Дасгал 1: Орчуул.
1. He has been translating articles for 3 hour.
2. The boy has been sitting on the steps.
3. She has been doing her homework since 2 o*clock.
4. They have been building a house since April.
5. Things have been rising in price.
6. I have been listening to the music for half an hour.
7. John has been training to be a doctor for 5 years.
8. The telephone has been ringing.
Дасгал 2: Since or for.
1. He’s been working in the garden………….. morning.
2. They’ve been learning French………………the first of September.
3. The students have been writing a test……………20 minutes.
4. She has been working as a reporter…………. 10 years.
5. He has been speaking ……………. 15 minutes.
6. I have been selling milk…………… 12 o’clock.
7. They have been walking ………… 2 hours.
Дасгал 3: Хаалтан доторхи үйл үгнүүдийг Present perfect continuous цагт хувирган бич.
1. I (make)……… cakes. That’s why my hands are all covered with flour.
2. Her phone (ring)…………..for ten minutes. I wonder why she doesn’t answer it.
3. He (study)………….Russian for 2 years and doesn’t know the alphabet yet.
4. How long (you wear)……….glasses?
5. You (drive)……..all day. Let me drive now.
6. We (live)………….here since 1977.
7. You (not/eat)…………. Enough lately. That’s why you feel irritable.
8. Mary (cry)…………….?
No, she (not/cry)…………….., she (peel)………….onions.
Mongolia is beatiful country with a rich culture, jest north of china. People call it "the jewel of north-east Asia" for a good reason. It's not tropical continental climate, mountains and ancient temples make it a perfect holiday destination. What makes it really special, thought, is itspeople. Mongolia peoples have a got black hair, black eyes and light brown skin. They are friendly people in mongolian live in Ulaanbaatar and countryside. UB is best know for its great cultural and artistic heritage a good example of which is the national museum. A typical mongolia is countryside consists of ger, a school and buddhist temple. Most people of the people in the herdsmen. The men usually work in the heard in sheep.
Mongolian families very important in mongolian and families often eat together. Mongolian food is nutricuous. When we love it meat, vegetables and buuz, huushuur. Mongolia is smallist city, with a population of 2 million.
Mongolian people love to enjoy themselves. Popular freetime watching TV in Sumo. Mongolian also celebrate many festivals throuhout the year. We are favourite holiday is NAADAM, when we always have horses racing and westler. Mongolia is wondergul country. It's fescinating sights, rich cultury history and warm-hearted people make it unique.
Present perfect continuous tense
Цагийн хэлбэржилт Tense form
1. Батлан хүүрнэх хэлбэр Affirmative
2. Үгүйсгэсэн хүүрнэх хэлбэр Negative
3. Асуух хэлбэр Interrogative
Хэрэглэх тохиолдлууд
• Oguulegch etgeediin yarij bui hormoos umnu ehelsen vil yarij bui horom hurtel bolon tsaashidch mun vrgeljilseer baij boloh sanaag ilerhiilne.
Жишээ нь: The number of people without job has been increasing.
• Tuhain vrgeljilseer bui vil yavdal hediid ehelsen bolohiig terchlen hedii her hugatsaand vrgeljleed bgaa bolohiig zaana.
Жишээ нь: We have been waiting for our teacher for 20 minutes since 9 oclock. Бид багшийгаа 9 цагаас хойш 20 минут хүлээж бна.
• Vil yavdal ugvvlegch etgeediin yarij bui horom hurtel vrgeljleed tugch bno.
Жишээ нь: There you are! I have been waiting for you for an hour and a half. Та нэг ирэв үү! Би таныг цаг хагас хүлээгээд бна.
• Ungursun ali neg tsagt ehleed ugvvlegch etgeediin yarij bui hormoos umnuhun zogsson vil yvdliig ilerhiilj bno. Ene tohioldold ug vil yavdal duussan bolovch tuhain vil bolson shinj temdeg ni arilaagui bh yostoi.
Жишээ нь: Bob is coming tired. He has been working hard. Боб яларсан байдалтай ирж бна. Тэр шаргуу ажиллажээ.
• Yamar negen vil yavdal bolj ungursunuus hoish vrgeljilj bui vil yavdliig ilerhiilne. Ene tohioldold *since*-n araas orson gishuun ugvvlber ni *past simple* tsag deer bichigdene.
Жишээ нь: I have been working here since I graduated from the institute. Би энд дээд сургууль төгссөнөөсөө хойш ажиллаж бна.
• *Continuous* tsag deer huvirdaggui vgnvvdiin huwid ene tsag hereglegddeggui. Tedgeer vgnvvdiig *present perfect simple* tsag deer bichne.
Жишээ нь: My brother has been ill since Friday. Ах маань Баасан гаригаас хойш өвчтэй бна.
Дасгал 1: Орчуул.
1. He has been translating articles for 3 hour.
2. The boy has been sitting on the steps.
3. She has been doing her homework since 2 o*clock.
4. They have been building a house since April.
5. Things have been rising in price.
6. I have been listening to the music for half an hour.
7. John has been training to be a doctor for 5 years.
8. The telephone has been ringing.
Дасгал 2: Since or for fill.
1. He’s been working in the garden………….. morning.
2. They’ve been learning French………………the first of September.
3. The students have been writing a test……………20 minutes.
4. She has been working as a reporter…………. 10 years.
5. He has been speaking ……………. 15 minutes.
6. I have been selling milk…………… 12 o’clock.
7. They have been walking ………… 2 hours.
Дасгал 3: Хаалтан доторхи үйл үгнүүдийг Present perfect continuous цагт хувирган бич.
1. I (make)……… cakes. That’s why my hands are all covered with flour.
2. Her phone (ring)…………..for ten minutes. I wonder why she doesn’t answer it.
3. He (study)………….Russian for 2 years and doesn’t know the alphabet yet.
4. How long (you wear)……….glasses?
5. You (drive)……..all day. Let me drive now.
6. We (live)………….here since 1977.
7. You (not/eat)…………. Enough lately. That’s why you feel irritable.
8. Mary (cry)…………….?
No, she (not/cry)…………….., she (peel)………….onions.
1. Have you ever been to a rock concert? I went to one last Saturday at Pinesrest, a public park near Bath, and it was an all-day event with six different bands, including The Runners, my favourite group.
2. It was only nine oclock in the morning when I got there, so I watched as they set up the speakers for the sound system. One of the men working there even asked me to help, so I ran over and gave him a hand.
3. The concert started at eleven oclock, and since I had helped earlier I was allowed to sit at the edge of the stage. I was almost close enough to touch the performers. The best part of the concert for me was when the Runners appeared. I couldn’t believe it when Eddie Easton. The Runners lead singer, walked out holding his silver guitar. I left very excited to be so close to my favourite singer. Everyone started clapping. Eddie stopped right in front of me. Leaned over, and told me to enjoy the show. Then he started singing allof his hits. We all joined in with him and danced to the music. The rest of the concert was wonderful, and everybody had a great time.
4. Walking home, I felt exhausted, but also delighted that I had had the chance to see my favourite band and talk to Eddie in front of five thousand people.
Интернэт ашиглахын давуу ба сул тал
Интернэтийн зар сурталчилгаа нь танд дэлхийн мэдээ мэдээлэл, зугаа цэнгэл, он-лайн shpping, e-mail бичихэд туслана.
Интэрнэт ашиглахад маш олон сайн талтай.
Ж нь; Сүүлийн үеийн бүх шинэ мэдээлэл өдөр ч шөнө ч, алв ч цагт таны гэрт таньд чөлөөтэй байгаа.
Олон орноор аялж, олон номын сангаар орохоос илүү хурднаар мөн амархнаар та интернэтээс мэдээлэлээ хайж олно.
Мөн он-лайн shopping хийх нь таны цаг мөнгийг хэмнэх ба хүссэн үнээрээ хайж олох боломжтой.
Та дэлхийн хаана ч, сонирхоль хоббигоороо чат груп, мэдээллийн групэд нэгдэн элсэж олон найзтай болж болно.
E mail бичих нь захиа бичиж явуулахаас хурдан, утсаар харилцан ярилцахаас илүү түгээмэл.
Нөгөө талаар интернэт нь хэд хэдэн сул талтай;
Маш их мэдээлэл байдаг учир та хэдэн ч цаг хайж магадгүй.
Фото зураг дуу, видео вэб хуудас нь маш сонирхолтой. Гэхдээ тэднийг татаж авах нь удаан уйтгартай. Мөн тэнд бодит мэдээллэх илүү их зар сурталчилгаа байдаг. Гэртээ комкпютерийнхээ өмнө сууж чатны найзтай болох нь хүмүүстэй уулзахаас шал өөр. Мэдээж хэрэг интернэт нь сайн муу талтай. Азаар систем нь цаг үргэлж сайжирсаар байна. Мөн маш олон асуудлууд шийдвэрлэгдэж байна. Бид энэнд дуртай үгүй эсэхээс нь үл хамааран интернэт энд байсаар л байна. Тэгээд бид үүний хамгийн боломжтойг нь хэрэглэдэг.
Traditional holiday
Tsagaan Sar is the Mongolian lunar New Year's festival. It is often celebrated around the same time as the Chinese New Year. However, the Mongolian Tsagaan Sar is related not to the Chinese New Year but to the Tibetan New Year or Losar.
The White Moon holiday is celebrated two months after the first new moon following the winter solstice. In 2008, White Moon falls on Feb. 8th. Tsagaan Sar is one of the most important Mongolian holidays.
Around the New Year people greet each other by saying 'Amar mend uu?' or 'Amar bain uu?', a very formal greeting which one says to one's elders. Mongolians also visit friends and family on this day and exchange gifts. A typical Mongolian family will meet in the home dwelling of the eldest in the family. When greeting their elders during the White Moon festival, Mongolians grasp them by their elbows to show support for them. The eldest receives greetings from each member of the family except for his spouse. During the greeting ceremony, family members hold long pieces of colored cloth called khadag. After the ceremony, the family eats buuz and drinks airag, (fermented mare's milk) and exchanged gifts.
The day before Tsagaan Sar is called "Bituun". On this day, families gather together--immediate family usually, in contrast to the large feast gatherings of White Moon day--and see out the old year. Traditionally, Mongolians settle all issues and repay all debts from the old year by this day. Mongolians eat their fill at the Bituun meal, as tradition says that if you are hungry after Bituun you will be hungry for the whole coming year.
Traditional food for the festival includes a grilled side of sheep and minced beef or minced lamb steamed inside pastry, a dish known as buuz. horse meat and traditional cookies. Tsagaan Sar is a lavish feast, requiring preparation days in advance, as the women make large quantities of buuz and freeze them to save for the holiday.
Traditional food
The traditional Mongolian Cuisine primarily consists of dairy products and meat. The nomads of Mongolia sustain their lives directly from the products of their animals (horses, cattle, yaks, camels, sheep, and goats). Meat is either cooked, used as ingredient for soups or dumplings, or dried for winter ("Borts"). Milk and cream are used to make a variety of beverages, as well as cheese and similar products.
The Mongolian diet includes a large proportion of animal fat. While this would lead to health problems in an industrialized society, it is necessary for the Mongols to withstand the cold winters and their hard work. Winter temperatures as low as -40 °C and outdoor work require sufficient energy reserves.
The nomads on the countryside are self-supporting by principle. Travellers will find yurts marked as "Guanz" in regular intervals near the roadside, which operate as simple restaurants.
Cooking in the yurt normally happens in a wok on a small stove, using wood or dried animal dung (argal) as heating material.
Buuz are a type of Mongolian steamed dumpling filled with minced mutton, or sometimes beef from yak. The meat is flavoured with onion or garlic and salted. In some additional flavours are given with malted fennel seeds and other seasonal herbs. Some households add potato mash, cabbage or rice depending on their preferences.
The meat ball is then placed inside a small pocket of dough which is folded up and around the ball, typically with a small opening at the top and with the dough folded in a specific style that depends on the user. The buuz is then steamed and eaten by hand, with the dough pocket catching the juices of the meat.
Buuz is an example of authentic Mongolian cuisine. The dish is traditionally eaten at home on Tsagaan Sar, the Mongolian New Year. It is also offered at restaurants and small cafes throughout the capital of Ulaanbaatar. It is similar to another Mongolian dumpling, khuushuur, except that the latter is not steamed but fried.
Liberty bell
The Liberty Bell, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is a bell of great historic significance. The Liberty Bell is one of the most prominent symbols associated with the American Revolutionary War. It is one of the most familiar symbols of independence within the United States, and has been described as an international icon of liberty and justice for all.
According to tradition, its most famous ringing occurred on July 8, 1776, to summon citizens of Philadelphia for the reading of the Declaration of Independence. The bell had also been rung to announce the opening of the First Continental Congress in 1774 and after the Battle of Lexington and Concord in 1775. Historians today consider this highly doubtful, as the steeple in which the bell was hung had deteriorated significantly by that time.
The Liberty Bell was known as the "Independence Bell" or the "Old Yankee's Bell" until 1837, when it was adopted by the American Anti-Slavery Society as a symbol of the abolitionist movement.
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