This is a working place of my TC07 students.
Хөгжмийг М.Булган Шүлгийг О.Балдангомбо
Номын цагаан мөрнөөс урган гэрэлтсэн
Номч мэргэдийн сургаалиар цалгин бялхсан
Эрдэнийн гэрэлт шилтгээн миний сургууль
Эцгийн голомт шиг саруул өргөө
Үе үеийн алдартны алтан босго
Үүд нь өлзийтэй холбооны сургууль, холбооны сургууль
Эрдэм номын далайгаас сувд хэлхсэн
Эрдэмтэн багшийнхаа хичээлд шимтсэн
Ирээдүйн замыг заасан миний сургууль
Эргэн уулзахын ерөөлтэй саруул өргөө
Үе үеийн алдартны алтан босго
Үүд нь өлзийтэй холбооны сургууль, холбооны сургууль
Орох хонхны жингэнээ чихэнд хоногшсон
Оюутан насны дурсамж сэтгэлд тодорсон
Мөрөөдлийн мөнхийн дуудлага миний сургууль
Мэргэд чуулсан гэгээн саруул өргөө
Үе үеийн алдартны алтан босго
Үүд нь өлзийтэй холбооны сургууль, холбооны сургууль
Ядуугаас баян
Liza Smythe is successful British singer.
Лиза Смит бол амжилтанд хүрч байгаа Британий дуучин юм.
Her smiling fase appears on the covers of international magazine and every year she
travels so many different parts of the world to perform concerts for millions of fans.
Түүний инээмсгэлсэн царай олон улсын сэтгүүлийн нүүр царай болдог ба дэлхийн улс орнуудаар аялж сая сая фенүүддээ концертоо тоголдог.
However life used to be very different for this bright young star from Liverpool.
Хэдийгээр тийм боловч Ливерпуулийн одын маань амьдрал өөр байжээ.
Eight years ago,says liza :I lived in a small terraced house with my parents and three brothers .
Лиза хэлэхдээ:Би 8 жилийн өмнө эцэг эх болон гурван ахтайгаа жижигхэн түрээсийн байшинд амьдардаг байсан.
It was very cramped! We didn’t have a lot of money, So I used to work as a cleaner at the local hospital to make ends meet!
Энэ их давчуу байсан Бидэнд их мөнгө байхгүй учраас хотынхоо эмнэлэгт цэвэрлэгчээр ажилладаг байсан.
I used to buy my clothes from second hand shops.
Би хувцас авахдаа хуучин хувцасны дэлгүүрээс авдаг байсан.
I was quite plump back then, because I liked eating chips and chocolate.
Би мираалаг байсан учир нь шоколад чипсэнд дуртай байсан.
In my freetime I used to singing in the college choir or go for walks on the beach.
Чөлөөт цагаараа коллежынхоо найрал дууг дуулах, далайн эргээр алхах дуртай байсан.
I didn’t used to go to clubs because they were very expensive.
Би клуб рүү явж чаддаггүй байсан учир нь их үнэтэй.
I used to listen to the radio a lot though.
Би их радио сонсдог байсан.
I learnt all the words to every pop song and people hired me to sing at parties.
Бүх поп дуунуудын үгийг сурсан бас хүмүүс намайг үдэшлэгт хөлсөөр дуулуулдаг байсан.
My friends like my voice a lot, so they persuaded me to send a cassette to a record company.
Манай найзууд миний дуунд их дуртай байсан ба тэд намайг бичлэгийн компани руу хуурцагаа илгээхийг зөвлөсөн.
That's how it all started for me.
Ингээд миний хувьд бүх юм эхэлсэн.
Three weeks later, i received a phone call from the company and my life changed completely.
3 долоо хоногийн дараа дуу бичлэгийн компаниас надруу утасдсанаар миний амьдрал өөрчлөгдсөн.
Today, Liza lives in a large house with a big garden just outside London with her husband and young dauther.
Одоо Лиза нөхөр болон охинтойгоо Лондонгоос холгүй том цэцэрлэгтэй байшинд амьдардагв
She is much slimmer now and looks very elegant in her chic designer clothes.
Тэр одоо маш гоолиг ганган харагддаг.
She is constantly on a diet and goes to the gym everyday to keep her body in shape.
Тэр биеийнхээ галбирыг хадгалахын тулд өдөр бүр гимнастикт явж тогтмол хоолны дэглэмтэй байдаг.
In her freetime she enjoys going to the theatre or to parties.
Тэр чөлөөт цагаараа театр руу эсвэл үдэшлэгт явах дуртай.
Liza's lifestyle has changed a lot since those days in Liverpool.
Лизагийн амдьралын хэв маяг Ливерпүүл дэх өдрүүдээс их өөрчлөгдсөн.
I think I am very lucky to lead the life I do today.
Өнөөдөр өөрийнхөө амьдралыг удирдаж байгаадаа өөрийгөө азтай хүн гэж боддог.
Its not easy though because i dont have the privacy but I used to have.
Still I have a lovely family and a very promising career.
Хэдийгээр энэ тийм ч амар биш гэлээ би ганцаарддаггүй учир нь сайхан гэр бүл итгэлтэй хүрээлэгчид байгаа.
What else could I ask for? She says.
Тэр хэлэхдээ: Надад өөр юу хэрэгтэй юм бэ? гэсэн.
Mongolia lies in central Asia,with Russia to the north and China to the south.Mongolia is also referred to as “Outer Mongolia”.This is the name the Chinese Qing dynasty historically applied to the area in the order to oustinguish it from inner Mongolia,an autonomous region in northern China and Buryat Mongolia in Russia.Mongolia occupies an area of about 1.566 million square kilometers.Mongolia is divided into 18 aimags ,or regions and three large cities the capital Ulaanbaatar,Darkhan and Erdenet.
The population of Mongolia is a little over 2 million,with a population density of 1.29 inhabitants per square kilometer.One-fourth of the population lives in the capital city ,Ulaanbaatar.The birth rate is estimated at 2.6% and about one-half of the 2 million people are under the age of 20.The death rate is below the world average.The life expectancy rate for men is 64.6 years and 66.5 years for women.Mongolia's rural population is 43% of its total population.Life is sparsely populated Mongolia's becoming more urbanized and sedentary,although in countryside,nomadic life still predominates.Mongolian people are good-looking.They are middle tall with a delicate features.They have got black hair,brown eyes and light brown skin.They Mongolian's are friendly people who are well known for being generous and kind.Most people in Mongolia live in countryside.A typical Mongolian countryside consists of Ger.Most of people in the coumtryside are farmars and herdsman.The men usually work in the hourse men and womens milk cows.
Mongolia is a conhast climate.Mongolia is a descended land from the ocean with very dry four seasonal climate.Mongolia is known for its sharply defined seasons,small amounts of precipitation,great diurnal temperature changes,long,cold winters (October to April),short summers,and some of the highest recorded barometric pressures in the world.Also ,Mongolia has the world's southern most permafrost belt on plain terrain (47 degrees north of the equator)and the world's northern desert zone (50.5 degrees north of the equator).The climate is predominately cold and dry.Snow usually stays on the ground from October through April,although it seldom totals more than a few inches at a time.The summers are cool and pleasant.The mean monthly temperature in Ulaanbaatar ranges from -27C(-17C) in January to 18C (64F)in July,with recorded extremes -48C(-54F) and 39C(102F).Precipitation averages 25.4 centimeters (10 inches) unnualy in Ulaanbaatar.The temperature drops to -30C in winter,and in summer +38C high degrees.
Mongol national Holiday-Naadam
The sports most popular with the Mongols since ancient times are wrestling,horse rasing and archery.Together they from Eriin gurvan naadam-the three manly games.The three manly games make up the core program of the National Day festivity with has been held annually for the past two centuries.Earlier ,Naadam was often associated with religious ceremonies (worshipping the spirit of the mountains ,the rocks .the rivers)At present it is a national holiday held July 11-13to commemorate the Mongol people's Revolution.This tradition was set by D.Sukhebaatar,the founder of the people's state in 1922,when competitions in national types of sport were held to celebrate the first anniversary of the People's Revolution.On July 11 local competitions are also held in some aimags and sumon (province districts) to choose the best sportsmen of that area.Small contests involve over a hundred athletes and some larger ones often have a thousand.
Up to 512wrestlers compete in Naadam Festival.There are no weight divisions.This can lead to some very intresting matches.Also there is no time limits.Wrestlers wear small vests called zodog over their shoulders and snug shorts Acalled shuudag.The heavy ,traditions Mongolian boots are called gutuls.The losers must quit the competitions ,but depending on the number of victories ,the winners are honored with ancient titles:the winner of fifth round gets an honorary title of nachin(falcon) of the seventh and eights rounds zaan(elephant)and of the tenth and elevents rounds arslan(lion).The wrestler who has two consecutive champion titles as awarded the title of avarga (Titan)Every subsequent victory at the national Naadam will add an epithet (additional titles to consecutive winners) to has avarga title like “Invineible Titan” to be remembered by all.
Horse racing
The race is conducted on the open grasslands with no a set track or a course.Children from the ages of 5to 13 are chosen to ride racing horses.And before the race the riders sing a song called “Giingoo”.After the horseracing ,a praise-singer extols the winning rider and the horse.
Men shoot from 75 meters and women shoot from 60 meters in Archery contest.Each time when they shoot you will hear a recitative cry called an Uuhai calling on the archers who hit the target well.The best archer gets the title “Ulsiin Mergen”.
The pronouns
Төлөөний үг нь нэр үг ба бүхэл бүтэн нэр хэлцийг төлөөлдөг үг юм.
A pronoun is word used in the place of a noun or a who noun phrase.
Төлөөний үгс нь биеэ даасан үгсийн аймаг юм.
The pronoun is a notional part of speech.
Төлөөний үгс нь тоо, бие, тийн ялгал, хүйсийн айгаар тодорхойлогдоно.
Reflexive pronouns
Эгэх ба хүч нэмэгдүүлэх төлөөний үгс
Эгэх ба хүч нэмэгдүүлэх төлөөний үгс нь хэлбэрийн хувьд ижил байдаг. Эгэх төлөөний үг нь өөрөө өөрийгөө гэсэн утга санааг илэрхийлдэг.
Working carelessly he hurt himself.-Болгоомжгүй ажиласнаас тэр өөрийгөө гэмтээв.
She left talking to herself –Тэр эмэгтэй өөрөө өөртэйгөө ярьсаар явж одов.
If you want to eat more ,help yourselves –Дахин идэхийг хүсвэл өөрөө өөртөө үйлчлээрэй.
Хүч нэмэгдүүлэх төлөөний үгс нь хэн нэгэн хүн ямар нэгэн зүйлийг өөрөө хийсэн болохыг тодруулж өгдөг.
I made this dress myself-Би энэ даашинзыг өөрөө хийсэн юм.
My brother repairs his car himself-Миний ах машинаа өөрөө засдаг.
We composed this song ourselves-Бид энэ дууг өөрсдөө зохиосон юм.
The play staged after this book is very interesting,but the book itself is bad-Энэ номоор хийсэн жүжиг тун сонирхолтой,харин уг ном нь өөрөө тааруу юм.
By myself хэллэг нь ганцаараа ,дангаараа гэсэн утга илэрхийлэх ба “on one’s own”гэсэн хэллэг үүнтэй ижил утгатай байна.
Jack lives in by himself=Jack lives in on his own-Жек ганцаараа амьдардаг.
I am afraid of going out during the night by myself=I am afraid of going out during the night on my own-Би шөнө ганцаараа гадагш явахаас айдаг.
My granddad likes to eat milkskin by itself=My granddad likes to eat milkskin on its own-Өвөө маань өрөмийг дангаар нь идэх дуртай.
Төлөөний үг доорхи маягаар хэрэглэгдэнэ.
I my mine me myself
You your yours you yourself
He his his him himself
She her hers her herself
It its its it itself
We our ours us ourselves
You your yours you yourselves
They their theirs them themselves
Эхний баганы үгүүд I am Jack.You are Jonh гэх мэтээр үйл үгийн хувиралийг тодорхойлдог.
2-р баганы үгүүд My name is Jack.Your name is John гэх мэтээр нэр үгтэй цуг хэрэглэгдэнэ.
3-р баганы үгүүд its mine минийх гэсэн үг its yours гэх мэтээр хэрэглэгдэнэ.
4-р баганы үгүүд give me .thank you .Give him гэх мэтээр хэрэглэгдэх ба me гэдэг нь бүдүүн тоймоор надад гэсэн үг,you гэдэг нь чамд гэх мэтээр.Энэ нь угтвар үгтэйгээ нийлж тийн ялгалын утгуудыг илэрхийлдэг.
5- р баганы үгүүд бүгдээр өөрөө гэсэн үгнүүдийг илэрхийлнэ.
Bill Gates
Билл Гэтис
Everyone has heard of Bill Gates one of the richest and most successful
people in the world.
Билл Гэтисийг хүн бүр сонссон дэлхийн хамгийн их амжилттай азтай
баян хүний нэг.
Microsoft the business he started with a friend in 1975,has become the
world’s largest computer software company,and Gates was the world’s
youngest billionaire at the ago of 31.
1975 онд найзуудтайгаа микрософтийн ажилаа эхэлж дэлхийн хамгийн
том компьютерийн программ хангамжийн компани болсон ба Гэтис нь
31 жилийн өмнө дэлхийн хамгийн залуу тэрбумтан болсон.
His full name is William Henry Gates3,and he was born on 28th October
1955 in Seattle,USA.
Түүний бүтэн нэрийг Виллиам Хэнри Гэтис3 гэдэг ба тэр 1955 оны
10-р сарын 28-нд Америкийн Сеатлид төрсөн.
At school ,Bill soon showed that he was very intelligent ,and especially
good at Maths and Science.
Суралцахын хажуугаар Билл компьютерийн өндөр чадвартайгаа
харуулж ялангуяа математик шинжлэх ухаанд онцгой сайн байсан.
His parents decided to send him to Lakeside,the private school where
he first began to use computers.
Түүний эцэг эх нь эрс шийдэмгий хүмүүс байсан бөгөөд түүнийг
нуурын эрэг дээрх хувийн сууц руугаа явуулсан ба тэр тэнд анх
компьютер ашиглаж сурсан.
13-years-old Bill Gates and his schoolfriend Paul Allen were soon
spending all their time writing programs and learning about computers
instead of doing the schoolwork!
13 настай байхдаа Билл Гэтис сургуулийн найз Паул Аллэнтай
өөрсдөө зардалаа гаргаад сургуулийн ажилын оронд компьютерийн
тухай мэдлэгээрээ бүх төрлийн программийн тухай бичсэн.
After finishing school in 1973 Bill went to Harvard ,America’s most
famous university.
1973 онд сургуулиа төгссөний дараа Билл Америкийн хамгийн
алдартай их сургууль Харвард руу явсан.
The next year,he and Paul Allen wrote on operating program for the
Altair ,one of the world’s first microcomputers.
Дараа жил нь тэр найз Паул Аллэнтай Алтэйр гэдэг утас залгах
программ бичсэн ба энэ нь дэлхийн хамгийн анхны жижиг
компьютер болсон.
The two friends started Microsoft in 1975,and Gates left Harvard.
1975 онд 2 найзтайгаа жижиг компьютерийн ажилаа эхэлсэн
ба Гэтис Харвард руу явсан.
Before long ,Microsoft was a major business success.
Урт удаан хугацааний өмнө жижиг компьютерийн үндсэн ажил нь
амжилттай болсон.
Since then,the company has continued to grow ,produsing most of
the world’s leading PC software.
Тэр үеэс хойш компани нь үргэлж өсөн нэмэгдсэн бөгөөд дэлхийн
хамгийн гол тэргүүлэх персонал программ хангамжийг үйлдвэрлэсэн.
One reason for this success in that Gates has always been very ambitious
and hardworking.
Гэтисийн амжилттай байсан шалтгаан нь тэр маш их эрмэлзэлтэй
ба нөр их хөдөлмөрлөдөг байсан.
This has not left him much time for a normal personal life,but in 1994
he married Melinda French a Microsoft employee and in 1995 he wrote
a best-selling book the Road Ahead.
Тэрний хувийн амьдрал нь урт удаан хугацааний турш хэвийн
байсан ба 1994 онд микрософтийн албан хаагч Франц бүсгүй
Мэриндатай гэрлэж 1995 онд “Манлайлах зам”номоо бичсэн.
Bill has mixed feelings about spending so much time running Microsoft.
Билл микрософтийнг хөгжүүлэхийн тулд сэтгэл зүйн хувьд янз
бүрийн байдлыг даван туулж байсан.
“There are a lot of experiences I haven’t had but I do like my job”,he says.
“Надад тийм ч их дадлага туршлага байгаагүй ба гэвч би мэргэжилдээ
дуртай” гэж тэр хэлсэн.
When he does find time to relax he likes puzzles golf and reading about
Тэр оньсого таавар гольф ба шинжлэх ухааны тухай уншиж түүнийгээ олж
нээхэд цагаа зарцуулдаг байсан.
For much a rich person ,he life is simple and he spends little on himself
and his family.
Тиймэрхүү баян хүмүүс,түүний амьдрал нь энгийн ба маш бага зардлыг
өөртөө болон гэр бүлийнхэндээ зарцуулдаг байсан.
When it comes to helping others ,though ,Gates is very generous.
Тэр тусламж ирсэн хүн болгонд тусалдаг ба Гэтис нь маш өгөөмөр
He has already given huge amounts of money to charity and says that he
plans to give away almost all of his wealth when he retires.
Тэр хүмүүнлагийн байгууллагад хандивладаг ба тэр хэлэхдээ
“Миний төлөвлөгөө би тэтгэвэрт гарах хүртлээ хөрөнгөөсөө өгсөөр л
байх болно”.
Is your Home a safe Place for your Kids?
Every year,thousands of children are injured in accidents in the home-accidents that could be prevented.Read this leaflet and make sure that similar accidents don’t happen to your children.
• Keep all cleaning products in a safe place.Your children might drink them and poison themselves.
• Always put knives and other sharp object away after use.Your children could cut themselves.
• Never allow your children to play witn pots and pans on the stove.The could scald themselves.
• Make sure you cover electrical sockets when they are not in use.Your children could give themselves an electric shock.
• Never let your children play with matches.The might start a fire and burn themselves.
• Fit safety gates at the top and bottom of the stairs.Your children could fall and hurt themselves.
• Put a fence around any ponds or pods in your garden.Your children might fall in and drown.
The Internet:FaQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
The Internet is without doubt one of the most important inventions in history.
Интернетийг зохион бүтээсэн явдал нь түүхэнд хамгийн чухал зүйлийн нэг болсон.
It was started in 1968 by the US government ,but at first it was used mainly by scientists.
Үүнийг 1968 онд засгийн газараар эхэлсэн гэвч анх эрдэмтэд голдуу ашигладаг байсан.
Since 1990 ,When the World Wide Web was created ,it has changed the world ,and its uses are growing everyday.
Тэр үеэс хойш 1990 онд www-буюу дэлхийн өргөн сүлжээг бүтээснээр дэлхий өөрчилөлтөнд орж үүний хэрэглээ өдөр бүр өсөн нэмэгдэж байна.
The Internet is a network (several network ,in fact) of millions of computers around the world ,connected by phone lines ,satellite or cable ,so that all the computers on the net can exchange information with each other.
Интернэтийн сүлжээг дэлхийн сая сая албан байгууллагуудын хооронд ашиглаж болох ба цахилгаан утсанд холбож ашигласнаар хүмүүс өөр хоорондоо мэдээлэл солилцох боломжтой болсон.
Not quite.The Internet links computers ,and the World Wide Web is a system which links the information stored inside these computers.
Бараг л. Интернэтийг компьютерт холбосноор дэлхийн өргөн сүлжээнд ямар ч компьютероос холбогдож мэдээлэл хадгалах боломжтой.
A company or organization stores its information in electronic documents on one of the Internet computers ,somewhere in the world.
Албан байгууллагууд өөрийн компаны дотоод бүтэц,зохион байгуулалт , мэдээлэл зэргийг цахим хэлбэрээр интернэтэд тавьсанаар дэлхийн хаанаас ч харах боломжтой юм.
This computer space-the company’s web site-has an address .in the same way that every telephone has a number.
Мөн албан байгууллагууд өөрийн гэсэн Вэб хаягыг нээх боломжтой.
To visit a web site ,you simply enter the address.
Ингэснээр Вэб хаягт хүмүүс зочилсоноор уг байгууллагын хаягыг хялбар мэдэх боломжтой.
Your computer is connected to the web site ,a documents is downloaded ,and a page appears on your computer screen.
Таны компьютер Вэб хаягт холбогдсон үед дэлгэцэнд бичиг баримт бүхий хуудас харагдана.
When you visit a web site looking for information ,some words on the page may be underlined, showing that there is more information about the subject in another documents.
Та Вэбэд зочилсоноор мэдээлэл харах зарим хуудсанд байгаа онцлон тэмдэглэсэн үгнүүдийг харах үзвэр наадам мэдээлэлийн тухай мөн өөр сэдэв агуулгатай мэдээлэлийг харах боломжтой юм.
If you click on one of these words ,the Web automatically connects your computer to a new document or web site ,even if this is stored thousands of kilometers away.
Хэрвээ та үгнүүд дээр дарвал Вэбэд автоматаар холбогдож таны компьютерт шинэ мэдээлэл гарч ирнэ.
You’re surfing the net!
Усан дээгүүр гулсах спорт
The main use of the Internet is to find information-for your schoolwork and job ,or just to find out more about your hobbies ,sports or current events.
Интернэтэд голдуу мэдээлэл олох мөн сургуулийн ажил ба ажил олох сонирхосон спортоо үзэх хайх зэрэг маш олон зүйлийг авах боломжтой.
You can also use the Internet to read newspapers and magazines ,play games ,plan your holiday or buy things from your favourite shop.
Та Интернэт ашигласнаар сонин сэтгүүл унших тоглоом тоглох ,амралтаа төлөвлөх ба дуртай дэлгүүрээсээ таалагдсан зүйлээ худалдан авах боломжтой.
E-mail makes it possible to send electronic messages anywhere in the world in seconds ,and you can use the Internet to ‘chat’ with people and make new friends.
Мөн дэлхийн хаанаас ч захидал бичиж болох ба интернэт чатад орсоноор хүмүүстэй танилцаж ,шинэ танилтай болж болно.
If you don’t already use the Internet ,all you need to get started is a computer ,a modem and a phone line.
Хэрвээ та интернэт ашиглаагүй бол компьютероо эхлүүлэх хэрэгсэй ба модем ба утсыг холбох хэрэгтэй.
Using the Internet is getting cheaper and easier all the time.
Бид интернэт ашиглах хугацааг хялбхр хямдхан авч болно.
Are you ready to surf the net?
Та усан дээгүүр гулсахад бэлэн үү?
There is whole exciting Internet World out there waiting for you!
Дэлхийн интернэтэд та эдгээрийн сэтгэл хөдөлгөсөн зүйлийг хүлээн авч болно.
Using the Internet
Интернэт ашиглалт
Advertisements for the Internet promise you a world of information ,entertainment,on-line shopping and e-mail services.
Интернэтээр найдвартай сурталчилгаа гаргах ,мэдээ ,зугаа цэнгэл ,дэлгүүрээс юм худалдан авах ба захидал явуулах үйлчилгээг ашиглах боломжтой.
However the real world of the Internet may not be as perfect as the advertisements suggest.
Хэдий тийм боловч Интернэтээр үнэн бодит зөвлөмж ,зар сурталчилгаа авах боломжгүй.
Using the Internet offers many advantages.
Мөн бид Интернэтэд санал аүсэлтээ илэрхийлж болно.
For Example all of the latest information is available to you in your home at any hour of the day or night.
Жишээ нь мэдээлэлүүд нь тухайн цаг үеэсээ хоцрогдсон ,өдөр буюу шөнийн аль ч цагт гэрээсээ холбогдож болдог байх.
It is much faster and easier to surf the net in search of information from all over the world than to travel to libraries in dozens of countries.
Мөн хурдан ба хялбар мэдээлэл хайдаг олон аялал жуулчлал хөдөө орон нутгийн цуглуулга 12-оос доошгүй байх.
Also on-line shopping makes it possible to search through catalogues to find exactly what you want at the best price ,saving both time and money.
Зөвхөн дэлгүүрээс юм худалдан авах боломжтой чухал хамгийн сайн хэрэгцээтэй ,мөнгөнд хэмнэлттэй каталоги хайж болно.
By joining a newsgroup or chat group you can share your hobbies and special interests ,and perhaps make friends all over the world.
Мэдээлэлийн багц ,сонирхосон зүйлээ үзэх ,дэлхийн хүмүүстэй танилцаж болно.
Finally E-mail is popular because it is faster than sending a letter and cheaper than a telephone conversation.
Эцэст нь хүмүүс яагаад цахилгаан шуудангаар харилцдагын учир нь захиа нь хурдан илгээгддэг ба утсаар ярьсанаас хямд байдаг.
On the other hand the Internet has several disadvantages.
Гэхдээ интернэтийн үйлчилгээ бэрхшээлтэй.
Firstly with so much information available ,finding what you want can take you hours.
Нэгдүгээрт хэрэгтэй мэдээлэлээ олох хэрэгтэй зүйлээ авч болдог.
Multimedia web pages with photographs ,music and video are attractive,but they downloading slow and boring.
Мэдээлэлүүд нь гэрэл зурагтай ,дуу ,бичлэгтэй сэтгэл татам байдаг,гэвч тэднийг байнга үзээд байхаар уйтгартай сонирхолгүй байдаг.
What is more there is too much advertising instead of real information.
Ихэнхдээ мэдээлэлийг үнэн бодитоор зарладаг.
As for Internet friendships ,sitting at home on front of a computer making ‘chat friend’ is not the same as actually meeting people.
Мөн Интернэтэд найз нөхөдтэй болж компьютерын урд суугаад хүмүүстэй танилцаж болно.
In conclusion the Internet obviously has both good and had points.
Дүгнэлт эдгээр нь их давуу талтай.
Fortunately the system is improving all the time and any problems which still exist can be solved.
Мөн сүлжээ сайжруулах ямар нэг бэрхшээл байдаг.
Whether we like it or not the Internet is here to stay so we have to make the best possible use of it.
Интернэтийн сүлжээг сайжруулсанаар урт удаан хугацаагаар хэрэглэх боломжтой.
Mongol New Year
Mongolia and a number of other Eastern and Central Asian countries have followed the Lunar calendar with its 12 year animal cycle since ancient times. The New Year according to the Oriental calendar in Mongolia is called Tsagaan Sar which translates as the White Month. There are many opinions about the origin of this name. One is that Mongols believe white symbolizes happiness ,purity. Moreover because it is celebrated during the lactation and breeding periods. The approaching spring brings an abundance of milk and dairy products the “white food” of Mongols. Hence the name of the holiday the White Month. The date of Tsagaan Sar, depending on the phases of the moon, falls anywhere between the end of January and early March. Tsagaan Sar is a birthday for all Mongols.
Mongol families start preparations for a holiday almost a month ahead. First of all there is a tradition to prepare plenty of gifts and food in other words to have one’s hands full Also gers sheds and pens should be cleaned out. Every Mongol family makes hundreds of buzes, banshies and meat dumplings. Mongols like to greet the New Year in everything new. So women sew new dels for the whole family. According to custom Mongols kill a sheep the fattest in the flock. Then the lower back with the tail is boiled and served on the table for the entire holiday. Tsagaan Sar symbolizes wealth and prosperity in the family.
The New Year Eve in Mongolia is called bitvvn-the last dinner of the old year. Beginning at noon. The mistress scrub the ger and farmsteads. There are should not be a speak of dust in the home on the festive day. A family begins to set up the table. There must be several dishes:a dish with the boiled sheep’s back, a dish with ul boov, a dish with beresee and a dish with traditional milk products :aaruul, byslag etc.One must eat all the traditional dishes that evening: the boiled lamb and beef ,a huge variety of milk products buzes and dessert. Some families have the tradition of placing coins inside the banshies. Whoever bites into the bansh with the coins will have good luck. When everything is ready and when stars appear in the sky after sun-set feast starts. The mistress of the ger lights up lamps and incense sticks and makes strong tea.The first drinking bowl is sprinkled to the four parts of globe the second one’s presented to the host then the guests are treated to tea. Such is the custom which endorses the priority of the head of the family. The host takes one sip and then touches the sacrum nine times with his hand. This is the sign for the hostess to serve tea first to the olders and then to children. After the traditional ceremony which proceeds any meal in Mongolia, the host begins to cut the lamb sacrum, the carcass is distributed among them. After that the other above mentioned dishes are served a sequence. Incidentally, according to the custom , strong drinks can only be taken by people older than forty.
The following morning everyone rises bright and early according to tradition. On this morning there are many customs to follow. The first is to greet the sun: everyone watches the sun rise. Second in order to have good health and happiness in the new year, each individual must take “their first steps of the year”. Everyone takes some steps in a specific direction. The direction is dependent upon what lunar calendar year one was born in. For example, a person who was born in the mouse year must take the first steps to the north at the first day of the monkey year. The following year, the direction will be different.
After the first steps are taken, all family members re-enter their home. At this point, the traditional Tsagaan Sar greetings begin. The oldest family member is greeted first. They are seated at the north side of the ger-the most respected side of the ger. The next oldest family member is the first to greet. This member carries the hadag-a beautiful piece of blue silk-across their palms. A cup filled with milk is placed in the right hand on the silk. This person greets the oldest family member by saying “Sar shin saihan shinelj baina uu?” and then gives the silk and milk to them. The younger member has her or his palms facing upward and grasps the older one’s elbows. The older member has palms faced down, and the arms are above the younger’s. While this is occurring, the two kiss one another on each cheek.
On this day, all family members show their respect and love through this greeting. After the second oldest member has finished the greeting, the other family members greet the oldest member. Then they continue to greet one another and give gifts. The clothes must be new and neat, and buttoned up, the brim of the raised, the waistband tightened and the cuffs turned up. To be sloppily dressed is regarded as ill breeding and disrespect of people.
After the greetings, the food is placed on the table and the eating and drinking begins once again. The drinks consists of airag and arkhy. Airag is fermented mare’s milk-the traditional Mongol drink. Arkhy is made from fermented cow milk, and is very potent. The most favourable drink during this holiday is Mongol milk tea. The women who is head of the house continually cooks, and serves, cleans all day long. Her children help her with all of the work.
At this point, guests begin to arrive and continue to all day long. The greetings continue as well as the gift-giving. The conversation/ greetings with the guests is a little different. Usually, questions are asked about the livestock, how they survived through the winter, if they are healthy, etc.
During this period it is expected that all family members visit one another.The greetings should be finished within 15 days; then, Tsagaan Sar has ended.
Mini test5
1b 2b 3c 4b 5a 6a 7b 8c 9b 10b
11c 12b 13b 14a 15b 16a 17a 18c 19a 20a
21c 22a 23c 24c 25c 26c 27c 28a 29b 30c
31b 32b 33a 34c 35c 36b 37b 38c
5. easily
9 repaired
10. saved
1k 2l 3b 4n 5a 6j 7n 8c 9h 10d 11g 12e 13f 14i
Dianna said to Mark Paul’s was wearing black sunglasses
Bill said I would buy a newspaper
Clive said George had been eaten all the chocolates
Tom asked Sam What his favorite color
Anna asked Claire
5. freeze
8. spend
10. start
1d 2b 3e 4a 5c
1b 2a 3b 4c 5c 6a 7b 8d 9b 10a
Mini test6.
1b 2b 3a 4c 5a 6c 7b 8a 9c
10a 11b 12b 13a 14c 15b 16c 17c 18a 19a 20a
21b 22b 23b 24b 25a 26b 27b 28b 29c 30c
31b 32a 33b 34c 35b 36b 37c 38b 39a 40b
41b 42c 43b 44b 45b 46a 47a 48c 49c
She told Jerry to pass me a bowl
She told Susie to get me some eggs from the fridge
Our mother told us Don’t forget to wash our hands
Mrs.Cross told her dog sitterDon’t give him any sweets
Mrs.Cross told her dog sitter to feed him twice a day!
1. What
2. How
3. what
4. How
5. How
1. Aren’t you
2. Does she
3. Didi you
4. Hasn’t she
5. Won’t you
6. Have you
7. Isn’t she
8. Can’t
9. Hadn’t they
10. Didn’t he
3. did
4. was
1a 2d 3e 4c 5f 6b
1d 2b 3a 4d 5c
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