This is a working place of my TC07 students.
Хөгжмийг М.Булган Шүлгийг О.Балдангомбо
Номын цагаан мөрнөөс урган гэрэлтсэн
Номч мэргэдийн сургаалиар цалгин бялхсан
Эрдэнийн гэрэлт шилтгээн миний сургууль
Эцгийн голомт шиг саруул өргөө
Үе үеийн алдартны алтан босго
Үүд нь өлзийтэй холбооны сургууль, холбооны сургууль
Эрдэм номын далайгаас сувд хэлхсэн
Эрдэмтэн багшийнхаа хичээлд шимтсэн
Ирээдүйн замыг заасан миний сургууль
Эргэн уулзахын ерөөлтэй саруул өргөө
Үе үеийн алдартны алтан босго
Үүд нь өлзийтэй холбооны сургууль, холбооны сургууль
Орох хонхны жингэнээ чихэнд хоногшсон
Оюутан насны дурсамж сэтгэлд тодорсон
Мөрөөдлийн мөнхийн дуудлага миний сургууль
Мэргэд чуулсан гэгээн саруул өргөө
Үе үеийн алдартны алтан босго
Үүд нь өлзийтэй холбооны сургууль, холбооны сургууль
Rrom Rags to Riches
Liza Smythe is a successful British singer. Her smiling face appears on the covers of internatsional mazaines, and every year she travels to many different parts of the world to perform concerts for millions of fans.
Liza Smythe бол азтай британи дуучин. Түүний инээмсэглэсэн дүр төрх үндэсний сэтгүүлийн нүүрэнд гардаг ба тэр жил бүр дэлхийн олон газраар аялж сая сая шүтэн бишрэгчтэй болсон.
However, life used to be very different for this bright young star from Liverpool. ‘Eight years ago,’ saya Liza, ‘I Lived in a small terrased house with my parents and three broders. It was very cramped We didn’t have a lot of money’ so I used to work as a cleaner at the local hospital to make ends meet. I used to buy my clothes from second-hand shops. I was quite plump back then’ because I liked eating chips and chocolate. In my free time I used to sing in the college choir or go for walks on the beach. I didn’t use to go to clubs because they were very expensive. I used to listen to the radio a lot’ though. I learnt all the words to every pop song and people hired me to sing at parties. My friends liked my voice a lot’ so they persuaded me to send a cassette to a record company. That’s how it all started for me. Three weeks later’ I received a phone call from the company and my life changed completely.’
Хэдий тийм боловч түүний амьдрал нь бусдаас өөр байсан ба Livergool хотоос төрсөн залуу од юм. “8 жилийн өмнө” Liza өгүүлнэ:
Би жижигхэн давхар байшинд өөрийн эцэг эх болон 3 ахтайгаа амьдардаг байсан. Маш давчуухан байсан. Бид мөнгөгүй байсан учраас би орон нутгийн эмнэлэгт цэвэрлэгчээр ажилладаг байсан бөгөөд ажлаас маш сайн хийдэг байсан. Би хувцасаа комиссын барааны дэлгүүрээс худалдаж авдаг байсан. Би их махлаг байсан ба учир нь чипс шоколад их идэх дуртай байсан. Би чөлөөт цагаараа найрал дууны дугуйланд дуулж мөн нуурын эргээр алхдаг байсан. Би клуб явж чаддаггүй байсан, яагаад гэвэл маш гнэтэй байдаг байсан. Би радио сонсдог байсан. Түүгээр би дэлхийн поп дуучдаас суралцдаг байсан ба хүмүүс намайг үдэшлэгт урьж дуулуулдаг байсан. Миний найзууд намайг дуулахад дуртай байдаг байсан бөгөөд намайг хоолойгоо бичүүлэхийг ятгадаг байсан.
Эндээс миний амьдралын гараа эхэлсэн. 3 хоногийн дараа би компаниас утсаар нааштай хариу хүлээн авсан ба миний амьдрал бүхэлдээ өөрчлөгдсөн.
Today, Liza lives in a large honse with a big garden just outside London with her husband and young daughter. She is much slimmer now, and looks very elegant in her chic designer clothes. She is constantly on a diet and goes to the gym every day to keep her body in shape. In her free time she enjoys going to the theatre or to parties.
Өнөөдөр Liza Лондон хотод аварга саруулхан байшинтай гаднаа том цэцэрлэгт хүрээлэнтэй ба нөхөр болон залуу охинтойгоо амьдардаг. Тэр бол нарийхан гуалиг ба маш дэгжин дизайнтай хувцаснууд өмсдөг.
Тэр өдөр бүр хоолныхоо дараа гемнастик хийдэг болсноор булчинлаг болсон. Түүнд чөлөөт цагаараа театр болон үдэшлэгрүү явах нь их таалагддаг.
Liza’s lifestyle has changed a lot since those days in Liverpool. ‘I think I’m very lucky to lead the life I do today. It’s not easy, though, because I don’t have the privacy that I used to have. Still, I have a lovely fanily and a very promising career. What else could I ask for?’ she says.
Liza-ийн амьдралын хэв маяг өөрчлөгдөж Liverpool-ийн нэгэн од болсон. Би бодохдоо “Би өнөөдөр маш азтай амьдралтай байна. Хэдий тийм боловч би амар амгалан байхыг эрхэмлэдэг байсан. Би үнэхээр халамжтай гэр бүлтэй бөгөөд маш ирээдүйтэй ажилтай.
Mongolia is a beautiful country which is located between Russia and China. Our south neighbour is China and our north neighbour is Russia. Mongolia has rich culture and traditions. Also Mongolia has an ancient history and civilization. Its blue sky, beautiful nature and lovely people attract world’s people attention.
Its population is nearly three million. Mongolian people are lovely and good-looking. A half of Mongolian population live in the countryside and other part live in a city.
Mongolian capital city is Ulaanbaatar and Mongolia has 21 aimags.Much more people live in Ulaanbaatar. Also there are two cities such as Darkhan and Erdenet. Mongolian people manage animal husbandly or lives toch’s farm. Our Mongolia is nomadic country.
Our greet history and customs, Chinggis khaan lives toch are our proud.
Mongolian food is very delicious and very rich and includes meat, flour and diary product.
Popular free-time activities include wrestling and horse race. Our traditional holiday are Naadam and Tsagaansar. There is a three manly sports such as wrestling, horse racing, and archery. Mongolians also celebrate many holidays New year, Mart-8 and Christmas day.
Mongolian capital city is very nice. And a lot of people live in here. It is a trade and cultural centre of Mongolia. There are many shops and trading centre such as Nomin, Elba, UB mart and Exhibition.
Paste simple
Paste simple нь Indefinite (үйл үгийн тодорхойгүй төлөв)-н өнгөрсөн цаг юм. Paste simple нь 5 янз утга заадаг.
1.Батлан хүүрнэх хэлбэр
Ж. I invited Dorj last week. ( Би доржийг өнгөрсөн 7 хоногт урьсан)
2. Үгүйсгэх хэлбэр
Subject+did not+verb+object
Ж. I didn’t invite Dorj last week. (Би өнгөрсөн 7 хоногт Доржийг уриагүй )
3. Асуух хэлбэр
Асуух үг+did(not)+subject+object+verb?
Ж. When did you invite Dorj? (Чи Доржийг хэзээ урьсан бэ?)
4. Хэд хэдэн үйл явдал дараалан болоход хэрэглэнэ.
Ж. Dorj opened the window and sit down on the sea stars.
(Дорж цонхоо нээгээд суугаад оддыг харав.)
5. Өнгөрсөн цагт давтагдаж байсан үйл явдлыг илэрхийлнэ.
Ж. When Dorj was a child he went to the school.
(Дорж хүүхэд байхдаа сургуульд явдаг байсан.)
Англи хэлний үйл үгс нь өнгөрсөн цагт дүрэм ба дүрэм бусаар хувирч хэрэглэгддэг.
Дүрмийн үйл үг (regular)
Дүрмийн бус үйл үг нь (irregular)
Дүрмээр үүсэх үйл үгийн үндэс дээр (ed) нэмж өгнө.
Ж. Regular: watch-watched
Irregular: buy-bought
Одоо (to be) буюу байх гэсэн үгийг өнгөрсөн цаг дээр авч үзье.
I was I was in UB.
You were You were in UB.
She was She was in UB.
He was He was in UB.
It was It was in UB.
We were We were in UB.
You were You were in UB.
They were They were in UB.
Bill Gates
Бил Гетс
Everyone has heard of Bill Gates, one of the richest and most successful people in the world. Microsoft the business he started with a friend in 1975, has become the world’s largest computer software company, and Gates was the world’s youngest billionaire at the age of 31.
Дэлхийн хамгийн баян бөгөөд хамгийн амжилттай хүмүүсийн нэг болох Билл Гэйтсийн талаар хүн бүр сонссон. 1975 онд нэгэн найзын хамт Microsoft компанийг үүсгэн байгуулсан бөгөөд энэ нь дэлхийн хамгийн том программ хангамжийн компани болсон. Мөн Гэйтс 31 насандаа дэлхийн хамгийн залуу тэрбумтан болсон.
His full name is William Henry Gates III, and he was born on 28th October, 1955, in Seattle, USA. At school Bill soon showed that he was very intelligent, and especially good at Maths and Science. His parents decided to send him to Lakeside, the private school where hi first began to use computers. 13-year-old Bill Gates and his school friend Paul Allen were soon spending all their time writing programs and learning about computers instead of doing their school work!
Түүний бүтэн нэр нь Вильям Хэнри Гэйтс 3 бөгөөд тэрээр 1955 оны 10 сарын 28нд АНУ-н Сителл хотод төрсөн. Сургуульд байхдаа тэрээр маш ухаантай бөгөөд математик болон ШУ-ны хичээлүүдэд сайн байсан гэдгээ харуулсан. Түүний эцэг эх нь түүнийг Лександ гэдэг хувийн сургуульд оруулахаар шийдсэн бөгөөд тэрээр энэ сургуульд компютерыг анх ашиглаж сурсан. 13 настай Билл Гэйтс болон түүний сургуулийн найз Паул Ален нөр ихэнх цагаа программ бичихэд зарцуулсан байдаг бөгөөд сургуулийн ажлын оронд компютерын талаар сурдаг байсан.
After finishing school in 1973, Bill went to Harvard, America’s most famous university. The next year, he and Paul Allen wrote an operating program for the Altair, one the world’s first microcomputers. The two friends started Microsoft in 1975, and Gates left Harvard. Before long, Microsoft was a major business success. Since then, company has continued to grow, producing most of the world ‘s leading PC software. One reason for his success is that Gates has always been very ambitious and hardworking. This has not left him much time for a normal personal life, but in 1994 he married Melinda French, a Microsoft employee, and in 1995 he wrote a best-selling book, The Road Ahead.
1973 онд дунд сургуулиа төгссөний дараа Америкын хамгийн алдартай сургууль болох Харвард руу орсон. Дараа жил нь Билл Гейтс, Паул Ален 2 дэлхийн хамгийн анхны микро компютерын нэг болох Алтаерт зориулж үйлдлийн програм бичсэн.1975 онд тэд нар Мicrosoft-г байгуулсан бөгөөд Билл Гейтс Харвардад үлдсэн. Тун удалгүй Мicrosoft нь хамгийн амжилттай бизнес болж чадсан. Үүнээс хойш тус компани улам өргөжин тэлсээр байгаа бөгөөд дэлхийн тэргүүлэх персонал компютерын програм хангамжыг үйлдвэрлэдэг. Түүний амжилтын нэг шалтгаан нь үргэлж өөдрөг үзэлтэй байж шаргуу хөдөлмөрлөдөгт байсан юм. Түүнд хувийн амьдралаа зохицуулах ямарч цаг зав гардаггүй байсан бөгөөд тэрээр 1994 онд Microsoft-н ажилтан Меринда прежтэй гэрлэсэн. 1995 онд тэрээр “Урагшлах зам” гэдэг номоо бичсэн.
Bill has mixed feelings about spending so much time running Microsoft.” There are lot of experiences I haven’t had, but I do like my job,” he says. When he does find time to relax, he likes puzzles, golf and reading about science. For such a rich person, his life is simple, and he spends little on himself and his family. When it comes to helping others, though, Gates is very generous. He has already given huge amounts of money to charity, and says that he plans to give away almost all of his wealth when he retires.
Билл Microsoft-г удирдахад ихэнх цагаа зарцуулдаг байсан. Миний сураагүй зүйл маш их байгаа бөгөөд би өөрийнхөө ажилд дуртай гэж тэрээр хэлсэн. Түүнд амрах цаг гарвал үгийн сүлжээ бөглөж, гольф тоглож, ШУ-ны ном унших дуртай байсан. Тэр хэдийгээр баян боловч түүний амьдрал нь маш энгийн бөгөөд тэрээр өөртөө болон гэр бүлдээ маш бага мөнгө зарцуулдаг байсан. Тэр бусад хүмүүст тусладаг байсан бөгөөд маш өгөөмөр сэтгэлтэй. Тэр буяны ажилд маш их мөнгө өгсөн бөгөөд тэрээр тэтгэвэрт гарсан үедээ өөрийн эд хөрөнгийн ихэнх хувийг нь хүмүүст өгнө гэж төлөвлөсөн байдаг.
There are many kind of food in the world. The kind of food we eat depends on which part of the world we live in or which part of our country we live in. For example, in Japan and in the south of China they eat rice, in Mongolia they eat noodles. In Germany and Poland there are hundreds of different kinds of sausages.
Also there are many kind of eating way. For example: In China there is only one course, all the food is together on the table, and they eat with chopsticks. In Europe there are two or more courses to every meal and people eat with forks and knives.
Food is important in human live. People can not live without food.
So you need to eat food which is very delicious, good quality and with kinds of vitamin. In our Mongolia, we usually eat meat, flour and dairy product. Our Mongolia is nomadic country. From ancient times on, Mongolians have lived in the vast lauds of central Asia raising livestock.
Mongolians have a long history of raising and caring for the livestock such as horses, cattle, sheep, goats and camels. There are many kinds of food in Mongolia. For example: soup, buuz and boiling meat. Many Mongolians like eating buuz. It is very dilcous food. It consists of meat, flour, salt, onion and many kinds of spice. At the beginning you chop meat and then you mix flour. Then you mix salt and onion in meat. So you pick out buuz in order to meat on the flour.
The Internet: FAQs
(Frequently Asked Questions)
The internet is withouth doubt one of the most important iventions in history. It was started in 1968 by the US government, but at first it was used mainly by scientist. Since 1990, when the World Wide Web was created, it has changed the world, and its uses are growing every day.
Интернет бол түүхэнд маш чухал өөрчлөлт оруулсан зүйлүүдийн нэг юм. Энэ нь 1968 онд анх АНУ-н ЗГ-с зөвшөөрөгдсөн бөгөөд зөвхөн эрдэмтэд хэрэглэдэг байсан. 1990 оноос хойш дэлхий даяар гэсэн web бүтээгдсэн нь дэлхийг өөрчилсөн бөгөөд өдөр бүр интернет ашиглах нь нэмэгдсээр байна.
1.What exactly is the internet? The internet is a network (several network, in fact) of millions of computers around the world, connected by phone lines, satellite or cable, so that all the computers on the net can exchange information with each other.
Интернет гэдэг нь дэлхий дээрх сая сая компьютерын нэгэн сүлжээ бөгөөд энэ нь утсан холбоо, кабли зэргээр холбогддог. Түүнчлэн интернетэд холбогдсон компьютер нь хоорондоо мэдээлэл солилцож болдог.
2.That’s the same thing as the Web, isn’t it? Not quite. The internet links computers, and the World Wide Web is a system which links th information stored inside these computers.
Интернет нь комьпютерыг холбодог бөгөөд дэлхий даяар гэсэн web нь эдгээр компьютеруудад хадгалагдах систем юм.
3.What do i need in order to use the internet? A company or organisation stores its infomation in electronic documents on one of the internet computers, somewhere in the whrld. This computer space – the company’s web site – has an address, in the same way that every telephone has a number. To visit a web side, you simply enter the address. Your computer is connected to the web site, a document is downloaded, and a page appears on your computer screen.
Ямар нэгэн компани болон албан газар өөрийн мэдээллээ интернетэд холбогдсон компьютерын тодорхой нэг Документэд хадгалдаг бөгөөд үүнийг дэлхийн хаанаас ч үзэж болно. Утас бүр номертой байдгийн адил тухайн компани өөрийн гэсэн хаягтай байна. Та тухайн вэбэд орохыг хүсвэл хаягыг оруулах хэрэгсэй. Таны компьютер вэбэд холбогдсоноор тухайн документ уншигдаж, компьютерын дэлгэцэн дээр хуудас гарч ирдэг
4. What is a web site, and how do i visit one? When you visit a web site looking information, some words on the page may be underlined, showing that there is more information about the subject in another document. If you click on one of these words, the Web automatically connects your computer to a new document or web site, even if this is stored thousands of kilometres away. You’re surfing the net!
Таныг тухайн вэбээс мэдээлэл хайх үед хуудсан дээрх зарим үг нь доогуураа зурагдсан байдаг. Энэ нь тухайн мэдээллийн талаар илүү их мэдээлэлтэй өөр нэг документ гарч ирнэ гэсэн үг юм. Хэрэв эдгээр үгийн нэгэн дээр дарах юм бол тухайн вэб нь таны компьютертэй автоматаар холбогдож шинэ документ гарч ирнэ. Энэ нь олон мянган км-н цаана хадгалагдаж байсан. Та интернетээр аялж байна
5. What can i use the internet for? The main use of the internet is to find information – for your schoolwork or job, or just to find uot more about your hobbies, sports or current events. You can also use the internet to read newspapers and magazines, play games, plan your holiday or buy things from your favorite shop. E-mail makes it possible to send electronic messages anywhere in the world in second, and you can use the internet to “chat” with people and make new friends. Интернет ашиглах гол зорилго нь өөрийн сургуулийн буюу ажил, хобби, дуртай спорт болон тухайн цаг үеийн үйл явдалтай холбогдолтой мэдээлэл хайх явдал юм. Мөн та интернетэд сонин сэтгүүл уншиж, тоглоом тоглож, өөрийн амралтаа төлөвлөж, дэлгүүрээс дуртай зүйлээ худалдаж авахад интернет-г ашиглах боломжтой юм. Хоёрдугаарт e-mail хаяг нээснээр дэлхийн аль ч газарлуу электрон захидал илгээх боломжтой бөгөөд мөн та интернетээр бусад хүмүүстэй “Чат”-лан шинэ найзтай болох боломжтой.
6. How do i “surf the net”? If you don’t already use the internet, all you need to get started is a computer, a moden and a phone line. Using the internet is getting cheaper and easier all the time. Are you ready to surf net? There’s whole exciting internet world out there waiting for you!
Хэрэв та интернет-г ашигладаггүй бол танд компьютерийн модем болон утсан холбоо хэрэгтэй. Интернет ашиглах нь үргэлж хамгийн хямд хатгийн хялбар байдаг. Та интернетээр аялахад бэлэн байна уу? Дэлхий дээрх бүхий л сонирхолтой интернет таныг хүлээж байна.
1.The Little Mermaid is located in the Langelinie harbour of Copenhagen and is the national symbol of Denmark. It is a small statue of a mermaid sitting on a rock. Like a real mermaid, she is half human half fish.
2.The statue is inspired by a fairy tale by the famous Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen. It was ordered by Carl Jacobsen, of the famous Carlsberg Brewery, after he attended a performance of the Little Mermaid by the Royal Danish Ballet Company. The statue was made by Edvard Eriksen and put up at Langelinie on 23rd August, 1913. Sadly, it was damaged many times since then.
3.The Little Mermaid is visited by more than a million people every year. It can saw quite easily from the Langelinie Harbour. Tourist can also enjoy the wonderful harbour view and buy postcards, T-shirts and other souvenirs at the harbour.
4.You will be amazed by this delightful statue, which should not be missed by any visitor to the Copenhagen area.
There are large number of holidays in the world. Most of them for brave, honest or great historical people. I think wedding, birthday and other similar holidays are more important than big holidays such as Christmas, women's day, tsagaan sar and etc... because of economic skill some public holidays make heavy weather for people who have lives under the high level (rich). Because in holidays people usually buy gifts for each other and go out to have dinner at nice restaurant or travel to see some sights. Therefore holidays are easy way to get money for some sallespeople. People turn into costumer in holidays. When I think about my childhood, holidays today seem like the greatest things of life. Children are the most loyal fan of holiday. They wait holidays and wish take something they want. Furthermore there are some people believe that traditional holidays represent love and respect. Therefore, when they offer homemade cookies or cupcakes, we must hate to hurt their feelings by refusing them. Today public holidays became the reason of crime growing. Because people use beer and alcohol drink much to celebrate the holidays. Therefore police works hard while the public holidays. If people celebrate public and their own holiday without alcohol its all okey!
The pollution
Because of people's fault that the living conditions in our planet are getting worse and worse. There are too many problems. One of the major problem is water pollution. Factories are polluting rivirs and lakes with dangerous chemicals oil tankers are releasing toxic oil into oceans. Because of industrial and domistic waste are poured into water that sea life is under threat. Some simple pleasures such as swimming in the sea, drinking cool pure water on a hot summer day, or showering by pure water are maybe soon turn into a thing of the past time. Another big problem is air pollution. There are too many cars, factories around our cities give off dangerous fumes. Most of factories dont use filters. So air gets dirty. Also ger destrict is important issue. More people are developing allergies and breathing problems. Destraction of the forests show us some effects example: Birds and animals lose their homes and die. And it is bringing us changes in the climate, air pollution etc... in the past few year our world is getting warm. Pollutions of air water and hunting animals, eating meat are cause of global warming. I think now factories should put filters, people should not use cars and we should understand how important world for us. Whatever we should do something before it's too late.
biy daalt5
1b 11c 21c 31a
2c 12a 22a 32a
3a 13b 23a 33a
4b 14a 24c 34c
5b 15a 25c 35c
6a 16a 26a 36c
7b 17b 27b 37b
8c 18c 28a 38c
9b 19a 29b
10b 20a 30c
exercise2 Choose the correct word to fill in the sentence.
Exercise2 How quickly can you match the words and the descriptions?
Exercise 3. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.
1.Diana said to Mark Paul was wearing black sunglasses.
2.Bill said he would buy a newspaper.
3.Clieve said George had eaten all the chocolates.
4.Tom asked Sam waht his favorite color was.
5.Amma asked Claire if you liked strawberries.
Exercise 4
1.Is there a supermarket near here?
2.How do I get to the museum?
3.What time?
4.How lucky!
5.What a pity!
Read the following text and choose the correct answer..
biy daalt 6
1-b 11-b 21-a 31-a 41-a
2-b 12-a 22-b 32-a 42-c
3-a 13-a 23-a 33-b 43-b
4-c 14-b 24-b 34-c 44-b
5-a 15-b 25-a 35-b 45-a
6-c 16-c 26-b 36-b 46-a
7-b 17-a 27-c 37-c 47-b
8-a 18-a 28-b 38-a 48-a
9-c 19-b 29-c 39-a 49-c
10-a 20-a 30-b 40-b
1.She told Jerry to pass her a bowl.
2.She told Susie to get her some eggs from the fridge.
3.Our mother told us not to forget to wash your hands.
4.Mrs. Cross told her dog sitter not to give him any sweets.
5.Mrs. Cross told her dog sitter to feed him twice a day.
1.aren’t you
2.does she
3.did you
4.hasn’t she
5.won’t you
6.have you
7.isn’t she
8.can’t I
9.hadn’t they
10.didn’t he
The Pros and Cons of using the Internet
Интернэтийн хэрэглээний сул ба давуу талууд
Advertisements for the Internet promise you a world of information, entertainment, on-line shopping and e-mail services.
Интернет танд мэдээллийн ертөнц зугаа цэнгэл, онлайн худалдаа, и-мэйлийн үйлчилгээг амладаг.
However the real world of the Internet may not be as perfect as the advertisements suggest.
Гэвч интернетийн ертөнц санал болгосон шигээ төгс байж чаддаггүй,
Using the Internet offers many advantages. For example, all of the latest information is available to you, in your home, at any hour of the day or night.
Интернэт хэрэглэх нь олон давуу талтай.
Жишээ нь: Бүх сүүлийн үеийн мэдээлэлийг өдөр шөнийн аль ч цагт та авах боломжтой.
It is much faster and easier to surf the net in search of information from all over the world than to travel to libraries in dozens of countries.
Дэлхий нийтээс мэдээлэл хайж интернетээр аялах нь олон улсын номын сангаас аялахаас ч илүү хурдан бас хялбар юм.
Firstly on-line shopping makes it possible to search through catalogues to find exactly what you want at the best price, saving both time and money.
Нэгдүгээрт, онлайн худалдаагаар та каталогоос хүссэн зүйлээ тохирсон үнээр нь авч цаг мөнгөө хэмнэх болно.
By joining a newsgroup or chat group, you can share your hobbies and special interests, and perhaps make friends all over the world.
Мэдээлэл эсвэл чатын хэсэгт холбогдсоноор та өөрийн сонирхол болон хоббигоо бусадтай хуваалцаж чадах ба дэлхий дахинд олон найзтай болох болно.
Finally e-mail is popular because it is faster than sending a letter and cheaper than a telephone conversation.
Эцэст нь имэйл нь захиа явуулахаас хурдан ба утасны ярианаас хямдхан.
On the other hand, the Internet has several disadvantages.
Интернэтэд зарим нэгэн сул тал бий.
Multimedia web pages with photographs, music and video are attractive, but they make downloading show and boring.
Зураг, хөгжим, видео зэргийг багтаасан муоьтмедиа вэб хуудас нь хүсэл татсан байх боловч тэдгээр нь ачаалахад удаан бас залхуутай байдаг.
What is more, there is too much advertising instead of real information.
Үүнээс гадна тэнд бодитой мэдээллийн оронд зар сурталчилгаа их байдаг.
As for Internet friendships, sitting at home in front of a computer making ‘chat friends’ is not the same actually meeting people.
Гэртээ компьютерийн ард суугаад чаатны найзтай болох нь хүнтэй уулзахтай адил биш юм.
In conclusion, the Internet obviously has both good and bad points.
Дүгнэж хэлэхэд, интернэт муу, сайн талуудтай.
Fortunately, the system is improving all the time, and any problems which still exist can be solved.
Хэдий тийм боловч энэ систем нь улам сайжирч асуудал нь багасч байгаа.
Whether we like it or not, the Internet is here to stay, so we have to make the best possible use of it.
Интернэт бидэнд таалагдсан ч, таалагдаагүй ч энэ бидний хамгийн чухал хэрэглээ байсаар байх болно.
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