Jan 31, 2008




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From Rags to Riches
Амжилтанд хүрсэн зам

Liza Smythe is a successful British singer. Her smiling face appears on the covers of international magazines, and every year she travels to many different parts of the world to perform concerts for millions of fans.
Лиза Смит бол Их Британийн алдарт дуучин. Түүний инээмсэглэсэн төрх олон улсын сэтгүүлийн нүүр царай болдог ба тэрээр дэлхийн өнцөг булан бүрт байх сая сая фэнүүддээ зориулж жил бүр аялан тоглолт хийдэг.

However, life used to be very different for this bright young star from Liverpool. “Eight years ago” says Liza. “I lived in a small terraced house with my parents and three brothers. It was very cramped. We didn’t have a lot of money, so I used to work as a cleaner at the local hospital to make ends meet. I used to buy my clothes from second hand shops. I was quite plump back then, because I liked eating chips and chocolate. In my free time I used to sing in the college choir or go for walks on the beach. I didn’t use to go clubs because they were very expensive. I used to listen to the radio a lot, though. I learnt all the words to every pop song and people hired me to sing at parties. My friends liked my voice a lot, so they persuaded me to send a cassette to a record company. That’s how it all started for me. Three weeks later, I received a phone call from the company and my life changed completely.
Хэдий тийм боловч Ливерпүүлийн залуу одын хувьд 8 жилийн өмнө амьдрал нь маш өөр байсан гэж Лиза ярьдаг. “Би аав ээж, 3 ахтайгаа жижиг байшинд амьдардаг байсан. Энэ маш давчуу байдаг байсан. Бидний амь зуулганд хүрэлцэхүйц мөнгө байдаггүй байсан учир би нутгийн эмнэлэгт цэвэрлэгээний ажил хийдэг байсан. Би дэлгүүрээс урьд ашиглаж байсан хувцас авдаг байсан. Би шоколад, шарсан төмс идэх дуртай байсан ба тэр үедээ нилээд махлаг байсан. Би чөлөөт цагаараа сургуулийн найрал дуунд явж, далайн эргээр алхдаг байсан. Клуб нилээд үнэтэй байдаг болохоор би клубт очдоггүй байсан. Гэсэн ч би радио нилээд их сонсдог байсан. Би бараг бүх Поп дууны үгийг сурсан байсан болохоор хүмүүс надад мөнгө өгч үдэшлэг дээр дуулуулдаг байсан. Миний найзууд миний хоолойнд маш дуртай байсан ба намайг дуу бичлэгийн компанид хуурцгаа илгээхийг ятгасан. Ингэж бүх зүйл эхэлсэн. 3 долоо хоногийн дараа компаниас утасдаж миний амьдрал бүхэлдээ өөрчлөгдсөн.

Today, Liza lives in a large house with big garden just outside London with her husband and young daughter. She is much slimmer now, and looks very elegant in her chic designer clothes. She is constantly on a diet and goes to the gym every day to keep her body in shape. In her free time she enjoys going to the theatre or to parties.
Өнөөдөр Лиза Лондонгийн ойролцоох том цэцэрлэгтэй том байшинд нөхөр Охиныхоо хамт амьдарч байна. Тэр одоо нилээд гаулиг бас өөрийн сайн дизайнертай болохоор маш ганган харагддаг. Тэр өөрийн галбирыг хадгалахын тулд тогтмол хоолны дэглэм байрьж, өдөр бүр гимнастикаар хичээллэдэг. Тэр театре болон үдэшлэгт очиж чөлөөт цагаа зугаатай өнгөрөөдөг.

Liza’s lifestyle has changed a lot since those days in Liverpool. “I think, I’m very lucky lead the life I do today. It’s not easy, though, because I don’t have the privacy that I used to have. Still, I have a lovely family and a very promising career. What else could I ask for?” she says.
Лизагийн амьдралын хэв маяг Ливерпүүлийн өдрүүдээс өөрчлөгдсөн. “Би бодохдоо, Би маш азтай, өнөөдөр би сайхан амьдарч байна. Энэ амаргүй байсан ч би ганцаардаж байгаагүй. Би хайртай гэр бүлтэй бас сайн ажилтай. Надад өөри юу хэрэгтэй юм бэ?” гэж тэр хэлж байна.

Anonymous said...

The most beautiful country of world

Mongolia is beautiful country with rich histories and Mongolia located in middle of Central Asia. Mongolia located middle 2 great imperial countries. They are China and Russian. Mongolian country is very wide and longways 3100 km, width 2300 km, land is 1.56 million km kb. Mongolia has 4 season. They are Winter, Autumn, Summer, Spring. Its continental climate. Mongolian beautiful nature is favorite in the World and tourism developed very well in here. Make it perfect holiday destination. What makes it really special, though its people.

Mongolian people are good-looking. They are tall with large-bodied. They have got brown eyes, black and brown hair, and yellow skin. The Mongolian people are friendly and calm who are well known for being generous and kind.

Most people live in Ulaanbaatar. Its Mongolian capital and metropolis city. There are consist of a central stadium place of modern buildings and ger districts. Ulaanbaatar is a shoppers paradise, with plenty of large department stores as well as hundreds of delightful smaller shops. Most shop is National Department store. People in UB are doctors, teachers, engineers, managers, economic, lawyer.

Mongolian foods are a lot of kind. It includes buuz, huushuur, meat, milk and product of milk. We eat a lot of meat products and because our country is very cold and hard.

Mongolian people also celebrated many festivals thoughout the year. My favorite holiday is National Naadam. At the moment wrestling, horse racing.
Popular free-time activities include traditional wrestling and like watching Sumo.

Mongolia is a wonderful country. It’s fascinating sights rich cultural history and warm-hearted people make it unique. “I’m proud to born in Mongolia” that is what like to say.

tuwshee said...

“to”- тэй эс тухайлах төлөв( infinitive with to)
Дараах тохиолдолд “to”-тэй эс тухайлах төлөв нь байна.
1. Өгүүлэгдэхүүний үүргээр:
а. Үйл үгийн өмнө бол: always to help is not easy-Дандаа туслах нь амаргүй б. Эзэн биегүй хэлбэрийн дараа бол: it is better to stay here- Энэд үлдсэн чинь дээр дээ
2. Нэмэлт өгүүлэгдэхүүний хэлбэрээр: he seemed to be angry- тэр ууртай юм шиг санагдсан
3. Шууд тусагдахууны хэлбэрээр: he promised to come- тэр ирнэ гэж амалсан.
4. Дараах тохиолдолд Нэмэлт хэлбэрээр:
а. Үйл үгэнд орох бол: we helped him to translate the letter- Түүнийг захиа орчуулахад нь бид тусалсан.
б. Хавсрал нэрэнд орох бол: be slow to promise-Битгий хурдан амла.
в. Нэр үгэнд орох бол: I have the pleasure to know him- Би түүнийг мэдэхэд таатай
г.Дэс тооны ард орох бол: he was the first to swim- Сэлэхдээ тэр мундаг нь байсан.
5. Дараах тохиолдлуудад байцын хэлбэрээр байх бол:
а. Зорилго болон шалтгаан заасан: I hurried to fetch a doctor- Би эмч дуудахаар яарсан.
б. Үр дагаварын: He was too hired to learn- Тэр сурахад маш ядарсан байсан.

“to”-гүй эс тухайлах төлөв ( infinitive without to)
Дараах тохиолдолд “to”- эс тухайлах төлөв байна.
1. туслах үйл үг болон to do -ийн дараа: I shall go home-Би гэрлүүгээ явна. We do not drink- Бид архи уудаггүй
2. үйлдэх хэвд ( active) to make, to late, to bid -ийн дараа: I let him come- би түүний ирэхийг зөвшөөрсөн.
3.Бодитой мэдрэгдэж байгааг илтгэх үйл үгийн дараа: I hear him sing ( singing)-Би түүний дуулахыг сонсдог.
4. Дараах хэлбэрийн хэллэгүүдийн дараа: I had rather……; I had better……..; I cannot but……; I had as good…….

Үйлт нэр ( the gerund)
Нэр үг болон үйл үгийн шинжийг агуулсан “ing” төгсгөл бүхий үйл үгийг үйлт нэр үг гэнэ. Үйлт нэр үг нь өгүүлбэрт аль болох үйл үгийн ойролцоо байрлан дараах үүргийг гүйцэтгэдэг.
1. Өгүүлэгдэхүүний үүргээр:swimming is healty-усанд сэлэх нь эрүүл мэндэд тустай.
2.Өгүүлэхүүний үүргээр: that running is a great risk-энэ бол том эрсдэл.
3.Шууд тусагдахууны үүргээр: ялангуяа цагийн хамаарал заасан үйл үг, дур хүсэл эсвэл дүр гутсаныг илтгэсэн үйл үйл үгийн дараа хэрэглэгдэнэ.
Үйлт нэр үг нь дараах үйл үгийн дараа байх ёстой:
To go on to have done with to put off to give up to stop
To keep I do not mind to risk I cannot help to finish

Үйлт нэр үг нь дараах үгийн дараа байж болно:
To like to prefer to mind to remember to excuse
To hate to enjoy to love to regret to start
Жнь: Go on reading-үргэлжлүүлэн унших. I like walking- I like to walk- Би явган явах дуртай
4. Дараах тохиолдолд үйл үг, нэр үг, хавсрал нэрээс хамаарч байгаа угтвар үгийн дараа үйлт нэр үг нь байрлана
а. Үйл үг: to complain of to delight in to insist on to object to to succeed in
to depend on to despair of to prevent from to quarrel about to think of
б.Нэр үг: to be in the habit of to be in danger of a plan for
to be on the point of the way of
в.Хавсрал нэр: fond of capable of keen on accustomed to
proud of disappointed at far from
5.Үйлт нэр үг нь дараах тохиолдлуудад гишүүн өгүүлбэрт дараах байцын үүргүүдийг гүйцэтгэнэ.
а. Before-after-on-upon-ны дараах цаг (temporal) заасан байцын on leaving America-америкийг орхих үед.
б. For(=ийн тулд, төлөө, учраас), for the sake of(=ын тулд, -аас болж)-ын дараа шалтгаан заасан байцын: he was punished for having stolen=… ых нь төлөө тэр буудчихсан
в.by(=Аар), with (=ийн тулд), without (=гүйгээр), instead of (= ын оронд, ын дараа) арга хэлбэрийн байцын:
he left without saying goodbye-тэр баяртай ч гэлгүй яваад өгөв.
г. By(=Учраас, тэгэх завсар)-ын дараа дэмжих байцын:
by inventing a machine he became famous-машин зохион бүтээснээрээ тэр алдартай болсон
д.in spite of (=Боловч, вч, ч) –ын дараа найр тавих байцын (konzessive) байцын:
in spite of being late you can hear the speech-та хожимдсон ч гэсэн илтгэлийг сонсч болно.

Санамж: Үйлт нэр үгийн нийлмэл цагийн оронд гол төлөв энгийн цаг хэрэглэдэг. Ялангуяа (after-ын дараа); after having finished,after finishing-дуусгаад, төгсөөд; for having stolen, for stealing- хулгай хийснийхээ төлөө

Anonymous said...

Bill Gates
1. Everyone has heard of Bill Gates, one of the richest and most successful people in the world. Microsoft, business he started with a friend in1975, has become the world’s largest computer software company, and Gates was the world’s youngest billionaire at the age of 31.
Билл гатэс бол хүн бүрийн сонссон хүн бөгөөд дэлхийн алдартай хүмүүсийн нэг юм. Майкрософт, 1975 онд тэрээр өөрийн найзын хамт бизнесээ эхэлж дэлхийн хамгийн том компьютерийн программ хангамжийн компань байгуулж 31 настайдаа дэлхийн залуу тэрбумтан болсон.
2.His full name is William Henry Gates III, and he was born on 28th October,1955,
In Seattle, USA. At school, Bill soon showed that he was very intelligent, end Especially good at Maths and Science.His parents decided to send him to Lakeside, the private school where he first be
Began to use computers. 13-year-old Bill Gates and his schoolfriend Paul Allen
were soon spending all their time writing programs and learning about computers instead of doing their schoolwork.
Түүний бүтэн нэр 3-р William Henry Gates ба 1955 оны 10-р сарын 28-нд АНУ-н Сеатлед төрсөн. Билл сургуульд байхдаа мат ба шу-нд онцгой сайн байж ухаалгаа харуулсан. Түүний аав ээж түүнийг Лакесайдийн хувийн сургуульд явуулахаар шиидсэн бөгөөд тэнд тэрээр анх компьютер ашиглаж эхэлсэн. Билл Гатес 13 настайдаа сургуулийн найз Паул Аллентайгаа бүх цагаа программ бичихэд үрдэг байсан ба хичээлээ хийхийн оронд компьютер судалдаг байсан.
3. After finishing school in 1973, Bill went to Harvard, America’s most famous university. The next year, he and Paul Allen wrote in operating program for the Altair, one of the world’s first microcomputers. The two friends started Microsoft in 1975, and Gates left Harvard. Before long, Microsoft was a major business success. Since then, the company has continued to grow, producing most of the worlds leading PC software. One reason for his success is that Gates has always .been very ambitious and hardworking. This has not left him much time for a normal personal life, but in 1994 he married Melinda French, a Microsoft employee, and in 1995 he wrote a best-selling book, The Road Ahead.
1973 онд Билл сургуулиа төгсөж АНУ-н хамгийн алдартай сургууль болох Харвардад орсон. Дараагийн жил Паул Аллен тэр 2 Алтайрад зориулж холбооны үйлчилгээний програм бичсэн нь дэлхийн анхны микро компьютерийн нэг болсон. 1975 онд Гатес Харвардыг орхисон. 2 найз Microsoft-г эхлүүлсэн. Дараа нь нилээд удаан Микрософт гол чухал амжилттай бизнес байсан Тэр үеэс компани улам өсөж, дэлхийн personal computer-н програм хангамжийн толгой үйлдвэрлэгч болсон. Түүний амжилтын нэг шалтгаан нь үргэлж алдар нэртэй эрч хүчтэй ажиллаж байсан. Тэр хувийн амьдралдаа бага цаг гаргадаг байсан. Гэхдээ 1994 онд Микрософтын албан хаагч болох Мелинда Френчтэй гэрлэсэн бөгөөд тэрээр 1985 онд шилдэг худалдааны ном болох Road Ahead-г бичсэн.
4. Bill has mixed feelings about spending so much time running Microsoft. “ There are a lot of experiences I haven’t had, but I do like my job,” he says. When he does find time to relax, he likes puzzles, golf and reading about science. For such a rich person, his life is simple, and he spends little on himself and his family. When it comes to helping others, though, Gates is very generous. He has already given huge amounts of money to charity, and says that he plans to give away almost all of his wealth when he retires.
Билл микрософтын талаар бодож ихэнхи цагаа өнгөрүүлсэн.
Надад тийм ч их туршлага байгаагүй гэхдээ би ажилдаа дуртай гэж тэр хэлсэн. Тэр эвлүүлдэг тоглоомд дуртай мөн гольф, шу-ны талаар уншихдаа цаг гаргадаг. Баян хүн гэхэд түүний амьдрал энгийн ба тэр өөртөө болон гэр бүлдээ бага цаг гаргадаг.Гатес их өглөгч учраас бусдад их тусалдаг бөгөөд тэр хэлэхдээ би хөрөнгөө дуустал бараг бүгдэд нь өгнө гэдэг.

Anonymous said...

My ambition and profession
People do much different work, so there are want to different profession. I think the greatest profession is a doctor. My mother is a doctor. She is hard working, because she works with many sick people. But she likes her work. Because my mother want to save lives and likes helping sick people.
I’ve always wanted to be a economist. And i decided engineer telecommunication, because my brother engineer telecommunication and he recommended me. Engineer have to be hardworking and careful. This won’t be a problem for me because it’s a promising career. I recently finished a school of Telecommunication, information and technology for Mongolian university. If I study her. I will be well engineer.
I know the school very hard but I should be well study and I should be well of lesson professions.

tseegii said...

Enterprise 111 page 9 exercise

Sandra and a David are excited because they are going to the Arctic Circle. They are going to see the Greenland ice cap because it is melting quickly and may cause an environmental disaster. Sandra would like to travel on the dogsled, but instead they are going to a research station. It is late, but this isn’t a problem because the sun doesn’t set in a summer there. When an engine stops, a Tony decides to land on the ice. He calls out “MAYDAY” over the radio.

tseegii said...

Ex 1: Choose the correct one.
1b 2c 3a 4b 5b 6c 7a 8a 9b 10b
11c 12b 13c 14a 15a 16a 17a 18c 19a 20a
21c 22a 23a 24c 25c 26a 27b 28a 29b 30c
31a 32a 33a 34c 35c 36c 37b 38c

Ex2: Choose the correct word to fill in the sentence.
1. make 2. produce 3. smoke 4. fumes 5. easily 6. hardly 7. cold 8. freezing 9.repaired
10. saved

Ex2: How quickly can you match the words and the descriptions.
1k 2l 3b 4m 5a 6j 7n 8c 9h 10d 11g 12e 13f 14i

Ex3: Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.
1.Diana said to Mark that Paul was wearing black sunglasses.
2.Bill said he would buy a newspaper.
3.Clive said George had eaten all the chocolates.
4.Tom asked Sam what was her favorite color?
5.Anna asked Claire if she did like strawberries ?

Ex4: Match these words with their opposites.
1d 2e 3f 4i 5j 6a 7b 8g 9c 10h

Ex5: Complete the short dialogues with phrases from the list.
1d 2b 3e 4a 5c
Read the following text and choose the correct answer.
1b 2a 3b 4c 5c 6a7b 8d 9b 10a

tseegii said...

The Internet FAQS

The internet is without doubt one of the most important inventions in history.
Интернэт бол дэлхийн түүхэн дэх хамгийн чухал нээлтүүдийн нэг юм.
It was started in 1968 by the US government, but at first it was used mainly by scientists.
Үүнийг америкийн засгийн газар 1968 онд эхлүүлсэн боловч эрдэмтэд л зөвхөн ашигладаг байсан.
Since 1990, when the World Wide Web was created, it has changed the world, and its uses are growing every day.
1990 оноос хойш дэлхийн өргөн сүлжээ тархсанаар дэлхийг өөрчилж хэрэглээ нь өдөр бүр улам нэмэгдэж байна.

The Internet is the network (several networks, in fact) of millions of computers around the world, connected by phone lines, satellite or cable, so that all the computers on the net can exchange information with each other.
Интернэт нь дэлхийн эргэн тойронд байгаа олон сая компьютерүүдийн утасны шугам, сансрын кабелиар холбогдсон сүлжээгээр компьютерүүд хоорондоо мэдээлэл солилцдог.

The internet links computers, and the World Wide Web is a system which links the information stored inside these computers.
Интернэт нь компьютерийг холбосон ба дэлхийн өргөн сүлжээ нь тэдгээр компьютерүүдийн доторх мэдээллийг холбодог юм.

A company or organization stores its information in electronic documents one of the Internet computers, somewhere in the world.
Компани эсвэл байгуулага мэдээллээ электрон баримтаар дэлхийн ямар нэг интернэтэд холбоотой компьютерт байрлуулдаг.
This computer space-the companies web site- has an address, in the same way that everyone telephone has a number.
Компьютерт байрласан Компаний веб сайтад хаяг холбогдох утасны дугаар нь байдаг.
To visit a web site, you simply enter the address.
Веб сайтаар аялахдаа хаягаа оруулж орно.
Your computer is connected to the web site, a document is downloaded, and a page appears on your computer screen.
Таны компьютер вэб сайтад холбогдсоноор баримт компьютерийн санах ой нь дэлгэцэн дээр хуудас болон хадгалагдана.

When you visit a web site looking for information, some words on the page may be underlined, showing that there is more information about the subject in another document.
Таныг мэдээлэл хайхаар вэб сайтруу ороход хуудсан дээрх доогуур зураастай үгс нь тэр сэдвийн тухай олон мэдээлэллййг байгааг илтгэдэг.

If you click on one of these words, the web automatically connects your computer to a new document or web site, even if this is stored thousands of kilometers away.
Хэрвээ та энэ үгэн дээр дарвал олон мянган км-ийн цаана байрласан ч сүлжээ автоматаар таны компьютерийг шинэ мэдээлэлтэй холбоно.
You are surfing the net!
Та интернетэд холбогдлоо.

The main use of the Internet is to find information-for your schoolwork or job, or just to find out more about your hobbies, sports or current events.
Интернэтийг гол нь хичээл, ажил, өөрийн сонирхолын талаар болон, сүүлийн үеийн мэдээлэл хайхад ашигладаг.
You can also use the Internet to read newspapers and magazines, play games, plan your holiday or buy things from your favorite shop.
Та интернэтийг ашигласнаар та сонин сэтгүүл унших, тоглоом тоглох, амралтаа төлөвлөх эсвэл дэлгүүрээс хүссэн зүйлээ авч чадна.
E-mail makes it possible to electronic messages anywhere in the world in seconds, and you can use the internet to ‘chat’ with people and make new friends.
И-мэйлээр электрон шууданг дэлхийн хаана ч байсан секундын дотор явуулах боломжтой ба интернэтээр хүмүүстэй чаталж шинэ найзуутай болж чадна.

If you don’t already use the internet, all you need to get started is a computer, a modern and phone line.
Хэрвээ та өмнө нь интернэт хэрэглэж байгаагүй бол эхлээд компьютероо сүүлийн үеийн шугамтай холбох хэрэгтэй.
Using the internet is getting cheaper and easier all the time.
Интернэтийн хэрэглээ нь хялбар ,хямд болж байна.
Are you ready to surf the net?
Та интернэтэд холбогдоход бэлэн үү?
There is a whole exciting Internet world out there waiting for you!
Тэнд интернэтийн гайхамшигтай ертөнц таныг хүлээж байна.

The Pros and Cons of using the Internet
Прос ба Консын Интрнэтийн хэрэглээ

Advertisements for the Internet promise you a world of information, entertainment, on-line shopping and e-mail services.
Дэлхий дээрх интернэтийн зар сурталчилгаа нь мэдээлэл, үзвэр үйлчилгээ, онлайн дэлгүүрийн болон имэйл үйлчилгээг үзүүлнэ.
However, the real world of the Internet may not be as perfect as the advertisements suggest.
Хэдий тийм боловч интернэтйин зар сурталчилгаа нь бүрэн төгс байдаггүй.

Using the Internet offers many advantages.
Интернэт нь олон давуу талыг олгодог.
For example, all of the latest information is available to you, in your home, at any hour of the day or night.
Жишээ нь та бүх сүүлийн үеийн мэдээллийг таны гэрт ч өдөр шөнийн хэдийд ч хүлээн авна.
It is much faster and easier to surf the net in search of information from all over the world than to travel to libraries in dozens of countries.
Энэ нь маш хурдан бас хялбархан дэлхийн бүх төрлийн мэдээллээр аялах боломжтой.
Firstly on-line shopping makes it possible to search through catalogues to find exactly what you want at the best price, saving both time and money.
Нэгдүгээрт, онлайн дэлгүүрээс хүссэн зүйлээ тохирсон үнээр нь авч цаг ба мөнгөө хэмнэх боломжтой.
By joining a newsgroup or chat group, you can share your hobbies and special interests, and perhaps make friends all over the world.
Мэдээлэл чатын бүлэгт та бусадтай өөрийн хоббигоо ярилцан дэлхий дахинд олон найзтай болж болно.
Finally e-mail is popular because it is faster than sending a letter and cheaper than a telephone conversation.
Эцэст нь имэйл нь захиа явуулахаас хурдан ба утасны ярианаас хямдхан байдаг.

On the other hand, the Internet has several disadvantages.
Интернэтэд зарим нэгэн сул талтай.
Also, with so much information available, finding what you want can take you hours.
Мөн хүссэн цагтаа хангалттай мэдээллийг авах боломжтой.
Multimedia web pages with photographs, music and video are attractive, but they make downloading slow and boring.
Мултимедиа веб хуудас нь зураг хөгжим зэргийг багтаасан байдаг ч холбогдоход удаан бас уйтгартай байдаг.
What is more, there is too much advertising instead of real information.
Тэнд үнэн бодит мэдээллийн оронд зар сурталчилгаа их байдаг.
As for Internet friendships, sitting at home in front of a computer making ‘chat friends’ is not the same actually meeting people.
Интернэтэд суугаад гэртээ компьютерт чаатны найзтай болох нь яг хүнтэй уулзахтай адилхан биш байдаг.

In conclusion, the Internet obviously has both good and bad points.
Дүгнэж хэлэхэд, интернэт муу ч сайн ч талтай.
Fortunately, the system is improving all the time, and any problems which still exist can be solved.
Хэдий тийм боловч энэ систем нь улам сайжирч асуудал нь багасч байгаа.
Whether we like it or not, the Internet is here to stay, so we have to make the best possible use of it.
Интернэт бидэнд таалагдсан ч таалагдаагүй ч энэ бидний хамгийн чухал хэрэглээ байсаар байх болно.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion our environment isn’t beautiful.
1.Air Pollution is the human introduction into the atmosphere of chemicals, particulates, or biological materials that cause harm or discomfort to humans or other living organisms, or damage the environment. Air pollution causes deathsand respiratory disease. Air pollution is often identified with major stationary sources, but the greatest source of emissions is actually mobile sources, mainly automobiles.Gases such as carbon dioxide, which contribute to global warming, have recently gained recognition as pollutants by climate scientists, while they also recognize that carbon dioxide is essential for plant life through photosynthesis.
The atmosphere is a complex, dynamic natural gaseous system that is essential to support life on planet Earth. Stratospheric ozone depletion due to air pollution has long been recognized as a threat to human health as well as to the Earth's ecosystems.
3.It is not too late to change their fate! Organizations like the International Exotic Animal Sanctuary (IEAS) are working together to learn about endangered species and bring them back from the brink of extinction. You can help with conservation simply by staying informed about endangered animals and plants and the importance of protecting our natural heritage. There are many ways to reduce your impact on the environment and preserve natural habitats.
4.Acid rain is a result of air pollution. When any type of fuel is burnt, lots of different chemicals are produced. The smoke that comes from a fire or the fumes that come out of a car exhaust don't just contain the sooty grey particles that you can see - they also contains lots of invisible gases that can be even more harmful to our environment.
Acid rain can be carried great distances in the atmosphere, not just between countries but also from continent to continent. The acid can also take the form of snow, mists and dry dusts.
It is thought that acid rain can cause trees to grow more slowly or even to die but scientists have found that it is not the only cause. The same amount of acid rain seems to have more effect in some areas than it does in others.

Anonymous said...

Naadam & the Three Manly Sports

The sports most popular with the Mongols since ancient times are wrestling, horse racing and archery. Together they form Eriin Gurvan Naadam - the three manly sports. The three manly sports make up the core program of the National Day festivity which has been held annually for the past two centuries. Earlier, Naadam was often associated with religious ceremonies (worshipping the spirit of the mountains, the rocks and the rivers). At present it is a national holiday held 11-13th July each year to commemorate the Mongol People's Revolution. This tradition was set by D.Sukhbaatar, the founder of the people's state in 1922, when competitions in national types of sport were held to commemorate the first anniversary of the People's Revolution.

The opening ceremony takes place at the Naadam Stadium with more marching by the military, athletes and monks. A similar closing ceremony takes place on the second day in the evening. The horse racing is held a small distance away from the stadium at a place called Yarmag. There is always plenty to see and it's even possible to pitch a tent along with all the competitors.

The traditional style of wrestling has its own long-standing ritual. Each wrestler wears ornamental knee boots with upturned toes, tight trunks and an open-fronted, long sleeved vest of silk. With arms imitating the flight of a bird, he performs the eagle dance, which symbolises power and invincibility. Supposedly, the vest was changed in design to an open-fronted vest after a woman was found to have taken part in the event and won!

Children start to learn wrestling from an early age and although it appears as play, the youngsters take their wrestling seriously
Horses aged two years and above take part. Mostly there are seven groups - two, three, four, five and six year olds, stallions and amblers. Horse training begins two or three months prior to Naadam. Each rider has his own ways and methods which he is usually reluctant to reveal. During training the trainer finds the best pastures for the horse to graze on. Of course, the goal of the trainer is to get the horse into the best shape possible.

Anonymous said...

1.b 11.b 21.a 31.a 41.a
2.b 12.a 22.b 32.a 42.c
3.a 13.a 23.a 33.b 43.b
4.c 14.b 24.b 34.c 44.b
5.a 15.b 25.a 35.b 45.b
6.c 16.c 26.b 36.b 46.a
7.b 17.a 27.c 37.c 47.b
8.a 18.a 28.b 38.a 48.a
9.c 19.b 29.c 39.a 49.c
10.a 20.a 30.b 40.b

1.She told Jerry to pass her a bowl.
2.She told Susie to get her some eggs from the fridge.
3.Our mother told us not to forget to wash your hands.
4.Mrs. Cross told her dog sitter not to give him any sweets.
5.Mrs. Cross told her dog sitter to feed him twice a day.


1.aren’t you
2.does she
3.did you
4.hasn’t she
5.won’t you
6.have you
7.isn’t she
8.can’t I
9.hadn’t they
10.didn’t he




