good at Maths and Science.
-Сургуульд байхдаа Билл ухаантай сурагч байсан ба ялангуяа математикийн шинжлэх ухаанд сайн байжээ.
His parents decided to send him to Lakeside , the private school where he first began to use computers .
-Түүний эцэг эх нь түүнийг Лэйксайд хувийн сургууль руу шилжүүлэхээр шийдэж тэнд тэрээр анх удаа компьютерийг хэрэглэжээ.
13-year-old Bill Gates and his schoolfriend Paul Allen were soon spending all their time writing programs and learning about computers instead of doing their schoolwork !
-13 настай Билл Гэйтс болон түүний сургуулийн анд Паул Амлен нар гэрийн даалгавараа хийхийн оронд программ бичиж , компьютер сурч цагийг өнгөрөөдөг байв.
After finishing school in 1973 , Bill went to Harvard , America’s most famous university. The next year , he and Paul Allen wrote an operating program for the Altair , one of the world’s first microcomputers .
-1973 онд сургуулиа төгссөний дараа Билл Америкийн хамгийн алдартай сургууль Хартфордод орсон . Дараа жил нь Паул Амлен тэр 2 дэлхийн хамгийн анхны бичил компьютерийн нэг болох Алтэйр – т зориулсан шинжилгээний программ бичжээ.
The two friends started Microsoft in 1975 , and Gates left Harvard
Before long, Microsoft was a major business success .
-Хоёр найз 1975 онд микрософтыг эхлүүлж Билл харвардаас гарсан, Микрософт нь урьд урьдынхаасаа амжилттай бизнес болов.
Since then, the company has continued to grow , producing most of the world’s leading PC software .
-Дараа нь компани өргөжиж дэлхийн тэргүүний РС- ын программ хангамжийн ихэнхийг үйлдвэрлэх болсон.
One reason for his success is that Gates has always been very ambitious and hardworking .
-Гэйтсийн амжилтанд хүрсэн нэг шалтгаан нь хүнд ажил ч гэсэн түүндээ үргэлж дуртай байсантай холбоотой.
This has not left him much time for a normal personal life , but in 1994 he married Melinda French , a Microsoft employee , and in 1995 he wrote a best –selling book , The Road Ahead.
-Хувийн амьдралдаа их цаг зарцуулдаггүй байсан ч 1994 онд компьютерийн программ хангамжийн ажилтан Мэлинда Фрэнчтэй гэрлэж , 1995 онд борлуулалт сайтай ном болон “Амжилтанд хүрэх зам” номоо бичжээ.
Bill has mixed feelings about spending so much time running Microsoft.
-Билл КПХ-ын үйл ажиллагааг явуулахын тулд дмаш их цаг зарцуулж байв.
“There are a lot of experiences I haven’t had , but I do like my job ,” he says .
-“Надад тийм ч их туршлага байгаагүй ч би ажилдаа дуртай “ гэж тэрээр хэлсэн .
When he does find time to relax , he likes puzzles , golf and reading about science.
For such a rich person , his life is simple, and he spends little on himself and his family.
-Тэрэнд амрах цаг гарахад тэр самууралгүй гольф тоглож, шинжлэх ухааний талаар унших дуртай.
When it comes to helping others , though, Gates is very generous .
-Хэдий баян хүн ч түүний амьдрал нь энгийн ба тэр өөртөө болон гэр бүлдээ бага мөнгө зарцуулдаг.
He has already given huge amounts of money to charity ,
and says that he plans to give away almost all of his wealth when he retires.
-Харин бусдад их өглөгч , тэрээр хүмүүнлэгийн байгууллагад их хэмжээний мөнгөө өгсөн ба тэтгэвэрт гарахдаа бүх хөрөнгөө үлдээнэ гэж ярьдаг байжээ.
What do the stars eat ?
For a longand happy life we should eat healthy food . Im going to write about junk food today . And you should pay attention on my writing .
There re many kinds of food in the world. We must cousentrate on our eating habit.I think junk foods are delisious oud sometimes it is useful to us. We can save time . But there must be bad things . Because in junk foods there: fast foods , coke , chocolate , coffee etc. So it hasn’t any good vitamin. So I should healthy food in Mongolia , soup is a very healthy and suitable.
Do you how to prepare?
You should prepare meat , onion , vegetable and solf , water etc.Then you should min all of their. Now you’re healthy and , delicious soup . If you don’t line it maybe you should do it again!
And wepollow the food pyramid . In the morning person must eat a lot of food . For me , I try to have as possibleas breakfast , which has , a lot vitamin. For example : eggs bread, nulls diffouot vegetable salad etc. In the afternoon people can’t have a lunch It is very bad for your healthy . To be hungry a long time , this problem usually have our most students and teenagers .
I am a student. But for me I never can’t to be a hungry a long time. Around at 2 and 3 pm I have my lunch . In the afternoon especially most Mongolian eat a lot of foods. Maybe it depends on our tradition . But modern Mongolian and city settlers usually eat light food. It is similar tome at least , should eat more foods, which contain a lot of calories , vitamins, lot fat foods .
Long live!
Exotic Shopping In Paris
A shopper’s Paradise Paris , the capital of France, is a shopper’s paradise , with plenty of large department stores as well as thousand of delightful smaller shops.
Places to Go and Things to Buy Antique lovers can find fantastic furniture in the small antique shops on Bonaparte and Jacob Streets, and collectors can find rare books on the bookstalls lining the banks of the
River Seine . There are also some great department stores which sell everything from perfume to furniture . Galleries Lafayette , Paris largest
Department store on Boulevard Haussmann , offers a great variety of high
quality woollen skirts, leather jackets and designer clothes . The Marais is a group of little streets with some of the trendiest boutiques . There you can buy fashionable clothes , shoes and jewellery . For shoppers with big bank accounts , there is a wide range of jewellers and designer fashion houses along the Rue de Rivoli , such as Cartier , Nina Ricci and Christian Dior.
Opening Hours Shops in Paris are usually open from eight or ten in the morning till about seven in the evening , from Monday to Saturday .
The big sales come after Christmas and before the autumn collections .
Recommendation Don’t miss the chance to go shopping in Paris.
There is always something to suit everyone’s pocket and taste.
Tuvkhun Temple: An Amazing Place
Tuvkhun Temple is one of the most remarkable places in Mongolia . If you want to see this part of the ancient heritage of Mongolia , you must travel 360 km’s from Ulaanbaatar to the west. The Tuvkhun Temple is one of the upper part of the 2312 meter high mountain named Shiveet-Ulaan , in Bat-Ulzii sum of Uvurkhangai aimag . It was built in 1654, and consist of fourteen small temples.
The history of the temple is related to Zanabazar Gombodorj who was a famous artist in the seventeenth century . In the Temple he had created the Soyombo script and his paintings, including the Green Tara . The scenery around the temple is a wonderful pi ece of nature . There are two wells .
Native people say that Zanabazar used to drink from the right well and use water for washing from the the left one . Two caves to the right of the wells were used as his library and place for meditation . Prints of a palm and a Mongolian national boot also remained on the rock .
Residents suppose , that there prints could have been Zanabazar ‘s . You should also inspect a cave named “ Mother ‘s womb “ . If you creep through this cave and enter the next cave named “ Diaper “ you will be like a new-born baby , believers say . If you climb up , you can see a mound .Zanabazar used to be there very often and prayed for the well being of the Mongolian people.
Environmental problems in Mongolia
Today , over 65 percent of the population in Mongolia lives in urban areas, mostly in UB . As a result, air and water pollution is increasing urban problems. The main reason is the burning of the coal in poorly designed and poorly maintained central heating and electricity plants.
Air pollution is an important issue .Ger district stoves, cars and factories are giving of dangerous fumes . In the past few years more people than ever before have developed allergies and breathing problems.
Another big problem is the destruction of forest . Trees clean the air and give out oxygen. The trees are being cut down to make room for constructing buildings . As a result , animals and birds lose their habitat and die . The destruction is also bringing about changes in climate such as flooding , drought and famine through phenomenon of global warming .
In my opinion, we need to try to find out solutions for each kind of environmental problem .For example :
-People should stop using second hand cars .
-We should plant more trees.
-The Government should implement new environmental laws to discourage people from hunting .
-We should increase the number of garbage bins in the streets .
-The area of pasture land lost in the last decade is about 300,000 hectares . The greatest damage is done by the gold mining companies .
-The Government can encourage riding a bicycle during warm seasons and should create a law to ban old cars which are producing dangerous fumes and so on .
Water pollution is a major problem in Mongolia . Cashmere factories and tanneries are polluting rivers with dangerous chemicals . People who are concerned about there health like swimming in the water and are conscious of drinking pure , untainted water .
However , these simple pleasures are becoming a thing of the past because of water pollution .
Fortunately, we still have time to solve our environmental problems . We can plant trees , create laws to protect animals and ban cars which produce dangerous fumes. We can even put pressure on people in power to take different actions to save our wonderful earth.
The Internet: FAQs
(Frequently Asked Questions)
Интернэт:-д (олон дахин гардаг асуултуудын хариулт)
The internet is without doubt one of the most important inventions in history. Интернэт бол эргэлзэх зүйлгүй түүхэн дэх хамгийн том онцгой нээлтүүдийн нэг юм.
It was started in 1968 by the US government, but at first it was used mainly by scientists. Үүнийг 1968 онд АНУ-н засгийн газар эхлүүлсэн бөгөөд анхандаа интернэтийг зөвхөн эрдэмтэд, шинжлэх ухааны ажилчид хэрэглэж байсан.
Since 1990, when the World Wide Web was created, it has changed the world, and its uses are growing every day. 1990 оноос хойш Дэлхийн Өргөн Сүлжээ интернэт тархсан бөгөөд энэ нь дэлхийг ертөнцийг өөрчилж, өдөр бүр хэрэглээ нь улам бүр өсөн нэмэгдэж байна.
1.The internet is a network (several networks, in fact) of millions of computers around the world, connected by phone lines, satellite or cable, so that all the computers on the net can exchange information with each other. Интернэт бол дэлхийг бүрхсэн олон сая сая компьютерүүдийн хэд хэдэн сүлжээнүүд, үүнтэй утасны шугамаар, сансрын кабелиар холбогддог бөгөөд энэ торон сүлжээгээр дэлхийн хүмүүс өөр хоорондоо мэдээллээ солилцдог.
2.The internet links computers, and the World Wide Web is a system which links the imformation stored inside these computers. Интернэт нь компьютерүүдийг хооронд нь холбодог, ба дэлхийг холбосон торон сүлжээ нь компьютерүүдийн дотор хадгалагдсан мэдээллийг холбодог систем юм.
3.A company or organization stores its information in electronic documents on one of the Internet computers, somewhere in the world. Компани эсвэл байгууллага мэдээллээ электрон баримт бичигээр дэлхийн хаа сайгүй интернэтэд байршуулдаг.
This computer space¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ — the company’s web site — has an address, in the same way that every telephone has a number. Компьютерт байршуулсан компаний вэб сайтад байнгын хаяг, утасны дугаар нь байдаг.
To visit a web site, you simply enter the address. Вэб сайтаар зочилохдоо, та эхлээд хаяагаа оруулна.
Your computer is connected to the web site, a document is downloaded, and a page appears on your computer screen. Та компьютераар вэб сайтад холбогдоход баримт бичигүүд хуудас байдлаар дэлгэцэн дээр харагддаг.
4.When you visit a web site looking for information, some words on the page may be underlined, showing that there is more information about the subject in another document. Таныг мэдээлэл хайхаар вэб сайтад ороход хуудсан дээр доогуураа зураастай зарим онцолсон үгнүүд байх бөгөөд энэ үг нь цаанаа таны хайж буй мэдээллийн тухай илүү их мэдээллийг агуулсан байдаг.
If you click on one these words, the Web automatically connects your computer to a new document or web site, even if this is stored thousands of kilometres away. Хэрвээ та энэ үгэн дээр дарах юм бол дэлхийн хаана ч, хэдэн мянган километрийн цаана байсан ч сүлжээ автоматаар таны компьютерийг шинэ баримттай эсвэл вэб сайттай холбодог.
You’re surfing the net! Та сүлжээнд холбогдож байна!
5.The main use of the Internet is to find information – for your schoolwork or job, or just to find out more about your hobbies, sports or current events. Интернэтийг гол нь хичээллийн талаар болон ажил, өөрийн сонирхолын талаар болон сүүлийн үеийн мэдээлэл хайхад ашигладаг.
You can also use the Internet to read newspapers and magazines, play games, plan your holiday or buy things from your favourite shop. Интернэтийг ашигласнаар та сонин, сэтгүүл унших, тоглоом тоглох, амралтаа төлөвлөх эсвэл дэлгүүрээс дуртай зүйлээ худалдаж авах зэрэг хүссэн зүйлээ интернэтээс авч чадна.
E – mail makes it possible to send electronic messages anywhere in the world in seconds, and you can use the Internet to ‘chat’ with people and make new friends. И-мэйлээр дэлхийн хаана ч байсан хэдхэн секундын дотор электрон шуудан явуулах боломжтой ба интернэтээр хүмүүстэй чалчиж шинэ найзтай болж болно.
6.If you don’t already use the Internet, all you need to get started is a computer, a modem and a phone line. Хэрвээ та урьд нь интернэт хэрэглэж байгаагүй бол эхлээд компьютероо модем ба утасныхаа шугамтайгааыыы холбох хэрэгтэй.
Using the Internet is getting cheaper and easier all the time. Интернэтийг ямар ч цагт хэрэглэхэд хялбар ба хямд төсөр болж байна.0
Are you ready to surf the net? Та интернэтэд холбогдоход бэлэн үү?
There’s a whole exciting Internet world out there waiting for you! Таныг интернэтийн гайхамшигтай ертөнц хүлээж байна!
The Pros and Cons of Using the Internet
1.Advertisements for the Internet promise you a world of information, entertainment, on – line shopping and e – mail services. Интернэтийн зар сурталчилгаа нь мэдээлэл, и-мэйл болон онлайн дэлгүүрийн үйлчилгээг олж авахад чухал үүрэг гүйцэтгэдэг.
However the real world of the Internet may not be as perfect as the advertisements suggest. Хэдий тийм боловч интернэтийн бодит ертөнц зар сурталчилгаа шиг төгс сайхан биш.
2.Using the Internet offers many advantages. Интернэтийн хэрэглээ нь олон давуу талуудтай.
For example, all of the latest information is available to you, in your home, at any hour of the day or night. Жишээ нь, та бүх сүүлийн үеийн мэдээлэлийг өдөр шөнийн аль ч цагт гэрээсээ авах боломжтой.
It is much faster and easier to surf the net in search of information from all over the world than to travel to libraries in dozens of countries. Интернэтээр аялснаар дэлхийн олон орны мэдээллийг маш хялбархан, түргэн шуурхай авах боломжтой.
Firstly, on – line shopping makes it possible to search through catalogues to find exactly what you want at the best price, saving both time and money. Нэгдүгээрт, онлайн дэлгүүрийн үйлчилгээгээр та катологоос хүссэн зүйлээ тохирсон үнээр нь авч цаг мөнгөө хэмнэх болно.
By joining a newsgroup or chat group, you can share your hobbies and special interests, and perhaps make friends all over the world. Дэлхийн олон орны хүмүүстэй та чатаар өөрийн сонирхол болон хоббигоо хуваалцан олон найз нөхөдтэй болж болно.
Finally, e – mail is popular because it faster than sending a letter and cheaper than a telephone conversation. Эцэст нь и-мэйл бол захиа явуулахаас хурдан ба утасны ярианаас хямдхан байдаг.
3.On the other hand, the Internet has several disadvantages. Интернэтэд зарим нэг сул тал байдаг.
Also, with so much information available, finding what you want can take you hours. Мөн хорин дөрвөн цагийн альнд ч та хүссэн мэдээллээ хангалттай авах боломжтой.
Multimedia web pages with photographs, music and video are attractive, but they make downloading slow and boring. Мултимедиа вэб хуудас нь фото зураг, хөгжим, видео бичлэг зэргийг багтаасан байдаг ч үүнийг татаж авахад удаан, уйтгартай байдаг.
What is more, there is too much advertising instead of real information. Үүнээс гадна тэнд бодитой мэдээллийн оронд зар сурталчилгаанууд их байдаг.
As for Internet friendships, sitting at home in front of a computer making ‘chat friends’is not the same as actually meeting people. Интернэтийн найзууд, гэртээ компьютерийн ард суугаад чатны найзуудтай болох нь яг хүнтэй уулзахтай адилхан биш байдаг.
4.In conclusion, the Internet obviously has both good and bad points. Дүгнэж хэлэхэд, интернэт муу ч талтай бас сайн ч талтай байдаг.
Fortunately, the system is improving all the time, and any problems which still exist can be solved. Хэдий тийм боловч, систем нь цаг бүрт улам бүр сайжирч, асуудалууд нь багасч шийдвэрлэгдэж чадаж байгаа.
Whether we like it or not, the Internet is here to stay, so we have to make the best possible use of it. Интернэт бол бидний хамгийн чухал хэрэглээ байсаар байх болно.
1b 11c 21c 31a
2c 12a 22a 32a
3a 13b 23a 33a
4b 14a 24c 34c
5b 15a 25c 35c
6a 16a 26a 36c
7b 17b 27b 37b
8c 18c 28a 38c
9b 19a 29b
10b 20a 30c
exercise 2 Choose the correct word to fill in the sentence.
1.make 2.produse 3.smoke 4.fumes 5.easily
6.hardly 7.cold 8.freezing 9.repaired
exercise 2 How quickly can you match the words and the descriptions?
1.k 2.l 3.b 4.m 5.a 6.j 7.n
8.c 9.h 10.d 11.g 12.e 13.f 14.i
exercise 3. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.
1.Diana said to Mark Paul was wearing black sunglasses.
2.Bill said he would buy a newspaper.
3.Clieve said George had eaten all the chocolates.
4.Tom asked Sam waht his favorite color was.
5.Amma asked Claire if you liked strawberries.
exercise 4
1.deny 2.laugh 5.freeze
6.accept 7.borrow 8.spend 10.start
1.Is there a supermarket near here?
2.How do I get to the museum?
3.What time?
4.How lucky!
5.What a pity!
Read the following text and choose the correct answer..
1b 2a 3b 4c 5c
6a 7b 8d 9b 10a
Mini test #6
1-b 11-b 21-a 31-a 41-a
2-b 12-a 22-b 32-a 42-c
3-a 13-a 23-a 33-b 43-b
4-c 14-b 24-b 34-c 44-b
5-a 15-b 25-a 35-b 45-a
6-c 16-c 26-b 36-b 46-a
7-b 17-a 27-c 37-c 47-b
8-a 18-a 28-b 38-a 48-a
9-c 19-b 29-c 39-a 49-c
10-a 20-a 30-b 40-b
1.She told Jerry to pass her a bowl.
2.She told Susie to get her some eggs from the fridge.
3.Our mother told us not to forget to wash your hands.
4.Mrs. Cross told her dog sitter not to give him any sweets.
5.Mrs. Cross told her dog sitter to feed him twice a day.
1.aren't you
2.does she
3.did you
4.hasn't she
5.won't you
6.have you
7.isn't she
8.can't I
9.hadn't they
10.didn't he
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